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差不多午餐时间,我们去了auckland dominion road,就是传说的中华街去吃好吃的

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接着趁天气还不错,我们上了mount eden!


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我们去了st luke的mall,之前听我的越南室友说这个mall多好多好,其实我倒觉得还好罢了。。。。

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我们看到这个,在food court的桌面上,是那种给小孩猜字的游戏。。。好有趣哦!



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yeah, 今天终于抵达了。。。坐了近9小时的巴士,超累的说,巴士上也挺冷的,虽然说是夏天







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他们家还有漂亮的阳台!能够看到sky tower咧!





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曼宣昨天做的swiss roll,曼祯男友冲的美禄,还有忘了他们家谁煮的红豆汤~<3



吃完点心后,我们要去血拼了!我要把boxing day的损失拿回来!哈哈

我和曼祯两人去了dress mart,我还是第一次去,现在才后知后觉原来dress mart 是集合所有店铺的outlets,我这次也算有收获哦

买了一顶草帽,和生平中第一双converse 的鞋子!我们逛好久哦,我脚都发麻了!而且到店铺都打烊,哈哈哈!





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我们决定吃韩国烧烤!其实好久没吃了,上一回吃是和huey yee在奥克兰求职时也吃过,但是的经验还超糟糕的,油烟太重了,而且搞的我肠胃痛!




没错,因为大家可能一早就霸好位置,所以我们出发时9点多,他们决定去对岸,也就是devonport那里看对面海港上从sky city发射的烟火


本来我们是上山 (mount victoria) 看烟火的,但实在太冷了!后来就下山到devonport,找车位也找了近20分钟!


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而且看到的那个火线就是呈3条线,还真的是让我们冷汗直流!!!! 莫非2012就是那样?





p/s: 话说我们回家就堵了1小时车,而且沿途上突然收到邻居电话说家里alarm响了!搞的我们胆战心惊,以为家进贼了!后来楠哥也好像生气了,气呼呼的回家,不过还好后来证实虚惊一场~~

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是的,最后我的房间也满人了,我洗澡后在房里都呆不下去,去了common room写在nelson买的明信片,写完后恰巧遇到我同房的韩国妹,就闲聊起来了

自己旅行的好处就是能够认识到新朋友吧,但我没有和这个韩国妹保持联络,就只是此处认识罢了,不过我今天check out 后,就去了他给我推荐的地方

center of NZ,对就是整个新西兰的中心所在,原来在nelson!!!




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holiday 512.jpgholiday 520.jpgholiday 522.jpg  远处zoom过去还看到灯塔^^

本来想说去尝尝那个在这海边非常有名的fish and chips,结果它11点半才开,(当时才11点),其实时间是充足的,但我这个杞人忧天的性格

加上我真的很讨厌赶东赶西的,所以我放弃了fish and chips,但到回市中心去吃我的寿司。。。。




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差不多3点多时我也到惠灵顿了,马上就把行李锁在我前天下住的backpacker locker里,因为那里就在火车站对面

然后冲到市中心去检“剩货”了,哈哈,去看boxing day 后的残迹。。。。拉啦啦啦。。。

还好,买了body shop sweet lemon body lotion, japanese cherry blossom body lotion

算是有收获拉,然后去了 “茶” (台湾餐厅)吃饭,还打包了一块蛋糕。。。。==














vivian 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

好的,今天是boxing day,其实也没说要血拼的打算,但的确有东西想买,所以早上起来后有满心期待去nelson的

但是我的巴士下午2点才开,所以我一早就check out,然后去享受我的早餐。。。。


这早餐价格不菲,其实我吃过这么多这种big breakfast,还是觉得我以前大学里union hall的最棒~真后悔没去隔壁家去吃它们的house salmon steak。。。

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接着,我就去街上逛逛,因为今天街上的店铺不得不开啊,哈哈,怎能错过boxing day大减价,但是这里的东西普遍上都很贵,我也是欣赏橱窗的,但买了明信片!

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抵达nelson后就忍不住想要冲到市中心去血拼了,但是还是有忍住,先去YHA check in。。。



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我买了double scoop: lavender honey + buttercup and avocado!哇! 好吃哦!



唯一好的是body shop有summer sale! 但我不敢买,因为我怕带不上飞机,因为我明天坐飞机去惠灵顿,然后坐巴士会北帕。。。

然后我没买行李的配套,所以hand carry不能带液体。。。

当发现都没血拼的机会,我就想说去观光好了~ 结果。。。。。


本来以为应该不严重,结果好像觉得不对劲,吓死我了,马上跑回街上(因为我已离开市中心一段距离的说),发现那些pharmacies 都关门了!

啊!!!!!!马上去farmers 找胶布,结果没卖!什么!?


好了,有好过没有,我打消去观光的念头,去吃晚餐了,毕竟下午并没吃过正餐。。。结果没什么选择,大家依然沉醉在圣诞的气氛。。。我只能选择burger king....

边吃边和nicole 发简讯。。。然后有渐渐害怕自己受伤的手指可能不轻微,马上向nicole 救命!还好最终真的联络上了,然后听了指示一下觉得还是回yha去看看能不能有什么帮忙的








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就是要去这个nelson port, 就是这个指示牌,刚刚就是忽略了这个这么明显的指示,在地图上乱找。。。结果,教训啊!

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不过没关系,我明天要去另外一边,可以的话。。。。那时一定可以看到tasman sea!!



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看来我想太多了,shuttle 很准时,我们也很顺利到码头。。。

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然后提行李的这个跟机场一模一样。。。没错我有check in我的行李!

然后我就和台湾妹告别了,因为她将比我更早去nelson,而我又再次一个人的行李到我预订的backpacker check in。

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然后就在common room里看电视了,超无聊的说。不过我是来relax的,所以没关系。。。这样坐着竟然收到特别的甜点一份!

