Here we come our February baby celebration, it would be good if Karen could join us, but we will have another birthday gathering next Friday~

So is TGIF, tonight is the secret lunch society gathering because we had something for Wai Ee. =)

It had been a while since I give present, well i mean to colleagues specifically.

However, Wai Ee initiated this practice since Derrick's birthday, PS farewell, my farewell then also on my birthday.

The giving is always bring happiness, especially if it was a sincere and heartful one.

Thank you Wai Ee for your kindness, and now is our turn to give (gift) =) 


Gone to BBQ Ma Eul Cup Ba for korean BBQ tonight because Wai Ee suggested to have cakes at Rekindle where is closed by to the korean cuisine.

We passed by this korean restaurant during our last catch up at uptown, the atmosphere of the restaurant had attracted us since then.

So now is time to drop by and check out, i was excited actually because too long never had korean BBQ. 




We had the RM79 BBQ set for 3 of us, there were 3 types of BBQ meat options, come with quite a number of "banchan" (side dishes), and also a mini kimchi jigae (stew).

I kinda miss the korean rice wine drink i had once in Auckland, so i ordered the Makgeoli (korean rice wine) for drink.


It was real good, very different from what I had in Auckland, but i guess this one i had is just without the sprite, so got to taste more oridinary taste of rice wine. 

Having alcohol drink once in a while was really good, especially it really helps to relief the stress.

Oh, i actually was not that stressful, perhaps my stress was not from my current job, maybe more from my age and relationship status of being single.

I shared my tinder experience with Wai Ee and Derrick for the first time, thanks for being a good listeners.

For now, I shall just stay calm and keep moving with life, for whatever jerk i met via the app, or if there is a minor possibility of meeting up Mr. Right, i shall just stay chilled and be patient i guess.

Perhaps I shouldnt expect that much with the app, meeting up the right person using app, for sure all of us are dreaming....


back to the dinner, dinner was actually just ok, not really very good. 

But dessert was surprisingly good. Their cakes seems normal, but the bites was good.



They recommended us to try their famous alcoholic cake which is the chocolate bailey cake and non-alcoholic cake which is the rekindle cheese cake.

Chocolate bailey cake was really good, not too sweet or rich, the texture was good. 


As for the rekindle cheese cake which named after the shop name, was very rich upon the first bite, seems ordinary, but you will be surprised with the end note, a fluffy but creamy mouth feel.

No wonder it was their popular cake.

Derrick ordered churros too, i am pretty sure i am not a churro fan, i really dint find it impressive, basically it was just a long fancy dougnut. 


Wai Ee said it was not good too, i guess maybe i havent tried the good churros yet, but i cant be border now.

Anyway, tonight was good with these folks, we forgot to take a wefie again, but just like what derrick said, we had food photos =D


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今天有感而發想用中文來寫文章,其實也是因爲昨天和今天的心情都相當好 =)












老實說,今天真的挺累的,昨晚不夠睡,早上一大早又要做8個蛋糕,不過我自己還是挺開心的,真的完全沒有monday blue


除了強力膠,還買了一本特價的小説- 吉本芭娜娜的《橡子姐妹》








照片寫真珍藏什麽的感覺就是好像很物質主義,想想其實如果真的買了回家也只有一個下場- 收藏在房間的儲物柜不見天日==




就是haagen dazs的免費雪糕,上週在網站上意外發現的好康~

登入官網成爲新會員就可以得到one scoop,其實還不錯,而且今天櫃檯小姐是好人,給了我相當大的一個scoop啊!



看似簡簡單單的2天,但是都被這些生活中的小確幸填滿了~ 還有更多滿滿的無法用肉眼看見的愛~



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Thank god is weekend, this week was a busy week, and i still slept late these days ==

I guess i have to be more focused on my goals and never give up!

Woke up around 7am this morning, and gone for a run at the park, glad that i am able to maintain this run routine every weekend.

Hopefully i can do well in the coming Marathon in April, the 10km route is definitely challenging for me, really have to train up myself more frequently.

After the run, i quickly got a shower and drove all the way to Bangsar, yea, for the first time =D

Tho i turned into a wrong junction again and had to pay for extra tolls, but still able to reach destination smoothly, and also luckily got a good parking lot.

Highlight of today? Meet up Cheryl!!


The last time I met her was actually August last year, then she was busy with her marriage preparation and trips to Melbourne hence we drag our monthly catch up to today!

Actually we almost met in Sep, but she was sick at last minute, so we postpone our catch up again and again.

