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劇中的3位女主角- 吉高由理子,榮倉奈奈和大島優子其實都不是我會想看的動力,所以這部劇真的是故事取勝





第一出動 - 閑著無聊想來一杯時

第二出動 -  工作不順想發牢騷時

第三出動 - 想說某人壞話時

第四出動 - 有關男人的緊急狀態時

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這些理由的卻都是現在我們姐妹之間會聚在一起的原因 哈哈哈




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不知道從哪裏冒出來的tarareba (魚和肝,和白日夢的讀音相同),不時一直現身警告自己的不是和提醒自己的年齡!這真的是無情的火啊~

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到底我們是被什麽束縛了,劇中的表達完全是我的心聲,我們就是被[世人的價值觀] ,周遭人的眼光,[女人的幸福],[想在30嵗前結婚],[結婚才是幸福]的觀念等等綁架了

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Image result for 東京白日夢女



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The trip continued today with dim sum at Yok Fok Mun, actually was thinking to visit Ming Kok, the famous dim sum place in Ipoh, but the queue was crazily long. 

While for Fok Shan, i tried it last year and just felt that place so so, hence i picked this rare place for tourists this time.

Surprisingly, the dim sum variety is good, and most of their dim sum is not too bad, another reason worth returning is the good price =) 


After lunch, we went to get most of our souveniers, then only gone to the museum for a tour that i prebooked earlier. 

Actually we also discovered another photo spot before we gone to the tour.




Then, we made a move for the tour. This tour only opened for 20 people each sessions, so advanced booking is necessary.

This tour is about the history of the old time mining activities in Ipoh, it was held at the Han Ching Pat Su, a well preserved traditional villa built in the 1900's.

The admission is free, but i really enjoyed the 1hr and half duration, the tour guide was putting a lot of effort and explained very detailed about the history.

I learnt lots of thing today, also discovered Ipoh was once known as the "world of Tin". 


There are also alots of nice spot to take photo in this small but beautiful place.








Apparently, Han Ching Pat Su was only able to be accessed by Hakka people who involved in the Tin business, and this place remained closed to public until 2015.


There are plenty of old stuffs, such as this cool old day nescafe tin~

This place was well known as a place to gather the 4 main evils:


Besides, this museum also covered the stories about how our ancestor come all the way from China mainland to the south east. 

I felt so grateful of their effort to travel continuously 7 days in a big packed ship!



Without their great effort, we would not likely to stay so happy and own all the nice things we having now.

Thank you!


These victorian tiles resembled i've been here!

After the tour, dad was thinking to have lunch but we were still full from the dim sum, so we decided to leave Ipoh before the jam started.


That's the end of our trip, short but fun, I really enjoyed this trip a lot =) 



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Yes, finally is long weekend! After continuously working for almost 2 months (since CNY, there was no public holiday ==), I finally could have a break!

Thanks to the installation of the new Agong, we got a free public holiday for this year lalala~ 

To celebrate this day, (nothing relevant actually, lol), mum suggested we go to visit Ipoh since both my parents had long time did not visit there and I just did last year around this time.

So I am the tour guide again, which is also my pleasure, had always wanted to bring them around to see and experience what they havent done.

I had booked the accommodation earlier this month, and luckily able to occupy a family room in a budget hotel with very worthy price. 


We departed earlier today, around 9am after simple breakfast. Arriving Ipoh around 12pm, and directly head to lunch. 

I suggested to have lunch in the tradition old coffee shop at the old town of Ipoh, this place is always crowded everytime i visit. 

I guess the marketing tactics of the drinks seller was really smart, he quickly got us a table, which we had to share with a couple. 

But we didn't really mind because it is already very lucky to get a table at such a peak hour, then the seller quickly asked us to choose the drinks we want, and also placed a plate of traditional eggy dessert (something like creme brulee) on a table, kinda forcing us to take it. 

To be honest, I think the way he pushed us to buy his drinks and dessert was really annoying, because of his "kindness" of finding us a table doesnt mean we had to buy his drinks. 

