This week was really long, had been looking forward for weekend since the begining of this week.

My followers should notice i had completed a marathon last Sunday, i actually took a day off on Monday, but what really unpredictable was the body ache after resting for a day.

I could feel the pain and sore of my muscle from my back and hips, they were tearing and yelling at me....gosh, it had been lasted for like 2 days until i had badminton on Tuesday night and it turned out to be relieved.

However, the next pain was the on and off fever attack and my irritated sore had been torturing me since Wednesday until now, but of course after seeing the panel doctor and had antibiotics on Thursday, it's getting better now.

I was meant to get a typhoid injection on Thursday because mine would be expired soon, but due to my illness i need to postpone and couldnt get mc because boss was rushing me for a muffin assessment.

Thank god is finally weekend!

Actually went for a movie with Bean last night, i fall because it was Anne Hattaway, but <Collosal> was really a clueless movie to me....i dont see the point, and neither being entertained ==

Well, Anne Hattaway is still cool and hot, it was good to watch her, but the close to 2 hr movie was really long and i was expecting something meaningful and interesting moment and then, is just that and end...==

I wouldnt say it is a bad movie, is just probably not my cup of tea. 

oh well....that's my friday, but i still got something, the books i bought online is finally here:


I got so many books to read, i guess maybe i only able to read those above next year ==

Then today, is definitely considered my recovering day, because i finally get to eat something good, just still restricting myself to fried stuff.

This was a long date set since April with Karen, after my exploration at Publika last week, i am being an art buff again today, visiting "collective design link 3" at Koncent today.

The place is really very tiny, and so surprised to see those artists to squeeze themselves with their displays tightly to each other, and the walkway for visitors is also very narrow, luckily it was not very crowded while we visit. 


However, i think it was good that this is actually the 3rd time they having such exhibition, of course it was even better if the exhibition is as large as the one in Publika, at least it attract more crowd and more people would know there is so many amazing artists out there. 

This is the main reason i am here today, i encountered this flower petal design phone case on the website some time ago, and hesitate to order online because of the price.

It was actually cheaper than my current phone case which also bought online and is customized, but i personally dont really like it so was thinking if it is worth to order something online again without knowing the quality.

Indeed, i was impressed with the photos this website shown, but still not very confident due to my last experience for customized phone case. 

So as soon as i knew they are joining the Design link event, i also take this opportunity to visit this kind of artistic event, the event last week was really participated at very last minute because i nearly missed out.

I bought 2 at this end, one is this, which is the same one attacted me from website, and it is really well made. =) All their creation, even those jewelry also very delicate and exquisite. 


Another one is pending from their further design and shipment because it is upon my request, with the changes of the petals and color of the drawing.

I am looking forward for it now =D

It was great to meet Karen today, she was cutely dressed up today, and i actually was encouraged because with her who 2 years older than me was dare to wear hair band and dress like those girls in 20s....

Then why shall i afraid that my outfit is not mature enough? I was questioning myself these months because Pek Shan said i dressed like a kid and asked to me to wear something like 30s...==

I am aware of my age, and also thought that maybe i should change my style too, point is i actually dont even know what is my style.

Mum told me to wear something cute and young because it doesnt matter as I looks cute on it. Well, i think it is true because I indeed suits cute outfit due to my baby face =P

So i would not care how people think of me, i will wear what i feel like wearing =)

We initially plan to have lunch at some cafes close to Koncent, but we never thought the place was so small and Karen mentioned about Uptown was not too far away so we made our way to Uptown for food. 

I actually got hit by a car on my way to Uptown, a car reversed without noticed i was just at behind. Luckily both of our speed was nearly zero and it was just a bit scratch or maybe even none on my car. 

So let's forgive the careless driver and have good food.




We had lunch at red kettle cafe in Star link. It was good to have new mall at Uptown, it means have more parkings =)


Red kettle cafe was popular, why i dint know that lol. They have another branch at Taman Desa, and this is the 2nd branch at Star Link. 

They got interesting menu too, and i was attracted by their signature big breakfast. 

It was quite creative that they place all the big breakfast common item on top of the pancake in a pan.


However, to me the breakfast was actually just alright, not bad but not really impressive. 