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Pavlova!!!这是纽西兰的iconic dessert~backpacker里的人给我的,真的好开心哦!然后吃完甜点后一股冲动想说去看夕阳~但是只看到晚霞~

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backpacker里的圣诞树,大家merry christmas~

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这次去的地方是南岛的picton & nelson,都在南岛的上端,而且是海滨城市,非常迎合夏天的氛围。。





基本上到那里都下午了,这是第一次自己住在wellington的backpacker里,放了行李后就赶着去和teresita见面,我们约在simply paris,本来打算说要买那个他们网站上一直推荐的christmas log cake,后来才发现原来很小且很贵~所以算啦。。。



发觉wellington市中心做grocerries很贵。。。 还好我不是住这。。。所以最终我买了一些水果,然后到亚洲商店买了日本杯面 (好久没吃的说),然后后来发现一间寿司店做促销,买了2盒寿司。。。我的妈,我还真的很不会节制。。。还竟然继续跑去回转寿司店吃新鲜出炉的。。。。==





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  =the first night= (25/11)

Ok so, this is another reunion trip, can be considered the following trip of Hamilton on Labour weekend.

This time, New Plymouth was selected to be the destination in consideration of time and preference. Uncle geng like to go to somewhere close to the ocean, and the travel time to New Plymouth matched our limited time schedule perfectly.


we wait for Jessie at the Intercity bus stop after we arrived, and the bus-stop shelter is so "beachy", with these surfing boards decorations...and this shelter is really ideal for ppl to rest and wait for others to come pick up them. =)

Thanks to me and Jessie, we found a good motel with brilliant service. I felt so delighted to be treated as VIP, although the motel’s manager, Tony was not driving a Mercedes, however, it was awesome that someone come to pick us up from the bus stop.

The wind was strong on that night upon our arrival. The night of New Plymouth was alright, oh well, we did not able to get to see much of the night life.

Uncle Geng was forced to be isolated in the only room in our unit, we were hoping we could get rid of his loud snore and get a good sleep. We were having pillow talk until 1 something that night, and the bed was so comfortable, much more better than the bed I have in Palmy...=S

And surprisingly, either Uncle geng had less snores, or the wall in our unit is thick enough, I dint hear anything and slept very well =)

=the second day=(26/11)

We woke up like around 8 something, after breakfast, we went to this park where is closed to our motel, Pukekura park. This park is really huge, and it has a zoo (mini version) inside!!!


and we had so much fun at the playground....LOL



Look at the Mt taranaki at the back of me!! ( I noe, my hair was a mess!)


lying on the grass was my favourite recently =P


we took so many photos....

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and the zoo....well is a mini zoo...., so nt much animal to see, but well fair enough....  

However, we did not get to explore the entire park due to limited time and everyone was craving for lunch. So we went to city centre, and have lunch. According to someone’s recommendation, we have our lunch in the food court!! “really nice”!!

Then, we walked the costal walkway, partly....The only icon I saw was the wind wand, other than that, just rocks, black beach and sea...I am pretty sure, it would be good if we able to walk the entire coastal walkway, however, we have no time...and we dint plan this trip very well and I am pretty sure they just don’t want to walk the entire day.

Shirley and Geng were quite looking forward for swimming in the sea, but the fact is, swimming seems too dangerous there, and no one did it. Therefore, they were like just wearing swimming suit for 15 mins, and have photos....haha


Anyway, nothing to do as they refused to continue walking, we head back to the city, and had tea, then followed by dinner....

Seems like is a trip for eat and drink~

Then dinner was Japanese food! Yes!! I enjoyed my meal! <3


and then on the way back home, we went to pak n saveto buy some fruits and i saw this:


haha, so funny!!! XD

=the last day=(27/11)

So time to say goodbye, we checked out and have a bit shopping in the mall.

Then had some photos with the significant icon- wind wand, then have lunch at the thai express.



That’s the end of our trip, when in the next time?

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Yes, after the 18km whakapapa walk on last month, this time, another milestone: Tongariro crossing!

I was very confused whether go or not when sophie and sara asked me, and my biggest concern was the steepness of the track...

Then I was impressed by the motivation from the latest Japanese drama: Nankyoku Tairiku, starring Takuya Kimura, I will share more info about this drama sometimes later, it was a highly recommended drama!

Therefore, I made up my mind, and decided to challenge my boundary on hiking activities. I spent $$ for a brand new hiking shoes at Kahmandu, well, I think for life, it was worth!

Again this time, I left the organization to Sara and Sophie, but did point out some points they missed out. I checked the details of Tongariro online many times, and ya for your info:

Tongariro crossing is a well known, and one of the best track in NZ.


The whole distance is 17km, actually is shorter than Whakapapa walk, however the track covers valleys and hills, it roughly takes 7-9 hrs to complete the track. To note, there another 2 options on the top, which we can choose to climb up to Mt Ngauruhoe (for extra 3 hrs), or to Mt Tongariro (extra 1 hr). Tongariro crossing is a volcanic track, therefore the view along the track is magnificant!

More info: http://www.tongarirocrossing.org.nz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=27

So move on to my trip, actually this time, I invited Shirley along as she just started her uni holiday, and there's an extra seat in the car, why not?

The plan was we will go there with 2 cars: first car: Sophie, Anne CC and Gaetan went to Taupo on Friday for trip, and would meet us at the start point (Mangatepopo car park) of the track on Sunday morning, the second car which is our car: Me, Shirley, Sara and Uma would go on Sat evening as we dont want to go Taupo, and we would parked our car at the end point (Ketetahi car park), and Gaetan will come to pick us up and back to the initial point and start our track.

Well, I actually love the plan, but something happened on our trip. We got convinced when we (I mean us, the 2nd car) went for pizza takeaways (for dinner) at Ohakune, the boss is also running shuttle for the tongariro crossing track, and she told us the pros and cons about getting our own transport to the car park. Well, Sara was worried about her car, fair enough, as she bought the car for her family trip, and she definitely cant afford ruining her car just because of the track.