Well, the reason I was mad was because it was a ripped off for the drinks, it costed RM4 for a bottle of sugary drink which claimed home-made. WTH!

Ok, nevermind, travel cant really avoid this, so we just got over it and ordered some yummy food.



Finally have the chance to let my dad to try the pork Satay, glad they love it.


And my favourite chicken hor-fun also still as yummy as usual~

After lunch, we walked to the famous Ipoh concubine lanes, i pretty sure mum and dad never been here, cz I first explored here in 2015 and was really surprised there was such a nice artistic alleys in Ipoh.

Apparently, this is also my first time to visit the first concubine lane (sam nai hong) as I just visited the main one (er nai hong), and there is some very creative mural over here. Some were painted by the famous mural artist - Ernest Zarcharevic. 










Then, we continued our journey to the main concubine lane, here was so much different from last year when i come, so many people, there were no space for walking at this narrow alley!

I was thinking to have some tao fu fa (sweet tofu dessert) but failed because too many people and long wait expecting, so another time i guess. 

Overall, there was just too crowded in the concubine lane, and i couldnt wait to escape from there.

Before we leave the old town, we also visited the art zone around Plan B like what i usually did when come to Ipoh, but guess mum and dad did not have the artistic sense then lol.


Since our hotel check-in was at 3pm, and it was still an hour to go, so I suggested to visit those caves enclaved with temples.

I never visited these famous caves in Ipoh although i had been to Ipoh like 4 times, and finally got to explore these cool caves during my fifth visit.

First, we gone to san bao dong (meaning 3 treasures cave if directly translate), there were a few budhist god statue in the cave, and also a large tortise pond behind the cave. 









We stopped here in a very short time, and moved to the temple and another cave beside the San Bao Dong.



Before we check-in at our hotel, we gone to the famous Kek Lok Tong in Ipoh, this attraction also ranked very high in Trip Advisor website. 

Thank god we chose to visit here, because i really love this place, it is very awesome and beautiful!

With the free admission, I really recommend people to visit here, the place is well preserved, and the cave is huge! I simply like the limestone formation in the cave, it is so beautiful~















What surprised me further was the well maintained garden behind the cave, you will see it if you walked further into the cave and there would be another entrance leading you the garden.


There is a large pond with full of water lily, too bad the pond was definitely not being taking care because the water lily and lotus was dying, otherwise it would be another magnificient view. 








We stayed at this attraction for almost an hour plus, really enjoyed this place~ Glad that dad also have chance to take a walk, he never been walking casually since his last travel in NZ. 

My dad was diagnosed for Diabetes 7 years ago, and doctor always encouraged him to exercise and walk more. He did play badminton twice a week, but rarely walk. 

So great that this short trip provide a chance for Dad to walk around. 

After sweating at Kek Lok Tong, we finally checked in at our hotel. Overall, the room was well equiped and very comfy. 

The hotel staff was very friendly, she recommended us to a restaurant nearby which served good food with cheap cost where we had our dinner later.

Of course, any travelling in Malaysia is always associated with food, we continued our journey with food hunting at the famous dessert street (tong shui kai). 

This street is well known with more than 50 stalls, with nearly half of them are dessert stalls. Definitely a paradise for me =) 


Waited almost half an hour for this, but worth it! The fruit variety is good, and the portion size was large!

Meanwhile waiting, dad and mum talked about how lucky we were as youngster, we could easily get this kind of dessert these days, but during the old days, they would only get the chance to eat these kind of luxurious dessert if something good happened.

Yea, I agreed, because even comparing myself and those teens nowadays, they did cafe hopping during their daily life, but me, hohoho, i only can eat McD's if i finished my exam during my school days, and i remembered i went to Kim Gary with my friends for my birthday celebration. In those days, Kim Gary was considered somewhere fancy and big, and only could be visited in special day.

We were all blessed, with good food, and good luxuries surrounding us, and we must remember how grateful and happy we were!

