• Mar 24 Fri 2017 16:38
  • TGIF

Hmmm, seems like i am blogging once a week again...nah, is just nothing special this week.

Soon as I bought my korean trip flight ticket, i had tried to save more money for the trip expenses by reducing the cafe hopping frequency. Hehe.

Actually had eaten quite a lot for this week too, my younger brother was celebrating his21st birthday at Ole Ole Bali on the previous Monday night.

I didnt blog on spot because i did not capture any nice photo lol. I wonder if my brother did but neither he was uploading any food photo.

Well....we enjoyed the family time at the restaurant and surprisingly my parents love the food more than i expected.

Then, i was thrown with a chocolate lava project end of last week, and start to do the project this whole week long. I had eaten so much lava cake these few days.

The evil molten lava was filling up fat in my body, oh, how disgusting....yeah recently was really anticipating on reducing sugar but still cant resist dessert ==

I had set up a target to reduce the cafe hopping frequency as well as avoid ordering big breakfast because i am aware of what i was eating was actually ruining my diet plan.

Then, i also set a target to have dessert just once a week. Had been thinking maybe once in a 2 week will be more productive but for me who work in the baking industry was real hard.

Ok, stop talking about work, though it's had been a long week and quite moody in between, thanks to Li Yin, my new colleague who kept cheering me up to stay positive tho i understand it was hard.

Thanks to her motivative kit-kat bar again, i was loaded =)


Back to today, it was a relaxing day, coz is FLY DAY!! hahaha 

I had completed my chocolate lava cake project yesterday so was also very relaxed =D 

Actually i realized i completed many projects these day in a fast pace, it could be due to the projects were not that hard, or because of my capability?

I rather believe the projects were not that challenging, well, the success rate somehow made me scared.

But, i think it is a good way to prove that it is right to hire me right =D 

Catherine was on leave today, so the day become easy pisy lol. I actually prefer Cat to have leave, of course it would be perfect if both Cat and Ms Foong (both are managers) absent at work. 

However, it would be hard to happen so with absence of cat, all of us less struggling because Ms Foong is slightly easy to deal with. 

Moreover, Ms Foong would be gone around 4pm, and just like what we expected, she left at 4-ish. 


The kitchen turned into dining area, Kenny and Nancy were preparing special bakery this afternoon - curry donuts sound attractive, just i find it really oily.

Still, everyone love it and enjoy the relaxing time without bosses.

At night, i finally catch up with Hema. We used to work together very frequently in the old days at LOC in Macfood. 

I am glad that we still connecting and she insisted my attendance at her wedding.

DOnt she worry that i would be absent because myself also very looking forward to attend my first Indian wedding. 

We had a simple dinner at Flingstone cafe at ss15, was lucky to find a parking nearby and thankful that Hema didnt call off the dinner even she actually was sick.


The only dissatisfaction was the cafe had limited available dish due to something went off in their kitchen, no wonder it was so empty.

We were too lazy to walk around to hunt for other food, so we just bear with the limited dishes they offer.

I had the famous chu yao zar (pord lard) angel hair pasta, i found it too dry but the taste was not too bad.


I also suprised myself to order the matcha latte mainly because it was caffeine free, somehow just felt like getting it rather having icy drinks. 


Actually it was not too bad, i just googled and found that matcha latte is just combination of milk and matcha powder.

I am not a coffee fan hence i never interested to understand the meaning of latte, so now was lightened that i actually i can order matcha latte in the future =)

I never love coffee, i dont mind the smell but i seriously dislike the taste, but i always love matcha, like everything come with matcha ^^


Hema got herself an eggy sandwich and she said it was nice. That's good, at least can tell the cafe was keeping its standard then. 

Revisiting next time? Maybe for the other signature porky mains... 

We chatted so much tonight, good to know Hema is getting a new offer and i really hope she considered wisely for the career because even now i think Macfood is not a place for long career.

I was worried for Hema's health and emotion especially she is planning to get married end of this year.

Hope everything goes well at her end, as for mine, thanks for her advise to tell me to be more confident, her words somehow motivated me. 

Yeah, i shall become ignorance, ignore those words that used to offense me, this is a good way to become less sensitve.

Once again, i was told that i expecting too much, i guess i have to just let everything flow at their ways. 

Somehow, i realize my nature who love to control everything, but things just happened in their way and i never get to enjoy the moment. 

Good lesson vivian, you should just enjoy the moment, but not controlling the process or the result. 


I believe every single person we met in life would bring something to us. It would be physical, or mental, we couldnt stop these people step into our life, neither we could hold them to stay in our life. 

So appreciate the moment they come, enjoy the moment we shared, and thank the gift they brought to us, it could be a real present, a joyful time, a good lesson, even a bad experience.

We may not notice how they changed our life, maybe because we were not inspired, or we just never think of the reason behind. 