Therefore, eventually we chose to go with the shuttle, but not the pizza's lady boss, was with our very friendly and kind backpacker's owners. The lovely couple were nice enough to wait for our decision and helped us with the shuttle booking when the shuttle company actually had off of their working time. However, I admitted that we really lack of communication with the first car (Sophie, Anne and Gaetan), we were trying to contact them, but the signal was so poor, and when we reached them, we were more like order rather than discuss. They also have no choice rather than follow our changing mind.

Anyway, they also come out with another backup plan, I can see why: 1. the shuttle fees; 2. the time to complete the track.

Yea, if we follow the shuttle, we must complete the track within 8 hrs, as if the shuttle left at 4pm (the last shuttle), there's none.

So their backup plan was, only Gaetan will come with us, and Sophie and Anne will start their track before us. At first I thought we will depart very early, cz the shuttle departed at 6 smthing, but eventually we only arrived the starting point around 7.30am...and I was very worried if I can complete the track before 4. Well, what to do, continue and give more effort!

I felt so grateful our backpacker owner borrowed us some tracking poles, although other didnt take it, but I did, and they really helpful! We started our track then, and I was kinda pissed at first when Gaetan forcefully gave a 1.5L water bottle to Uma to carry while Uma refused to and said is for everyone. Well I think eventually she also helped GAetan, poor Uma.


Then, very soon, we reached the first resting hut, and Gaetan decided to go to the hut to find Sophie and Anne, but Sara decided to continue, so we just left Gaetan with his water bottle which he passed to Uma before. Then we continued our walk and reached soda spring.


Well, I think soda spring scenary was soso, so we dint stop for long time. But, something I dint or probably sort of expected happened. Actually we met Sophie and Anne on the way to Soda spring, and Gaetan thought they were waiting him at the hut near the starting point, so means he made a mistake, and Sophie and Anne had to wait Gaetan then. Since we were tight in time, we decided to continue our track. Then Gaetan and them eventually also met us at Soda spring. Gaetan and Anne were so pissed off, and blamed us for not waiting them but continued our track, thus also blamming us not helping him carried his water bottle and claimed the water is for all of us. At this point I really didnt want to fight with them, but I was really pissed off, because everyone was carrying our own bottle, which was also 1.5L each person! SO I showed him my bottle, and said we have our own bottle, then he was speechless, and just stopped talking with us.

And I really felt sorry for Sophie, cz she was trapped btween the 2 groups of us. She also kept on apologized to us, and actually both of us have fault, there's no one to blame. So, we splited for the track. We continued walk, while Sophie them continue walk slowly and took more photos.

Then, we reached the devil stairs!


I finally understand why they claimed it as the devil staircases, it was so steep, so long, and so tiring...at some point I really think that I potentially got asthma and might relapse...LOL...Uma and Shirley were very patient to wait for me, well, they were gasping for air too. Then I still tried my best to climb another stairs as soon as possible and we met a old guy. He was asking us where we from, and last he threw a sentence towards us: " Just to let you know, I will be 60 tomorrow!"

Thanks!! This was really motivating!

And we reached South crater~


we decided to take a short break after we met devils at the stair case, we took muesli bar....and u see my new shoes?? =P


At the back is Mt Ngauruhoe, it is also the Mt Doom in the movie Lord of the rings, where the ring was being threw into the volcano, is the same moutain!! Well, but we had lack of time and equipment to challenge this moutain, but we decided to challenge Mt Tongariro.


we left our backpack under this sign, and yea, it was a relief!


The view at South crater was so awesome!


That's me, at the back was Red crater which we will challenge soon on our way back.  


and the track to Mt Tongariro....

I was very confused to continue my track up to the summit, first I am inconfident, afraid that I couldnt back to South crater in an hr, 2nd, the weather was really bad. Yes, it was very chilly on South crater, well we were getting higher and higher. And I totally gave up after this:


The track changed, or I should said, the snow was not fully melted yet, so the path began with snow....wow, I really gave up this time, well, U can said I am a chicken, and I admit that. As I didnt want to ruin my track, I didnt want to miss my shuttle, and I dint want to cause troublesome to others...

but eventually I walked a bit of the snow path....and then I met Uma and Sara, they were on their way back from the summit (So u can imagine how slow was me, how fast were them...). They said me and Shirley dint miss anything, as the top was very foggy and chilly, and more snow covered the summit, which they couldnt see anything. SO I kinda convinced myself that I made a right decision for not continue to the summit. We walked back to the south crater...


Then we had lunch at south crater, then continued our track up to red crater.


Then, another nightmare began....my nightmare: the descent from the red crater!

Yes, since the last walk at whakapapa, I knew that walking down is my biggest limitation, I am not good with it as my balance was really bad even though I am a libra....=P


It was so steep, steepest than the whakapapa, the difference was it was not that rocky, the path was soft. I knew that because I fall twice!

Yea, another foreigner was giving me tips to walk down, but I am not that fit as him, so I still fall, and walked very very slowly. The view surrounding me when walking down was amazing, I passed old lava flow and crater lakes, but sorry, I was so scared that I might die because of 1 mistakened step, I dint have time to enjoy the view.....  but Sara took photos:


there were like 2 lakes along the descent, and lava flow as well, so we could smell the sulfur dioxide...


If u thought that our journey nearly end, u were wrong. There's another easy climb to ketetahi hut, yes was easy compared with the devil staircases. We walked over the snowy path again~


We walked so slow (I mean Shirley and me), so we had to took photo by ourselves, look at the view surrounding us!


someone made a little cute snowman!


see how huge was the area covered by snow!


and I really exhausted after I reached top, so sat down for a while...=P


Then another challenge again....



more snowy path come, but this one still alright, look at the next one....


scary right!!Dont play play ya ^^ The path was so narrow, so slipery, one missed step, I would row down to the valley....  

