
  So after the long night, I woke up with excitement today! Yes, we are going to the Sunday market at water front! =)

and I am so looking forward for the "most delicious" macaroon as described by nicole~

haha =D


There are 2 markets at the water front, or may be I should say 3??

1 is the city market in the building near the water front, another 2 are the fresh market and the food market

Food sold in the city market can be described as more "high classed", such as macaroon, special wine, french cheese, and other food spices....

The fresh market just like other fresh local vege market, selling cheap fresh produce

and food market really opened my eye! There are like nearly 12 stalls I think, selling different countries's local delicious food

I had so much food today, and paya and me just sat at the water front, chatting, and enjoying our food and also the awesome view and the relaxing morning~


see what I had, haha, is french pastry!! One is almond roll, and another one...I forgot the name, and actually I also bought one huge chocolate bun, but I had eaten it =P


and the delicious macaroon!! yum!! ^^ Is really good a gift =)


There are 8 flavours, and I am lucky enough, the new flavor - salt caramel is newly made this week!! Nice!! <3

All flavors were so distinct and unique, Nikki van de Laar, who baked them really friendly and talented, I love this version so much!! Yes, I tried every version of macaroon if I found any new one (I mean different shops)....Although I still couldn't forget the first macaroon I tried in Dizengoff cafe in Auckland, Yes I must revisit!!


Haha, ignore the raspberry macaroon, is hard for me to bring back from welly to palmy, so unfortunately I broke one of it =P...The flavour I love the most is the pistascio (the green one) and the sea salt caramel (the orangish yellow one on the right of raspberry (pink).

Ok, the food I had eaten at water front were char sew pork bun and dumplings from the chinese stall....I missed out the photo....oopsy...

Then paya bought some grocerries, then we walked down to the other fan zone at water front, and we only found out there was a south african event there! Yes, today is the next quater-final: South Africa vs. Aussie!! Go SOuth Africa!!

Yes, to support South Africa, we spent abit of time for the event~


You can see South African fans everywhere! And at first I thought was not that many people, then.....


wow!!! There were live band, music, different food stalls....and Paya bought some fries with South African special sauce, and I also bought a fruity gelato!! Is good for summer!!

Then finally Paya brought me to a korean stores, and I bought some kimchi and chilli paste, yes finally I can cook korean food!! =D

I missed my own kimchi stew, japchae, rice cakes...=P

Then I also finally caught up with Teresita and Tania!!! It had been so long I dint meet them, it was so good to see them again, they were both fine, and I am glad and thankful we can meet up in welly!!

Although it was just like a 2 hr catch up, but I am glad that finally at least I knew the condition of them. I actually felt myself really lucky, I am the only one who stay in the nutrition field between 3 of us. Teresita's career was still unstable and she might leave nz for good end of this year. Tania is studying public health, another drift.....sigh, so 3 of us who studied nutrition together, now, I am the remained who got the opportunity to work in this field.

Teresita was so passionate to know more about the advanced nutrition knowledge, and Tania was so desperate about her current study on nutrition and public health...And me, I felt abit guilty, as I sometimes still think that this is not my ideal job, and research is just boring....

I guest I should learn to be more thankful to what I had, and cherish and learn to love my job.




note: I was so panic that I might miss my bus, until I forgot my handbag in the cafe!! And I run back to the cafe, and nearly lost, u know, there are so many cafes in wellington, and all road just looked the same! Luckily I still manage to find the cafe, and no one stole my bag....gosh!! I am so clumsy!! Need to be careful all the time, keep in mind.....

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