I think maybe next time still can try other food, just dont know when lol.


When come out from Red Kettle also saw this hanging at Starlink, quite nice.

After lunch of course is dessert time, as i couldnt get ice cream due to my sore throat, i suggested tea press, a japanese dessert and tea house where i wanna visit for long time.


This place is really cool and classy, can tell the Japanese owner was really trying to implanting the Japnanese concept into Malaysian shop. 

Their desserts are mainly wagashi, which is my favourite <3 






I ended up couldnt resist their special tea flavor ice cream. So I had the wagashi ice cream set, warabi mochi with dango and hoji tea ice cream, topped with azuki paste.


Karen had the matcha version.


I think it was not bad, is just way too sweet until the end, mainly is meant to be paired with the tea. 

I would love to visit this place again for their other savory menu next time =) 


That's all for today, it was great to catch up with Karen, glad to hear that she also in love too (another one ==) and i think i just keep myself occupied and think what i really want for life then is good.

Love life? Let it be more naturally, let it be while it be. 

The little cute devil also visited us tonight, look how abdorable she is when climb up to her dad lol.




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Finally! And yes, i accomplished one of my target this year! 

Actually, it was not as hard as I expected. I had joined marathon in my past 2 years, but i only did once a year, and both were 5kms. 


To be honest, it was a pain in ass to do so, because i couldnt run continuously, somehow i would be hard to breath, or suffered for cram legs.

However, for this time, i think it was quite smooth. Of course i did not run the 10km non stop, i possibly just run continuously for the first 2k....

Well, it was very confusing, because the board showing the kms remain was really very hard to tell, as it also mixed up with the half marathon board. 

I actually felt very exhausted in the middle of the marathon, it was really hard to keep going, because it was really a distance!

But this Standard Charted marathon is overwhelmed, many people, and most of them were running seriously.


Woke up at 415am this morning, thanks to chih yong who also participating for 10k so that i do not have to worry how to come all the way to KL in the middle of the night.

Drawback was i had to wait for an hour plus to get started, because Chih Yong is in the speed category while i was laid back, in the leisure category. 

But there's no difference between the categories, it was just different cut-off time, but in the end we all get a same piece of medal. 

I guess my weekly training indeed improve my stamina, i did get slightly stomach cramped but just for a while only, then i was able to run again.

Only thing i am not satisfied with myself was i was not able to keep running, i used to stop after a while, or set up some landmark for me to stop, this is not good. 

I guess i am a person who really lazy and like to make excuse, or i shall say i over protecting myself until i actually limiting my capability?

What's made me think so? Because I realized after i kept running for a while, my leg was actually not that pain, i was not that tired and i actually think i could keep running but i chose to walk instead =(

I was really grateful with the rain, because it made me kept running, especially the rain started to turn heavy in the last 1km, i just run like really avoiding the rain. 

Usually in my past marathon, i always suffering in the last 1km, especially when it near the end point, but this time, i think i really can do it. 

Overall, i am very happy with my achievement today, proud of myself, but think i could do better. 

I used 1 hr 45mins to finish 10k, half run, half walking....but generally i think i am fine, not suffering from pain or cramp. 

I actually kinda shocked when i noticed from someone's phone that it was just 38mins when i almost finished 5km, meaning i actually got lots of improvement as i used more than an hour for 5km last year.

Alright, no matter how, mission accomplished, i am happy and i am looking forward for next marathon.

Not sure if i am joining anyone soon within the rest of the year as now is just May, maybe i shall join 1 in September or November then.

I also need to continue train up myself! =) 








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So happy that i am on half day leave today, though i was kinda mad when my boss asked me do adhoc stuff at very last min, like half an hour before the leaving time.

Oh well, i decided not to think about it anymore, because i am more looking forward for the artistic event later =)

But before that, i have a mission, that's collecting the coming Sunday Marathon's kit, and it become a mission because I volunteer myself to collect for the rest - kok chin's, Jia Chyi's, Hui Bee's and Chih Yong's.

Reason was there's another event holding at Publika really caught my eyes, and I was so grateful i able to spot it in the begining of this week.