Finally we met each other today at Botanica+ Co, apparently this restaurant and bar is quite famous lately, wow, so cool we jumped into the trend, indeed a foodie, arent we? =P

The menu was too fascinating, many varieties, from sharing platter to brunch, then to mains during lunch hour also pizza hard to choose,

I really struggled to choose this time, was really tempting on hummus which i rarely find in Malaysia, but dont feel like having bread =S

Ended up I picked the Seafood Bisque Linguine, and deep in my heart also tempted to try out their halibut fish n chips, spicy shashuka and big breakfast, thinking i may come again.


My linguine was actually not bad, the seafood portion is really generous, got 3 mussels, some squids and 3 medium sized prawns.

Their in house special seafood bisque gravy was also matched the thick linguine very well.

Yeah, the linguine is quite different from others i found elsewhere, is slightly thick and perhaps mildly cooked because it was quite chewy but not too hard.

Overall i quite like it =) 



Cheryl ordered the Botanica big breakfast, but she found it awful. Luckily i didnt pick that, because from the menu i also found it was overpriced tho the portions seems big.

As the breakfast come with baked beans, grilled button mushrooms, half sized of roasted tomato, turkey bacon, chicken sausage and butter toast, nothing special about the breakfast.

The chicken sausage have a very weird taste, and the button mushrooms also not really grilled well, at least now we know we should avoid this dish when we revisit this place.

I also have ordered a unique drink - rum and raisin milkshake~


The alcohol was so strong! actually not too bad, but i think next time i would get the Guiness chocolate milkshake.

Actually the food at Botanica+ Co is quite pricy, but their portion size is generous, and service was also great.

We thought we need to wait to be seated, but then the waiter approached us and asked if we fine with bar seat, of course not~

But somehow we were lucky, after seated for 10mins, there was another free table. 

Happy that Cheryl is finally engaged and getting married in this June, too bad she forgot to bring the bridemaid dress today, but yeah for another catch up~

I also grateful that she advised me to not demand for good looking guys which somehow i already not doing that. 

Was a good catch up today and looking forward for another meet up before her wedding =)



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Really glad that Sze able to spare a night for us during her overloaded schedule within her days in Malaysia.

Finally 3 of us were able to gather tonight, and more importantly, we took a wefie tonight =)

I was so looking forward for tonight since yesterday, because I really treasured our friendship. 

To be honest, it's aint easy to maintain friendship that started from Uni time, there were so many hi and bye but somehow I was able to stay connected with Sze and  Huey Yee

Of course there were also Wann Zhen, but we actually did not keep in touch that frequently but for sure have endless topic when we met.


Sze suggested to meet up at Mid Valley tonight, this was also my second time driving there, but first time departing from my work place.

Thank god the traffic was smooth, tho I went to the wrong road somehow, but still able to get to my destination.

Parked at Garden mall this time which was more convenient and safe, but their parking lots are really packed, and the access entrance was really narrow.

Sze was not able to have dinner with us because she got a family reunion dinner, so only Huey Yee and I had a simple dinner at An Viet, a vietnamese cuisine at Garden Malls.


The restaurant actually got a few choices of dinner set come with mini appetizer which should be a better option, but those set did not include my favourite  Bún Thịt Nướng

However, the menu here named it Bun Bo Num Bo, but I always recognized this dish based on the description or the photo provided on the menu.

Too bad, this dish served at An Viet was a dissapointment, the refreshing fish sauce taste was totally overpowered by the black pepper flavored grilled beef. 

The grilled beef was so pepperish and not matching the vermicelli at all. 

I guess I would order the normal set if I got chance to visit this place again, but I dont see that chance at all lol.

Soon, Sze also arrived, while we almost finished our meal.

We gone for dessert after that, picked the newly opened cafe, Dazzling cafe.

This famous Taiwanese chained cafe was opened by Johny and Janet Yang, a famous Taiwanese couple from the high society, they brought back this shibuya honey toast idea where they encountered and inspired during their trip in Japan, and brought that idea to Taiwan.

Dazzling cafe was first franchised in Singapore, and finally come to Malaysia last month in Garden Malls. 

I had heard Wai Ee commented that the toast was not as great as those in Taiwan, but there were not much dessert options in Mid Valley.

We ordered the chocolate hazelnut honey toast, the toast was really little, only 4 small pieces, really self-fish! =S


Honestly, it was just alright, not that amusing, I think the toast I last tried at Miru dessert cafe was much more better.

I also ordered their signature fruit tea, but was just alright, i really think it was over-rated or maybe the one in Taiwan is better.


However, for sure we had a very good catch up this time!