Then we met the second snowman...


Actually we spent so much time on taking the photos with snowman, (not me, someone just have high demand on photo shooting =S), well, Sara and Uma were so far ahead, and we were left behind at middle of no where...


but finally we see some view not covered with snow!


Then, was all about walking back, you can see the track was wide and smooth, very easy to walk after we walked up to summit and down to valley. I had no much time to take photos this stage cz we were running out of time, we need to get back to final point before 4, so we were so rushed at this stage, then finally we met sara and uma back at the ketetahi hut, as well as sophie and Gaetan.

Well, no time left, we continued our walk, and when we thought we nearly finished, we saw a sign.

To ketetahi car park, 45min.....and we looked at our watch, it was 3.15pm, and remember the last shuttle will be depart at 4pm....which means??

We have to rush, very rush!!

Sara directly speed up, and left us so far behind, and me too, speed up, regardless how exhausted I was, and how slow I was before, I speed up as well, and leading Uma and Shirley on the way back to car park.

Keep note that this was a one way track, I had no idea how the track looks like, we walked into the bush, and they looked alike. At one point, we dint see anyone, and we passed stairs and bridges which looked like the one we passed before. GOSH, I really afraid we might lost in the jungle, and I really dunno how far I could stand.

Finally we met some people, and they said about 20mins back to car park, and yes, we had 20min left to 4. I really dont want miss the shuttle, so keep on....

Finally, finally, we back to car park, we saw sara waiting for us! Thank god, the shuttle not here yet, we managed!!

As soon as we sat down, thinking to drink a mouthful water, the shuttle arrived! Wow, we were so on time!


The sign at the end point!

Cool, it was a relief, it was an achievement! I was proud of myself, although abit shameful dint reach tongariro summit....anyway, I glad that I made it!

p/s: my ear was stucked, and I felt very uncomfortable, I think I am getting sick soon.....

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Yes, after the sweet dreams last night, I was so looking forward for the Italian fest at Westpac stadium today!

But before that, Janis and I spent sometimes at the water front market, and we tried the indian stall's fried cheese roti! Omg, it was so delicious, so crispy, so cheesy! I highly recommend this!!

Should take photos next time, anyway, then Janis was busy with her works at school, so she dropped me off at stadium, and I began my Italian "journey"~


This was also my first time went to Westpac stadium, I know I should have watched at least one rugby game TT

anyway, westpac was huge!!


Then I entered into the stadium, well it was not what I expected, more like exhibition room, rather like "festival"....


Anyway, the ceremony just started when I arrived, and we were welcomed by the flag wavers~


Then this was the condition, got many stalls selling italian products: pasta, sausage, travelling....etc

It was a good festival, got to taste many different italian food, not just pasta and pizza, and of cz different culture performances and dessert!!!

Here's the dessert!


There were 2 dessert stalls: Bordeaux and La Bella Italia, see the macaron tower!!


and here's my desserts! I bought a lot, some back home, and some just have it as my lunch....


My panna cotta: It was so good, first time tried it, really likes it!! And the other one is like a cheese cake, but very floury and fatty, dislike...



and the italian macaron was not that good compared with french macaron, was slightly bigger, and the strawberries covered with chocolate ganache was also very normal...



strawberry tart was good! =)


forgot what's this, i think is a mousse, but not very good as well.


and tiramisu (good obviously), and some puffs...Puffs were soso...


Besides, I also bought myself pizza!! And finally realized original italian pizza should be thin and soft, just like this (from scoopa)


It was massive!!! And really good!!


ANd this was how they bake the pizza!!


The pasta stall, get to see how they make the pasta


and they have cooking demonstration, and one ppl playing violin beside the chef, haha so random!


The long table!! Well, it was very expensive to dine on the long table...so I skipped it.

And the highlight of the fest was the flag waving!!! ANd they performed at the stadium field!


Well, I actually recorded a video, but I really dunno how to upload the video on here....=(

Anyway, the performance was awesome, although they have some mistakes, but was forgivable...


I really enjoyed my Italian "trip!"

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Haha, I am so in love with this city which ranked in the top-10 city to be visited in the world (ranked by Lonely Planet)

Welly is relaxing, this time, I just come with my own backpack, for 2-days short trip =P

This time I decided to crawl in Janis's flat, and also for the fireworks on Guyfawke's day and the Italian festival!!! WOOOHOOO!

Yea, was planning to go with Nicole, but since we went to welly last Sun, and she also said that she dont want travel more for sometimes, and I decided not to disturb Paya, so why not just enjoyed myself here?! haha

So I arrived in the afternoon, and I skipped lunch as I ate a huge cookies time at home in the morning, I just brought my backpack around, and started my shopping!! Yes~

Hmmm, that's not really much thing I could find, had found a xmas gift shop at Lambton Quay, but hell No, the Belgium chocolate were very pricy! So I decided not to buy any christmas gift, haha. Anyway, I dont celebrate xmas, and why to roll in to the trend of xmas gifts?

Then eventually I just bought 2 dresses at TEMT, and then, oops, suddenly felt hungry. =P

so I went to simply paris! That's not much thing left, I bought a slice: fully nutty!


sorry for the poor photo quality, as u know, I am not using iphone, and I ate this at bench on Cuba st. Well, was not that "wow", but still alright...

Besides, I also bought the frozen mochi dessert from the japanese shop at Cuba, it tasted good, but just very expensive...


is actually a very thin mochi skin on the outer layer, and ice-cream for the second layer, with red bean paste in between! nice to eat, but was too cold to have this today.

And I forgot to mention that, simply paris give me a free loaf of french bread as they were closing that time and had some leftovers.

Then I was supposed to meet up Janis at 6pm at readings, but she was very busy until nearly forgot our "date", and she only showed up nearly 6.30pm. Anyway, I am glad to see she recovered (she hurt her leg last time when I met her), and she looked good!

