well the title just listed what i've been doing for today, such a productive weekend for me.

I spent today with ChyiMei and Ameline at Otaki and Wellington suburb without a plan..great day!


Was actually staying overnight with ChyiMei (finally) last night, and heard so many nice stories from her previous Japan trip (i am super jealous >m<)

she also kindly gifted me these:


A koinobori!! Now I could hang something relavant to Japan in my room (really random...lol), and also a japanese green tea kit-kat (of cz Japan), and a very yum half-mocha, half-azuki bean candy!


While today, we went to Penrays for strawberries picking!


Ameline and Chyi actually explored this special place last week, and they were so addicted with the strawberries~



well although eating were not allowed, some ppl still ignored the board and ate as much as they could, guess who are them? Asian (to be specific, Singaporean)...typically, but seriously shame of u!

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there were not many strawberries plants, some of the rows were closed for next week picking, and many ppl actually come for strawberry picking~


I was happy to able to pick strawberries by myself for the first time too, but never expect the strawberries were so yummy!!
They are so juicy and soft, not all were sweet, some were actually sour or tasteless, but i am very happy with what i got!


I ended up bought 1.6kg of strawberries with only NZD6/kg price! Super cheap!! Strawberries used to be sold in 250g punnet in supermarket with the cheapest price was NZD1.79 (which I found out).

I also bought one local produced zucchini, it was so cool when i able to pluck the zucchini from the plant, a very real experience!haha XD


Then we gone to Stephan's, a swiss restaurant for lunch.

Love the environment and food, my fish of the day was really fresh and yummy.

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We spent sometimes for an afternoon tea too, gosh the teapot was really elegant and fancy~


I was impressed with the selections of tea Stephan's provided, the menu was amazing, and the photo just showed a quarter of it, it was 2 pages long! (with heaps of words)


My cherry blossom tea was quite nice, with strong odour but nt really strong taste. Matched the slices we ordered very well.

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We ordered a slice of cookies n creme cheese cake and a lemon tart...perhaps i had higher demand when come to dessert, they were just alright.


Anyways, the afternoon meal time at Stephan's was amazing and relaxing!


Well, i think we just eat and eat, berries, lunch, cakes, and then dinner!!

Gone to Pandan for the famous curry~



Tada~ curry was very yummy!!! And definitely Malaysian home-made curry, they even served the Klang famous curry...wow i never knew Klang for famous indian curry...><

And the sambal chyi ordered was so HOTTTT! Even me, who proud of my capability to take spicy food also given up!


Anyways, good food with reasonable price, no complaint but a lot of thumbs!!!


P/S: I also bought another local designer's fancy dress, with a very fancy price (but it was actually on sale tho, nvm. hahaha)



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