I guess both me and hema are alike in terms of our living value and career goal, i am happy to find someone similar as in she also want some me-time after reaching home.

I also love this me-time and i think that is important because we always live in a big society and somehow will lost. It is important to just be by our own, and reflecting what we had done and how could we improve. 

That's life isnt it?

We all need a little "me-time" every now and then. Especially as mothers.   Illustration courtesy of @PascalCampionArt:


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Yes is weekend again, but tomorrow will be Monday ==.

However, it shall be a good monday because the school holiday had finally started and assuming the traffic on the way to work shall be sweet as =)

Finger crossed. Then I would able to sleep for extra 10 mins, what a good day right? =D

Hehe, i am trying to be positive starting this weekend, i was thinking life was too precious to be negative and i would want a happy life =) 

I read a new book yesterday, this is the book of April. 


I also had started a mission with the book, wearing this "A complaint free world" wrist band to stop myself from complaining.


I admit that i am those people who filled with negative thought and used to complain a lot! 

So is good for myself to set a target to be a better person. Although it would be very hard to maintain this mission during working days, as i am not allowed to wear any accessories for my job. However, i decided to use a rubber band to replace the wrist band or just put a coin in my pocket. 

JUst a little explanation of the mission: everytime i complain, i need to wear the band on another wrist. This is to remind myself that i had complained and would be more aware on my own behavior. 

The mission is to sustain for 21 days to wear the band on the same wrist, meaning not to complain for 21 days continuously. 

The begining is very hard for sure, yesterday was my first day, but i still on day 1 today, and tomorrow still will be day 1. 

Yep, i complained both yesterday and today and i am fully aware of that. =S 

so keep it up vivian, i believe i would become a better me and stay away from the negative me. 


I also had fun playing with the new app i installed on my phone, beauty plus is very fun because i can turn on the make up mode and now i can understand which kind of make up actually suits me =)




The anime selfie was also very funny, but i dont really like it, it was too fake lol.


I guess a mild touch up is already good enough ^^





My customized phone case also finally reached me =)



Thanks to crafty co, though i not really like the case very much, because i find the design was not very satisfying...


With the price of RM79, it was really overpriced and the quality of the case was poor.

So i would not recommend it to anyone..

NOw will temporarily use the case until i find the better one to replace because iphone 7 is still very hard to find a good case. 

I just realized i complained again =( 


That's all for my weekend, recently had been raining a lot, i had spotted a rainbow outside my house on Friday.


If rainbow resemble hope, then i would still hope for a better me and future ahead =)



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Image result for 金魚缸 小説


這個好像也是我用部落格以來,首編發表的閲讀報告吧 =P






故事發生在一個作者形容的大箱子- 公寓,公寓裏的每個單位,每個住客在金魚缸裏的金魚伊恩墜落的4秒鐘的經歷串聯成了這個在大紙箱發生的故事




Image result for 金魚缸 小説


















太不可思議了,人生。還有小説。。。。謝謝作者 Bradley Somer,這本書我讀的是譯本,但是很沉醉,真的沒想到閲讀還是讓我有啓發的

Image result for 金魚缸 小説


不過其實也不是每一本都這樣,至少我對〈小王子〉,〈境遇〉,〈贖罪〉等還是很有印象的 =)



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  • Mar 13 Mon 2017 21:34
  • 3月

























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Yeah, today is the International women's day, but we did not celebrate this day, it was just a random night for the outing group to gather =)

Cheen had finally returned from the cruise after 4 months, glad that she still in full piece and definitely had a good experience and fun!

It was delightful to hear her stories, and also happy to receive these!!



I can feel the love hehehehe =D

We were having dinner at Funa Zushi tonight, this was my second attempt here, and apparently this place considered the best Japanese cuisine in Klang.

The food overall was not too bad, we ordered way too much tonight!

I had the aki bento, come with various sushi, tempura (shrimp and salmon =D), sweet soy flavored fried chicken, chawan mushi and miso soup.

This was a luxury meal, and the price of RM40 to get all these was considered very good because it would be hard to get such a great variety and also quality food.

Besides my bento, we also ordered agedashi tofu, gyoza, edamame, a few selections of sushi, karaagae ....omg, i ate way too much tonight!


The gathering tonight was awesome, good talks, lots of laughter and jokes. 

Kok chin was making fun of me with my funny and weird dates, and i also laughed at his weird encounter of women =P

Cheen talked so much about her experience on board and almost had no time to eat

Bean was just being quiet and listen to our silly stories and occasionally gave a bombing comment.

In the end, bean also was telling us about her plan to leave the job and so. We were teasing her again, and the night ended with it. 

Hopefully she made up her mind and move on soon, also wish cheen and chin stay well and happy with their life. 

Until then, let's count down to the next gathering =)


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