We went for korean food, great, so long was my last korean meal! Eventually is fireworks time!!

There were so many people walked to the water front, and there were so crowded at the water front. I was very pleased that Janis chose to come with me to watch the fireworks, as apparently her frens asked her to watch it on their private ship, wow! Thanks Janis!!

And here the fireworks!! They were so beautiful!! And actually there's also got heart shape, and smiling face, but i dint manage to capture them..=(

But yes, i felt myself really lucky to see this!!

IMG_2840.JPGIMG_2853.JPGIMG_2854.JPGIMG_2851.JPGIMG_2859.JPG  IMG_2860.JPGIMG_2861.JPGIMG_2876.JPGIMG_2877.JPGIMG_2885.JPG  

Never see this close fireworks in my life, yea, i did countdown at Dunedin before, but the fireworks were very boring, not like this!!

haha =D I am very happy!!! The fireworks were like 5 or 6 mins, which were very worthy!!

Fireworks really light up my night!! =)

Then, we went to a bar at water front, ordered an apple cider beer (from Monteiths), it was the first time I drink with Janis, actually I was not really tempting, cz I seriously really hate bars/clubs....ok, bars/pubs were still ok, but not clubbing pls....Well, probably I should go once aye? Once in a life, and plus I got the chance at oversea now, I should right??

Drinks with Janis was very good, and a random kiwi guy just suddenly come and chat with us, but luckily Janis knew how to handle it, I really just speechless....SO clubbing?? Hmmmm.....

Anyway, have a good sleep tonight on Janis air-bed, thanks Janis!!

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Haha, I know, I out very frequently lately, so today I went out with Nicole to Wellington again. LOL

This time actually, yes, is for the Macaroon again, but actually the box I bought today was considered a failure.

I guest, not every trial will success, oh probably the unpleasant issue was She should have not sell it to us....

Yea, the macaroons were faded in color, and soft texture, and with kinda off-flavor.

Anyway, I am alright with it, well better than nothing right??


Then we went for dim-sum, ya was kinda looking forward to it, but at the end, another failure....

Guest we shouldn't have that high hope...=(

Then we hanged around at wellington, and have a short tea time at the Butlers chocolate cafe. We had a good time, but I think Nicole might got another speed ticket on the way back home, TT

hopefully the camera dint catch her, and I was too tired, slept the whole way back home =P


No picture today =(, just this


Is it like a present?? haha

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So, we had to leave earlier to catch the bus and to return Palmy in the evening. Yes we took another 7-hours bus back home again, tiring trip...

Anyways, is a very enjoyable long weekend, good to meet up with Jessie and know that she is coping well with this big city. I wish her all the best and stay healthy and happy for her career and life in Hamilton, she is such a good friend.

I will miss her, as well as Hamilton. =)


Note: there were actually some places that I really would like to go, such as the Hamilton river walk, and fan zone, and the rest of the city. Seriously, the image of Hamilton city was very blurry to me, I just remember the garden and waitomo cave in this trip, pathetic~

What with the city? I had no idea....I would like to come again. Next time will be the hot balloon festival 2012, finger crossed.


This was the hot balloon I saw on the second day of Hamilton trip, I would like to see many of them fill up Hamilton's sky~=)


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Finally I got to visit the Waitomo Caves! Yes, there were many opinions before especially when come to driving. As Jessie was still a fresh driver in NZ, she was very scared to drive to Waitomo, so I checked and asked about the road, and it was relatively easy to drive.


we missed the shuttle to Aranui cave, so we just spent time taking photos!!!


all black's support everwhere~



and then we got into shuttle! ^^

And finally we get to go to Waitomo! It was one hr from Hamilton, and we did one of the cave: the Aranui Cave which we were able to see the glow worms and the unique stalactites formed by the natural~

Our tour guide was very friendly, and explained very detailed, I learnt a lot and was really amazed with the great natural power to form such beautiful stalactites! I felt really thankful that I got this opportunity to come to this heavenly place and also appreciated those workers who built this stable platform for visitors like us.


with flash light~


and without flash light! is not that white actually....and is dirty (my first thought), then i found that: make sense right? cz they are rocks as well!


I just found out that how fragile were these stalactites, we are prohibited to touch them, because it will make them discoloured and break....and actually I accidentally touch some of them when walking in the darkness...sorry....=( I hope they were alright.....=(




For the glow worms, amazing! It was the first time i saw them, although there is actually one tourist attraction for glow worms in Kuala Selangor, oh pathetic me....


these are glowworms!! They will secrete some liquid-silk liked web hanging from the stalactites. And cz I took it without flashlight, so u cant see them glowing~

Anyway, glow worms in the Aranui cave were so beautiful, they shine like stars in the darkness, the bad thing was I was not able to capture them, as we were not allowed to do that, especially with flash light. Nevertheless, some Chinese (I mean from the mainland/ other places) were really annoying, they just turned on their flash light and snapped like how many times, gosh, we were telling them not to (in both English and mandarin) and they just ignored us. People, don’t bring your bad habit to here, NZ don’t need it!

Oh well, I didn’t want them ruined my mood, and we decided to walk back to i-site instead of taking the shuttle we previously taken. We had a great walk, down to the valley and farm, and up to the top of mountain, nice breeze and walk. Recently i was so in love with tramping, so I was glad that we chose to walk back. It took us like 1 hr and a half to back I site.


snapshot outside Aranui cave


Have the Ruakuri bush walk loop first~



haha, see, he is humour right. Have a rest before continued walking back to I site


haha, we had so much fun!


we got to cross into the farm!



  first time get to take photos with meeeeeeew~ haha, actually it was kinda scary, cz weilin was wearing red that day, we just afraid the cows will attack us~


on the way up to hill~



also, first proper good jump snapshot!