That's how we ended our first day in Ipoh~ with a full bowl of sweetness and wonderful memories. 


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碧珊的一句話:30  才是人生的開始!沒錯阿,我爲什麽那麽擔憂,我的焦慮不能改變什麽,也不能讓時光倒流,相對的我應該趁自己還是單身時做自己想做的事













順便說一下,今晚的雪糕不錯吃,真的很喜歡inside scoop的環境,很放鬆,很舒服。感謝他們的存在!


我點的是peanut butter jelly口味,不錯吃哦~




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Image result for before i fall movie

I was hesistate to watch this movie, because not sure if it is really a wise choice, but thank god I made it, because it was really a good one (at least to me, i enjoyed it).

Only dissapointment is the movie was over edited for the sensitive scenes, and somehow really confusing. 

However, I enjoyed the movie a lot, and really learnt a lot of myself too.

Actually I was really pissed off before the movie, I was so defended when Bean's colleagues turned out to tease Bean, and also purposely bought seats right beside us. 

I am not sure why i was over reacting, maybe because i really care about the friendship, and felt my friend was "stolen" from the others. 

I guess i was also mad because it was our time to watch the movie, but somehow outsider just "break in" and ruined the moment. 

Don't get me wrong, I really treasure Bean as my best mate and I just dont like her colleagues' surprise.

You wouldnt believe I actually apologized to Bean after the movie, and started to joke around with Bean's colleague because I realized life is too short to be mean to others.

Image result for before i fall movie Soon after the movie started, my emotion started be stable and relieved. 

The movie started with the high school girl, Samantha woke up on her birthday morning, receiving blessing text from her bestie and her little sister jumped and bumped on her bed waking her up.

Just like other ordinary days, she never greet her parents, annoyed by her sister, and ride on her bestie's car. 

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After picking up everyone, this gang of four gathered and gossip. Apparently, this day is also the cupid day, as well as the day that Sam decided to give her "first time" for her bf - Rob. 

She received roses, got invited for a party from Kent, who admired her since childhood. She also joined her gang, laughed at a weirdo, Juliet in the school.

Image result for before i fall movie Then, the night was young, she went to the party but left the party soon after her bestie, Lindsey confronted Juliet and ended up in an ugly fight. 

on the road back home, the car hit something and crashed. 

Next moment, Sam opened her eyes, thought that was a dream, however, just like dejavu, every moment was so familiar, she was so confused and then the same day happened again.

On the "next day", same moment happened again, she started to believe she need to do something to live, she must avoid the party and the accident.

As she thought that the time had passed 12.39am (they got crashed at 12.39), she would have survived, but at the mean time, she received text about Juliet's suicide.

Then she also discovered that Juliet used to be Lindsey's best friend during childhood but separated after Juliet was discovered to wet the matress during a school trip

Image result for before i fall movie Sam thought she would be wake up on the next day, but ended up, it is still her birthday, she just couldnt get out from the same loop.

She been living in the same day over and over again.

Until this "day", she decided not giving a shit because whatever thing she did could not stop the loop.

She wore a very thick make up, wearing some inappropriate dress to school. She got into a fight with her family, then also later with her friends.

Related image She was very defensive, very negative, insulted everyone around her. At the party, Elody (one of her best friend) tried to convince her to apologize but she refused to do so.

Then, she broke into tears, crying loudly in Kent's room. Kent was very kind to her despite her bad attitude, giving her all the trust and love. 

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The "next day", Sam decided to skip school and spent some times with her sister. She come to realized how big was her sister's palm, and also heard what happened to her sister in the kidder garden for the first time. 

Her friend actually laughed at the little girl about her funny way of speaking, but Sam encouraged her sister to be believe in herself. 

It is definitely a family day, Sam spent a lovely dinner with her parents, she asked her mum if she is a good person. 

Her mum replied saying of course she is, and telling her how she was so big hearted in her third grade. Sam smiled and replied it was so long ago.

Then, her mum emphasized: it doesn't matter what i think, it's what you think.

