I did mention that I helped my friend to proof read her literature review last week, and in return, she sent me this easy peasy banana cake recipe. So I baked a loaf of banana cake, using the African red-ish brown banana (I pretty sure is from Africa) I bought from the market. The banana itself is meant to be use for baking, I assumed the banana had a higher amount of sugar than the normal one, so I lessened half of my sugar amount for baking. Turned out, the banana loaf is perfect, thanks to the baking powder, it rise and I am able to take it out clean and easily from the base. It is all good, the sweetness, the texture, the smell~ This recipe is real good! As soon as I finished one slice, I realized…..oh my, I forgot to add in butter!!! Wow, no wonder in terms of banana cake, this one is not that moist…but guess what? It still taste good, and healthier! FYI, recipe:
2 eggs 270 g light/soft brown sugar 200 g banana (ripe): 2 big bananas or 3 small bananas 280 g flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp ground ginger 1 tsp cinnamon 140 g margarine/butter Method: 1. Beat the eggs and add brown sugar. 2. Add mashed banana to the mixture, mix well. 3. Add the rest dry ingredient into the mixture. 4. Melt the margarine/butter and stir well into the mixture. 5. Pour the mixture into greased loaf tin, bake at 170oC for 1 hour if in a loaf tin, 30 minutes if in muffin tin.
- May 24 Thu 2012 10:48
unintentional healthy baking
- May 20 Sun 2012 10:18
This is not a movie review: dark shadow
It is a late review, lol, i watched this latest Jonny Depp's movie at Auckland 2 wks ago but my laziness drag the review until now.
Well, i am a fan of Tim Burton + Jonny Depp's production, and had been looking forward for the <dark shadow>!
The movie itself is based on the on the 1966–71 gothic horror soap opera of the same name. Starring Jonny Depp, Eva Green and Helena Bonham Carter etc.
Check the plot online: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Shadows_(film)
Well, the review part what i feel about the movie:
As I am a fan, I would have a biased view of the film. No doubt of the performance of Jonny Depp, as well as other actors/resses. If there's thing to be blamed, i will blame the plot itself. I guess Tim Burton really would like to respect the originality of the story itself, and thus, it was an old story, it amazed audience at the past, but perhaps not at the moment.
Thumbs up for the good trailer, i guess it's really made people have high expectation, especially it is Tim + Jonny well known production. However, that's also the dissapointment after watching the movie.
I took it as an entertaining movie, just simply because i do not want to be dissapointed. That's why, I am not going to criticize the weakness of the film. Well, if u are expecting i am going to give comment of this film, sorry about that. =P
Some good scene I like:
After the rising of Johnny vampire, he said I am so thirsty, where can i get food?! Tada! Over 9 billion served~ Mcd!! lol
Johnny Depp, u are so so looking awesome!!! Love u!!!
and another 2 actresses I love so much in this film! Helena and Eva! They have well done performance!!! Especially Eva Green, I never remember her in Bond's film, but this French lady had such good performance that kept me remember her beautiful face in Dark Shadow!
- May 19 Sat 2012 14:41
Nicole’s back
Yes, Nicole is back, and just had a catch-up with her tonight. I can see that she had "recovered" from the tiredness from work, and look refreshed. I also felt grateful that her boss finally hired some people to not keep her too busy and having OTs…
My plum wine....
We had a great meal at Hanamizuki, and I ordered unagi-don. Well, not really like a unagi-don, as they separated the rice and unagi. I guess this restaurant is not really a "wow" for me now, I can see that my first impression was very good because of the "first time" effect. Honestly, the price is shocking as the meal was not very good.
Nicole ordered sukiyaki....i mentioned this in my last blog, see here: http://bluelavender930.pixnet.net/blog/post/88539021
we had green tea ice cream for dessert, this is great, cz in large portion and with good green tea flavor
We chat a lot tonight, basically around the gossips happening after Nicole left, and her trip in Europe, as well as the gossips happening on her. That’s privacy. =P
Anyways, welcome back!
- May 17 Thu 2012 17:26
Sergey在会议结束后告诉每一个他看到的人,enjoy the max of yr life~
- May 16 Wed 2012 14:33
there's no safe place
Feel my life threatened now, I heard shocking news today. My friend, yen, her unit which she just moved in this year was broken in by someone yesterday! Her labtop, and most importantly, her passport which she keeps inside the labtop bag were taken too! Oh my, this was really shocking, especially happened to my friends around. Since 2008, since the day I arrived in NZ, I dint hear any robbery, thieves news around, if there was, that will be very random, and happened to people who wide spreading his/her properties. Poor yen, she had to encounter so many problems now. I sincerely wish she is strong enough to encounter this. I was really worried when I heard this from Shirley, before I played squash with her this evening. I worried that if my properties will face the same destiny as my flatmates always don’t see locking the front door necessary. Luckily, it is all good. Well, still worry about the future days tho. I was told that the police were not efficient, and the manager of my friend’s unit was not responsible. What a world, even in NZ?? I was thinking NZ is safe, as compared Malaysia at least. Well, no place is safe if u is not alert because the world has changed. =(