Then, we finally back to isite, and we did a picnic beside the i-site. Relaxing afternoon....

 Then we headed back to Hamilton, and I found that the Asian groceries store in Hamilton sold the Asian-style bakery from Auckland!!! ARGH!! I am so excited, I missed the bakery so much!!

We were supposed to watch the rugby final – All black vs. French in the Hamilton fan zone tonight, however, they refused to do that....and that’s a decision, not a discussion, that’s really ruined my mood. I mean come on, is the final, probably is the only final match I could watch in NZ! That’s sucks!

I think the main reason of not watching the match at the fan zone was because of someone who willing to cook dinner at Jessie’s flat, and hard to find parking in the city, ok whatever~ So we cooked and we watched TV instead, boring......

Anyway, the match was actually intensed, and I was pissed off because Geng kept on blaming Wheepu for missing 3 kicks. Why don’t u go to kick the rugby then?! Last time he was so high when wheepu scored like more than 10 points in the previous match and he kept on saying Wheepu the best and he liked him....You just switched to the better one, don’t u?


Oh well, I nearly fall asleep in watching the match, the atmosphere just made me mad, I rather sleep. But of cause I dint, just I was not concentrating. It was a tight match, very tight. I never thought French were that strong, and of cause was very worried if All Blacks lose the final.

And I was so nervous in the last few minutes of the match, All Blacks were just one point ahead! And, yes, the referee blew the whistle! Yes! ALL BLACKS WON!! It was the second champion for NZ since 1987! And I got to see this historical moment! =D Thanks All Blacks! You guys are the best!! Thanks for the effort, you guys deserved it ! Have more rest, and have fun on the celebration!

Despite of dissatisfactions of the location watching the match, and annoying complaints, the glory of All Blacks had made my day!

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Yes, finally, the first long weekend after I started my job! I was so looking forward for this labour weekend because is our first flatmate trip, and we are going to Hamilton to meet up Jessie!

The plan was decided since August, after Jessie got her contract in Tatua, and I was so excited to plan the trip and also meet up Jessie. I missed her so much, the flat is just very empty and weird without her.

So on Friday night (21st), we (me, Qing, Geng and weilin) took intercity bus at nearly 10pm to Hamilton. We had to choose the overnight bus in order to save time and money.

It was my first overnight bus, and also first double-decker bus!! (Oh actually is the second time, was last week when I back from Welly, but I sat at the lower deck and arrive Palmy before 10pm.

I am so excited, I always want to ride in a double-decker bus and Intercity did not have this type of bus in South Island. SO I was so happy, and this time I got the chance to sit on the top deck. However, the bus was really crowded, we dint really have chance to choose a seat, and I just realized it was not really fun to sit on the top deck at night, I barely saw the view (just darkness), and it was so dizzy, as the top deck was not stable, seems like “swinging”.

And my problem remained – I am not able to sleep very well in public transport, actually I really hate transport, I always sleepy when I was in car/bus, but I never get to sleep very well. (Not mention plane, I just awake the whole trip!)

So I was like on and off, opened my eyes and checked the time and places....It was really not fun to ride in a bus for nearly 7 hours!

Finally, at 5am, (yes, in the morning), we arrived Hamilton~! Is the first time for everyone, well I passed by before when I went to Auckland, but not really come to this 4th biggest city in NZ.

We waited for Jessie at Burger King nearby, and had some breakfast, Jessie was surprisingly early to pick us up, thought she might drag a bit. Then we just back her flat, and weilin just went for a nap.

Me and Jessie were staying awake and chatted, it’s just amazing when we saw each other again, and we had so many topics to chat =D

And around 9am, Jessie and me made some breakfast (very oily breakfast I would say =P), and after breakfast, time to explore Hamilton garden!!

This garden was just beside Jessie’s flat, and was so beautiful!!

It has different themes, and is huge! I would suggest married couple to take their marriage photography here!


even the entrance is amazing!



the italian theme garden


Haka?? Yes, is the maori theme~


Qing actually is a humour guy =)



the japanese theme!! But actually was very small, just have a lake, and some decoration....


The england theme! The pigeon is so huge!!


and of cz the chinese theme~


and the american theme....modern??



and the last theme: the indian theme....


and beside the turtle lake...


We spent like the entire morning here, and went to city in the afternoon.

Hamilton was quite big, and it was like the second time for Jessie to come to city centre ==

We were picky about food, we walked like about 1 hr to find an ideal restaurant, and failed, finally just went to Daikoku for teppan-yaki.

Well, i was not satisfied for lunch (yes, i am the unique one who most picky about food), the portion size was small, and just not satisfying my gut. And it had not much option, is just teppan-yaki with different meat....Come on! I would appreciate other varieties, but as long as we had some food, and I really starving...

We walked around Lake Rotoroa after lunch, it was a relaxing afternoon. Then, we went to Pak n Save to buy some groceries for dinner. We were going to celebrate Geng’s 33rd and Qing’s 27th Birthday! Wahaha, both guys are old now. XD


cooking cooking.....




Jessie had made her first cheese cake, with 3 layers....and she was decorating in the morning after we arrived. Everyone had contributed their skills and an effort to the dinner, weilin’s fish dish was amazing, made me homesick TT


weilin's fish~


The birthday cake, ignore our clumsy decoration =P (but with full of love~)

We chatted a lot that night, and back to my backpacker around 11pm, was really tiring as I had not rest since the overnight bus.....And to be honest, i did not sleep well that night due to the really loud snores from Uncle Geng and the uncomfortable environment in the room.

It was a backpacker which actually changed in last minute, I was supposed to sleep in YHA motel, with only 3 of us, but due to convenience, we changed to the backpacker which was 5 mins from Jessie’s flat and finally got one German guy who is a completely stranger to sleep with us.

I was really feeling uncomfortable and regret with the decision of changing backpackers, it was really annoying, and somehow I was not very happy with it. Oh well, what to do, sleep and be happy for the rest of the trip I guest.