Sam started to realized something important, she went to the party and gone into Kent's room, actually she already spotted the quotes writen on Kent's bulletin board last night.

It was written: Become who you are.

Kent come and told her why he like her so much, it was also because of Sam's warmest protection against the hard feeling he had due to the departure of his father during Kent's childhood.

Samatha finally realized she had turned to someone else, someone who she not used to be. She forgot the good things around her, and have given up so many precious people, connection, and moments.

IN the same night, she discovered how Juliet died, she finally understand the meaning of all these repeating days. 

The reason for her to stay in the loop, is come to realize the meaning of life and make a change. 

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If I was going to relive the same day over and over, I want it to be a day that would make a difference. Not just for me.

She woke up happily in the morning, greet her parents, telling them she love them and then hug her little sister with love and tears.

We all knew that this would be her last day of life. 

She told Elody and Ally why she love them so much, then she also bought a rose for Juliet. 

SHe even broke up with Rob, accepting Kent's invitation nicely and also returned Kent with a rose too. 

Before the party started, she also hug Lindsey, revealed her hidden past about her parent's divorcy and told her not to act tough in front of her.

Later, Juliet turned up, and Sam ran to her to stop her from jumping into the truck, but Juliet just couldnt deny how fragile she was and in the end Sam died by pushing Juliet away from the truck and broke the loop. 

The movie ends with Juliet's scream " Sam! You save me!", then replied by Sam: No, you save me. 

Then, Sam just ran happily towards to the forest. 

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I had cried so many times this time, because I can feel the fear too. 

Just like Sam, I am losing myself somehow, treating people around me negatively, not really insulting them, but i am really not satisfied with what i have around me.

If i really fell today, i would definitely regreting how i treated people around me, how I never being myself and appreciated the good things happened around me.

I see only my greatest hits. I see the things I want to remember and be remembered for. That’s when I realize that certain moments go on forever, even after they are over they go on. They are the meaning.

The rating on rotten tomato site for this movie was poor, which mainly criticize on the poor story setting. 

However, personally i love the storyline, forget why Sam didnt tell her parents or friends about what happened to her living in the loop over and over again, the reason of the loop itself is to make her discover what she has losing - herself, and the loves one around her. 

Why in the end, she had to sacrified herself to get out from the loop? To me, reason of the loop, is not to survive, in fact, you have dead, and life is just once to be fair. 

Reason of the loop is to understand how you died and accepting that you had dead. In my opinion, Sam definitely not accepting this and refusing to accept this ending until she discovered how much she had lost on the day she fell. 

We are holding too much of thing - it can be grudge, can be something materialistic, or even the greed to live longer. 

Just like what Sam's tomboy classmate told her, she been living the same day over and over again, but she was not in the loop. This is because her life is not meaningful, she didnt know the reason to live, so everyday is the same to her, go to school, lunch, gossip, home, party, sleep....repeat next day. If so, what's the purpose of living? 

That's really irony when Sam told her classmate if she experienced everyday like repeating the samething over and over again, and her classmate reacted that exactly what she having now!

I wonder if the loop really exist, seems like you are trapped in the hell as you are repeating the day non stop, but actually if you think differently, you are actually being blessed that you can live differently on the same day as you were given a chance to relive!

That's why when Sam live the day with love pouring to her family and friend, her loving nature also save Juliet from the pain by sacrifying herself.

Why she must die in the end, I would take it as life is no reverse, this probably is also the message the movie want to deliver, you cannot reverse life, so enjoy what you have now, instead of realizing people and moments that are important in your life after you fall, why not treasure them now?

Become who you are, live life the fullest. We are all blessed with a life, and I am really grateful I have an amazing one and would continue live for the fullest for the rest.

I want to give more love to people around me and to the world. Give life a meaning, from the simplest way - to focus on the love among you~

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Thank you for the heartful movie, it really made my day.

P/s: i quite like the actress - Zoey Deutch, who played the role Samantha in the movie. She is very beautiful, and i really like her voice and how she smiled =) 


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