Coincidentally I also need to clear my leave (i was credited for 3 and half days leave which accumulated last year during my probation period, and since i was confirmed now, i need to use them by June), so i decided to drive my own for the first time all the way to KLCC to collect the race kit, then drive to publika for the Pop Art Asia event. 

Yes, this is the event that's really made me excited!! 

I never thought i would become that crazy about art, but after my travel to Taiwan, i realized i really like zakka items, art crafts, mural art etc. 

Then recently while i planning for my spare time activity, i figured out that i indeed willing to learn d.i.y stuff like knitting, pottery etc.

So when noticed that the Pop up Asia event coming to Malaysia for the first time, i was really happy. Karen was too busy to join me, so i decided to go on my own. Honestly i also dont want to lose this chance because no one accompanying me, i am happy by myself. =)

Overall, today was quite smooth, i still manage to reach KLCC before 3pm despite of the building up traffic, and also a little lost to find out the basement parking.

Luckily my guts was right, and not to listen to WAZE, i reached KLCC and also walked to KL convention centre, collected all the race kits, and a bit terrified by those Standard Charted Bank promoters, but still safely accomplished my mission. 




I hang out a wee while at KLCC, not sure if this is good, mainly because i scared i was too early to reach Publika and I might not need to spend so much time at the event. Oops, i forgot to mention another reason made me to visit this event is also because Wai Ee was pleased to come to Publika join me for dinner after work. 

So i hang around at KLCC and spot the newly opened store - KOI. I love this taiwanese brand, brands carried over from Taiwan's 50 Lan, i used to drink it everytime i visited Singapore (though i only visit this country twice), because I love the mini size and chewiness of the bubble (tapioca pearl), and i was able to choose my sugar level. 


I picked the matcha tea, it comes with the tapioca pearl wth generous portion, unlike the previous Chat time or current tea live, or Gong Cha which need to pay extra for the toppings. 

Still love it, although it was just the small size, but i felt like it was so huge to drink mainly because there is plenty of pearls.

Then, i hang around at Kate spade (the price really expensive, but cheaper than Coach), Vincci, Isetan food stores then only start moving to Publika.

However, 1 thing i really pissed was the parking ticket was over priced, it cost me RM9 for 1 hour and half parking duration, WTH!?

I think something went wrong but i decided to get over it, so i just calmly holding my mad, and departed to Publika.

The traffic started to build up on my way to Publika, instead of usual 15mins drive, i used 30 mins to arrive my destination.




I could tell this Pop Up Asia event indeed greater than their normal Sunday art market no matter in setting and booths number. 


Checked in using the stamps provided, yes! 

I also very impressed there were lots of local artists from other states like Kelatan, Kuantan, Malacca, Terengganu etc gather here to present their art pieces. 



Miniature art is one of the thing i really crazy about lately, they are so cute isnt it!


Looking at this doll house really reminds me of the Japanese doll house i saw in Japan, actually kinda regret didnt get one set for myself. 


Pop up card also very interesting, they also hold a free workshop tonight and i managed to join on time.


This paper craft art is also very eye catching, such a detailed fine work, i am totally amused~


The talented artist even plug in the lighting inside the frame and totally turned into a fine piece of art~



All of them were passionate and heartful about their work, and willing to share their experiences.


Here's the DIY session created by Loka Made, a local creative card seller, they provide me all the kits for free!




I spent almost an hour over here, which was sufficient to kill my time while waiting Wai Ee to arrive. 

Also happily chat with the little girl who is an intern from Loka made and shared experience of life with each other.

Honestly, it was memorable, and sweet time. 


Then, i visited the rest of the booths, hesistating to choose a wallet between made by outer layer of oak tree and made by kraft paper.

Until Wai Ee arrived, i think i made up my choices, but before purchasing it, we had dinner first. 

I picked Okonomi, was tempting to visit this restaurant since i spotted it last visit at Publika, apparently it has a good review on Zomato too.




We had their recommended dish - chicken gratin spagetti, actually it was just a very normal pasta, nothing much to boast about it. 

But this place is actually famous for their self created sushi roll and green tea lava cake. 

We dint create our own, mainly because i was not very confident with my selection, and Wai Ee dont seems interested to create one too.

But we had their best seller - crunchy crab roll, come with 8 pieces in total, but still pricy because this cost nearly RM30!