Sze had shared her memorable travel experience in Germany black forest, which really inspired me a lot.

I so wanna to visit German now, and somehow recalled what I planned like 3 years ago when i left NZ.

I used to think to do a master, but not in NZ, maybe in Europe, then i will have excuses to travel around Europe~

Now think back of that, am i able to do that? Yes, it would be depend on how desperate I am, and if I willing to let go of what I have now.

If i chose that path, i would need to quit my job, use my saving, suffer in thesis, and after completed the master, i may need to face another chapter of challenges such as job hunting and so on.

But, we just live once dont we? I have to think about my future, do i want to continue what i am doing now, work stable but not sure what's next or maybe no changes at all.

Will i find a guy and married soon? I dunno.

Will i be promoted and become manager? Will i stay at where i am now? I dunno

But i always thought about living in another country, especially the countries i love to, for few months to a year.

Living in NZ was very great to me, even i chose to back home, i still have a thought to live in Taiwan or Japan or Europe area for a year or two.....

I am getting 30 this year, I should have deep consideration now, because I am running out of time. 

Will I be fine to do that? Left my parents in Malaysia again? Sigh, there are so much things to think.

Thanks to sze, I really realized I actually still have some dream to capture, and is about time to make a move.

The dinner tonight was really good. Keep moving Sze, keep motivating us =) All the best in NZ for your new job. 



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Yeah, tomorrow is public holiday which is awesome! 

I had been slacking these days during CNY, all my goals and targets had been really far away, slept almost 1am every night, not focus on my job, day dreaming all the time....

oops, seems like a bad girl! Well, i really cant help to be like that, so i blamed the cny =P

Ok, anyways, is time to get back to work, move forward in life, but before that, let me celebrate tonight with my folks.

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We finally come with a reunion with Lou Sang theme, thanks to me =)

I actually really enjoy gathering, even I always used to be the one who organized all this gatherings, i am happy for that.

Life somehow can be struggling, boring, so i have to make some surprise and happy moments, and we, as human, always can be the one igniting the changes and chances.

So bring it on for more catch-ups, reunions, gathering, because i appreciated the time we spared together and the job we shared would be last forever~

I scheduled this yee sang reunion at Pasta Zanmai tonight, and to be honest, with the cost RM36.88 for this beautiful cny yee sang, it is really generous of Pasta Zanmai.

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I wouldnt say their food was good, but at least they were really heartful when come to variety and new menu.

We have a very funny conversations tonight, and it was also the first meeting of Karen and Wai Ee.

Happy to see Kong again, he is still as funny as last time we met. Good to know he is graduating soon and hopefully he got a good job in future.

Pek Shan is still as crazy as usual, I shared with her my tinder experience and glad to hear something positve from her.

Somehow I never imagine we would share such a deep conversation, it was really eye opening!

Actually she was right about me, I am too sensitive and over-reacting towards people, which I might be offended easily by some unintentional conversations.

Is good to know everyone is being right about themselves, somehow you can find out yourself from conversations with different individuals, even both of you were not closed.

I felt relieved after gathering tonight, I think I am holding a lot of grudges, a lots of madness, I am holding myself too much, is time to let go

Is time to just be myself, is time to not care about others, is time to feel ok, is time to just go with the flow.

Thanks Pek Shan, I will learn to let go and be myself, and love myself. 


It was a good reunion, though we really have a very short time.

We had the egglett dessert after the Japanese meal, it was CNY and here's come the LTO edition of egglett waffle 

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Seaweed CNY glutinous rice cake version and sweet potato mochi versions! YUmmy!! (Note: photo credit goes to Eggette lab official facebook page)

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The sweet potato mochi egglett waffle was good, the sweetness of sweet potato matched well with the mochi~

I am so happy with the egglett!

We also have a nice photo session at the main court at Sunway Pyramid, their CNY decoration is really vibrant this year.

We had been complaining the star wars themed xmas decor at Pyramid was really dissapointing, but now I understand the reason, because the mall decided to place the investment on CNY.

That's actually very heart-warming because they rather spent for CNY, as a chinese, I really touched =) 

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Image result for sunway pyramid chinese new year decoration 2017 Not just the main court, the decorations is up to 4-storeys high with structures of shops and movie theater that resembles the old days. 

The photobooth this year was also very impressive, with a interesting setting of ancient chinese herbal medicine store, and let the public to fully use the props provided.

Moreover, 2 free instant printed photos will be given, and also with soft copies sending to your email. =) That's very nice of them.

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It was a memorable sessions, and I am happy witht the gathering tonight =) 



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