It was an awesome live, it was Coldplay Mylo Xyloto tour 2012 - live in Auckland!
Yes, I went to see Coldplay, and yes, it was my second concert after Mayday in Sydney!
Actually, I bought this ticket before the Mayday one, and was thinking that Coldplay will be my first concert
Eventually, Mayday did still my priority! haha
Anyways, the Mylo Xyloto concert had been planned, and it was on last Saturday night!
Sze Ying, come all the way from Dunedin, Chyi Mei, all the way from Wellington, and me, all the way from Palmy, meet at this paradise just for Coldplay.
Well, Coldplay not just melted our heart, they attracted over 40000 ppl at Mt Smart Stadium!!
U wont believe this, we arrived the stadium around 3pm, and the concert was actually only started at 9pm!!
And look at this!!
The first person waiting at the Stadium gate has been waiting since 9am in the morning!! So, there were insane fans in Western world too!
I mean, I definitely not surprise with this condition in Asia, and it would be worst, but definitely shocked when I seeing this super-long queue in front of the stadium.
We lined up like 300meters away from the front gate of the stadium and waiting under the massive sun, seriously!?
The gate was opened for entrance around 4.30pm, but only allowed a certain amount of ppl went in, I guess they just want to control the situation, but the overwhelming atmosphere did create a minor chaos.
Anyways, we finally got in the stadium, the concert ground like around 5.45pm, after the long queue upon entering the stadium and scanning our bags.
Oh well, it was not really like those airport scanning machine, it was manpower, thus my lid of the water bottle was asked to be threw away, i mean if they really afraid fans throwing the bottle lid to the singers, what about the remain water bottle??
It was super troublesome to carry the full water bottle without a lid around the concert, especially we were at general admission, not seats!!
Well, lucky for us to come that early, we reserved very great spot for the concert. While the drawback was, we had to control our water consumption, as those portable toilets were alocated very far away from where we were, and as soon as we reserved our great spot, huge amount of ppl had come after us. We were basically 'stucked'.
There were some crazy fans dressed up in elephants, just like the elephant appeared in COldplay's <paradise> mv.
U might wonder why the concert start that late, well I am not too sure if this is common, but basically based on what i've heard so far, seems like western concert (as in concert held at NZ) always started late, and special guest will be arranged before the main stars performed. So, the American sisters band performed at 6.30pm, and followed by another AUssie rock band - Temper Trap around 7.30pm.
This was my first time knowing these 2 bands, well, I should be familiar with the Pierces, as most of their songs were in those American series I watched, like Charmed, The Ghost Whisperer etc. Thus, I really think their songs were very nice, and they have good vocals!
For Temper trap, hmmm, I just felt like the vocal was really like Malay, and doubted why he was so popular.....hmmm, different ppl did have different taste aye.
Then, around 8.30pm, Temper Trap finished their songs, and the stage was remain emptied for a short while until some workers were climbing up to the lighting equipment hanging high up at the stage. We were very curious, and was thinking if they would jump later as for part of the show??
ok, i dint capture the 'spider man' but this was the lighting equipment hanged on the stage, and those workers were actually sitting on top (there were like 3 hanging chairs along witht the lighting equipments) all the way throughout the concert.
Luckily our scary imagination did not happen, Coldplay appeared around 9.10pm with beautiful fireworks at the background of the stage....<Hurts like heaven> litted up the show!!
Just like what Chyi Mei decribed in her blog, it was so hard to express the concert in words! Well, let the photos explained.
Surprisingly, the situation was quite under-controlled. I was prepared for the pushes and squeezes that would be happened soon after Coldplay come out. But, it was not that bad, most of the fans were very well displined, at least for those around me. Of cz, i could see that the girl who standing right beside Sze Ying before the concert started had soon stood in front of me while Coldplay come out, but apart from ppl around me was different every time, i was alright. Well, we couldnt avoid elbow or hand touching during the concert, so I was very pleased with this enjoyment!
We were actually very closed to the stage, I could see Chris Martin (the vocal) very closely, but I must confess that I am short, oh all 3 of us are very short.
We kinda like 'horbits' in the crowd, 60% of my sight was blocked by tall people or raising hands in the air...oh well, at least I really enjoyed. I think I was really in paradise...and good job for COldplay on designing the visual effect...
This was appear while the song - <paradise> was played, very creative design and message. A thought just came across my mind, Coldplay was really similar to my big idol - Mayday. Not because both of them are rock bands, Coldplay also bringing their important msg via their music....and from this concert, I could feel that Coldplay fans were very well behaved, and somehow I might be bias, but I did think that they were all good men. was really weird while seeing those kiwis singing along with Coldplay, they remembered all the lyrics, and u could feel their passion towards the songs!! I just couldnt believe this happened on those slacky kiwis who always dont care and just drink....hmmmm, interesting~
The concert ended about 10.45pm, yea, it was just a 1 hr plus show, well it was short, but actually they didnt talk....Basically, they were just yelling: let's rocks, let's have fun....when I thought about that, actually Mayday talked a lots during concert at Sydney. Well, I actually think there were no right or wrong, bcz both of these concerts were awesome!
note: I stood for around 6 hrs, and my neck actually sored while Coldplay performing their second song, I was totally wasted after the concert, omg, it was so tiring compared to the Mayday one as I was sitting that time. Truely think that I have to go concert while I am young. Anyways, just like what Halie said, concert is always a good activity!