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Well the disappointment was not because of Kapiti, was because of the lack of organizing of the trip

because eventually I did not step at Kapiti, as I missed the only ferry to the island!!

WHo to be blamed? Well, at this stage, I would say: everyone....

Blame the Kapiti boating club cancelled their 2nd ferry trip at last minute and told us to arrive 30min earlier rather than told us that it was cancelled

Blame Sophie did not understand what the boating club told her and did not ask the reason to arrive 30min earlier...

Blame Sara took the advise of arriving the jetti earlier easy and kinda ignore it...

Blame me did not get myself involved in understanding the plan, and relied on Sophie and Sara too much....


SO eventually, we missed the boat, and that's it!

Wat to do? Yes, we went to welly suburb at the end, to see seal colonies....AND??

I see nothing! There were no seals, ok, there were 3? 2?

oh well, it was so far, and I saw nothing! So I was mad, and I am still mad!

But what to do? Learn! Lesson! Is over anyway, just felt abit annoyed, and regret, I should have done something useful I guest?

Oh well, life is not always smooth, and is not always what we expected right?


Just some photos of today tramping....



The lesson I learnt: Don't rely on other if I really want to make it happen!


Note: Sara and Sophie still get to go to Kapiti tomorrow, and I did not join, instead, I took the night bus back to palmy. Why? I dont want party in welly thank you very much. And I have many things to do tomorrow, see you tomorrow, office~ =S

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  So after the long night, I woke up with excitement today! Yes, we are going to the Sunday market at water front! =)

and I am so looking forward for the "most delicious" macaroon as described by nicole~

haha =D


There are 2 markets at the water front, or may be I should say 3??

1 is the city market in the building near the water front, another 2 are the fresh market and the food market

Food sold in the city market can be described as more "high classed", such as macaroon, special wine, french cheese, and other food spices....

The fresh market just like other fresh local vege market, selling cheap fresh produce

and food market really opened my eye! There are like nearly 12 stalls I think, selling different countries's local delicious food

I had so much food today, and paya and me just sat at the water front, chatting, and enjoying our food and also the awesome view and the relaxing morning~


see what I had, haha, is french pastry!! One is almond roll, and another one...I forgot the name, and actually I also bought one huge chocolate bun, but I had eaten it =P


and the delicious macaroon!! yum!! ^^ Is really good a gift =)


There are 8 flavours, and I am lucky enough, the new flavor - salt caramel is newly made this week!! Nice!! <3

All flavors were so distinct and unique, Nikki van de Laar, who baked them really friendly and talented, I love this version so much!! Yes, I tried every version of macaroon if I found any new one (I mean different shops)....Although I still couldn't forget the first macaroon I tried in Dizengoff cafe in Auckland, Yes I must revisit!!


Haha, ignore the raspberry macaroon, is hard for me to bring back from welly to palmy, so unfortunately I broke one of it =P...The flavour I love the most is the pistascio (the green one) and the sea salt caramel (the orangish yellow one on the right of raspberry (pink).

Ok, the food I had eaten at water front were char sew pork bun and dumplings from the chinese stall....I missed out the photo....oopsy...

Then paya bought some grocerries, then we walked down to the other fan zone at water front, and we only found out there was a south african event there! Yes, today is the next quater-final: South Africa vs. Aussie!! Go SOuth Africa!!

Yes, to support South Africa, we spent abit of time for the event~


You can see South African fans everywhere! And at first I thought was not that many people, then.....


wow!!! There were live band, music, different food stalls....and Paya bought some fries with South African special sauce, and I also bought a fruity gelato!! Is good for summer!!

Then finally Paya brought me to a korean stores, and I bought some kimchi and chilli paste, yes finally I can cook korean food!! =D

I missed my own kimchi stew, japchae, rice cakes...=P

Then I also finally caught up with Teresita and Tania!!! It had been so long I dint meet them, it was so good to see them again, they were both fine, and I am glad and thankful we can meet up in welly!!

Although it was just like a 2 hr catch up, but I am glad that finally at least I knew the condition of them. I actually felt myself really lucky, I am the only one who stay in the nutrition field between 3 of us. Teresita's career was still unstable and she might leave nz for good end of this year. Tania is studying public health, another drift.....sigh, so 3 of us who studied nutrition together, now, I am the remained who got the opportunity to work in this field.

Teresita was so passionate to know more about the advanced nutrition knowledge, and Tania was so desperate about her current study on nutrition and public health...And me, I felt abit guilty, as I sometimes still think that this is not my ideal job, and research is just boring....

I guest I should learn to be more thankful to what I had, and cherish and learn to love my job.




note: I was so panic that I might miss my bus, until I forgot my handbag in the cafe!! And I run back to the cafe, and nearly lost, u know, there are so many cafes in wellington, and all road just looked the same! Luckily I still manage to find the cafe, and no one stole my bag....gosh!! I am so clumsy!! Need to be careful all the time, keep in mind.....

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haha today indeed, definitely was a good day!=) I was so happy today, had heaps of fun...

had a well rest last night, and paya's mood also seems getting better, yes, look how I was so easily influenced by others....(good or bad?)

we decided to go to lower hutt for a vegetarian lunch, while walking down from basin reserve, I just realized courtney place was closed for the rugby fan zone, wow, first time saw a very empty courtney place.....haha...

And guest what, the south african team's bus just passed by front of us, and there were players inside the bus, haha but our reaction was so low tone, as we were more tempting for irish~

There were 2 semi finals held in this weekend, today was ireland vs. wales, and tomorrow is south african vs. aussie...Therefore, there were so many foreign fans everywhere! Wellington was just so hit this weekend!!

well, not only courtney place, the bus service was also influenced, many stops had been transferred, and yes we were so blurred, and missed alot of buses, so eventually we reached lower hutt around 1pm, with a very empty gut~ *scream*!! haha, luckily I had frappucino from starbucks earlier....

The nature vegetarian food restaurant opened by Malaysians is very tasty, i kinda homesick....gosh~


I ordered Malaysian vegetarian nasi lemak, and I really come into suprised! As I really hate vegetarian food, ok dont get me wrong, I respect vegetarians, and I love vege, I just hate those vegetarian food made by flour which purposely mimic the meat product.....for me, I really dont think it is necessary, and flour! Gosh, evil carbs~ haha, although I used lot of flour for baking. Ok, back to the topic, the "chicken" made by flour really awesome, crispy outside, with very fresh texture and flavor, yum! But it only got 6 small pieces, I guest it was very tough to make them right?

And look at the heart shaped rice, omg, so beautiful!


and here a little appetizers, wonton on the left, and vegetarian curry puff on the right, again very good texture~


and paya ordered a bowl of curry noodles, and look at the unique and authentic chinese tea bowl~ I missed home TT

Then after lunch, we took bus back to city, there should be a dance event at Courtney place, while waiting, we went to butlers cafe for affogato~


affogato is paya's favourite, is like 2 scoops of ice cream served within a hot espresso (photo below)~ and the best service with butlers is they always give a free chocolate with your order~ nice <3 I had ordered seasalt caramel chocolate

I had ordered a chocolate affogato, which was on top, and I thought it meant ice cream in hot chocolate, but I was very wrong, they just mean add more chocolate syrup into the normal affogato~ Gosh, the coffee was so strong, and for sure is coffee! I am not sure whether I was able to drink coffee or not as I do not drink them. Yep, I drank mocha frappucino from starbucks before, and also did drink hot coffee which made by myself in very unusual condition (for example, strongly forced by someone, or no other options). But then, the coffee I made was so mild~

So this time, I guaranteed, for sure, I am NOT ABLE to drink coffee, after one tsp, omg, I felt dizzy, headache....asleep....my god~

So eventually paya helped me finished the whole cup! But anyway, I did enjoy this high tea =)

Then we also received a free rugby shaped chocolate from the friendly Butlers waiter, he was giving out free rugby chocolate! Yup, wellington was so crowded, and all rugby fans just so high and tempted for the semi final...No matter they were heading to the stadium or not, they were for sure, very enjoyed the atmosphere, same like us!! 

so we actually dint see the dance event, as we waited and waited but just dint happen, anyway, we saw many different fans!! They dressed up so fun, and funky, and unique!! Just really interesting to see their emotion and madness! hahaIMG_2518.JPG

ok today was mostly wales and irish fans, see wales fans (in red) were so little, and they faced so many irish fans (in green), but they were standing for their team so desperately, everyone just so high!


haha, the irish bar of cz support it own team! Impressed by the giant doll~


courtney place was closed, people were walking freely on the road~ rugby fans everywhere~






and a group of irish fans, on their way to the stadium, passed by courtney place, see how they dressed up, with their irish flags, and green wig~~ haha, they were singing the whole way, with very high passion!!




and of cz, this was the madness I meant! Luckily is not summer yet~

Then, was dinner time, I had my dinner at Cha at courtney, yep we dint watch the ireland vs. wales game, just watched abit intro and opening, and saw a very charming wales player, omg, was like the first time i fell for western people! akakaka, actually I was willing to watch ireland and wales, but paya was more falling for france, so we decided to have dinner first.

I dint take photo this time, but had a great dinner, very full!!!! haha, and we also found out from others, ya news just spreaded, wales won!! OMg, this was not what I expected~ I dint mean that I want ireland win, was just I dunno wales was that strong, wow!! Thumbs up!!

So, we moved back to the fan zone at courtney place after dinner, see the big screen! The weather is abit drizzling, but was alright to stand at outdoor..



was empty in the photos cz I captured like 20mins before the game (england vs france), but very soon, everyone just come after their dinner, yes cz they went for dinner after wales won. Then when the game started, more fans from stadium just moved back to the fan zone~

and the atmosphere definitely getting higher and higher, French fans seems like dominated the courtney place fan zone, not sure the same situation happened at water front or not. And yes, french team was very "lucky" to have many tries.....yes, cz too many people claimed that they were weak team. But I actually willing england to win....and some people at the fan zone, or probably there were more, just they were too quiet, or mayb the french fans too hyper~

then, yes no hope for england, they failed to got into semi final~anyway, while watching the game, I noticed a charming good looking guy standing beside paya, omg, haha i was suprised that I actually started look at foreign guys now....

But he really looked good, although I just saw he side looking, but omg, he looked like sonny bill williams haha! with tanned skin, and quite good body shape, and the feel, wow, very good~~

anyway, france won, received text from sophie alle alle blueue! which means go blue team (french team wear blue)

so had a very great night, sweet dream, hope I dream the good looking guy I met just now, wahahaha =D

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so I went to welly again, and was really a bad night, cz the naked bus delayed 2 hours, without giving any excuses and apologize~

It was the first time for me met this type of situation, was really confused whether to wait or not, and I definitely brought troublesome to paya, she was worried for me, and ya she was not feeling very well too....I felt so guilty...

I decided to wait eventually, had a very rush dinner at coffee club, because I just afraid that the bus will arrive at any time....

then another bus came, the bus driver was telling me the bus will be 2 hrs late, which means it will arrive at 8 instead of 6...but, actually it arrive at 8.40, and yes I arrived welly at 10 something!! =(

There were alot of foreigners (irish, wales, south african, australian probably) on the bus due to the semi final hold at welly, I felt that I really come at the right time regardless of the delay.

However, still felt very sorry for paya, she was waiting me at wakefield st, and I could see that she was abit helpless with my late arrival, but I was not the one to be blamed...and at that time, I really felt that I should not come....oh well, actually I had make a decision....

anyway, it was a very tiring night, good nite~

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