To be honest, i think this place is also over-rated, maybe because we did not choose the right food? But we had what they recommended tho......hmmm.

Oh well, in that case other place for dessert then~


I finally able to visit Namoo! Always wanna come here, despite of how cheryl told me their food quality deterioated, but i am here for dessert~

Thank god i come, because i will be so sad to miss out their sweet potato cake!




Very dense, very flavorful, it was so goood! Perhaps i like something rich, something strong, so this cake really feed me well =P 

Happy with what i got, just not the bingsu. We had the king's bingsu, It was just very ordinary shaved ice with condensed milk and fruits, but i do like the sticky rice cake =) 


Initially i planned to have the signature salt caramel ice cream pop corn bingsu but the price was a bit high, and Wai Ee dont seems like want to eat this flavor. 

But i still enjoy my dessert at Namoo, and would like to come here again for other dessert =D

Anyways, it was good to catch up with Wai Ee, finally confirmed that she had fallen in love with someone i knew, and really happy for her.

Am i jealous, no, i think i am trying to adapt with my single life lately, well seems a bit weird because i had been single since 6 years ago. 

I guess because i had lots of dream to pursuit 6 years ago, thinking to stay in NZ, get a good job after back home, nt really focus much on my love life. 

Then, it was because the 30 year old border woke my concern and now i am thinking to invest myself in more art skills, that's why i am happy with what i did today~

I also bought myself this wallet made by oak tree, this was very impressive and well made. The price was just the same like those branded wallet out there. 




I think i wanna cherish this and encourage the local artist, this kind of event is good, because it open a channel for the public to know more about how local artworks were perfectly done. 

Thank you, i really enjoyed my day =D



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Definitely over eating this weekend, i never expect i would go cafe hunting so frequently for this week.

I had set up a target for myself to cut down the frequency of cafe hopping since i am saving money for travelling. 

Oh well, i thought i had not met Huey Yee for a while and asked her out for catch up, hence i went for cafe hunting at Puchong area on Friday night.

Initially i was thinking to go Le Pollidor cafe but the reviews were really bad, hence i changed my mind last minute and suggested for Porcupine Place at Setia Walk.

I saw somewhere that their breakfast was a must try but i could not trace back the website, their breakfast menu indeed looks attractive, especially with lots of pork hidden in most of the dishes.

However, in the end, we were more attracted by its Mother's day special 2 course meal, Huey Yee suggested we have that as the waiter also said that we could share the 2 course meals.

To be honest, the portion size is not enough for 2 persons tho, probably we still longing for dessert later so we wouldnt mind have this 2 course meal.




The entree is a soup dish, mainly because Huey Yee is not a fan of salad, (there's 2 choices for both entree and main) but if it was my choice, i would choose salad.

However, the choice of soup is also good because i really love the creamy tortellini soup, with the nutty chickpea in it, and lots of vege really provided a bowl of wholesome taste.

I must emphasize the tuscan sausage in the middle of the soup, it was brilliantly made with a crispy bread-coated the sausage meat in it. It was so yummy =)


Then, for the main, it was my pick - Memphis pork belly with cider juice, mashed potato, sweet corn cob, purple apple slaw and bacon crumbs. 

The pork belly was well cooked, soft and tender upon biting, and very succulent, the fatty layer was not too oily or cloyed, but i do think the sauce made with cider juice was too sweet. 

Huey Yee declined to taste the corn, so i ate the corn cob while she finished up the mashed potato. 

I love the corn cob, sweet and matched well with the sweet sauce. 


For drink, initially i planned to order a pot of tea, but the waiter recommended the signature drink - pink lemonade and basil breezer. 

They used basil leave to make the sorbet, which is really creative, but too bad i dont really like the taste., or i shall say it didnt impress me. 

Oh well, but i think their menu overall is creative and would like to visit this place again. 

After the savoury attempt, we left and moved to Bandar puteri area for dessert. Finally i come to Mangosix, this korean cafe that appeared many times in various Korean drama.

I ordered the signature Mango Tango, but to be honest, i think it was overrated and overpriced. 


I especially really dislike how I kept sipping the mango fibre and it's annoying. 

It was just a normal mango smooties drink, with cream and yogurt and some coconut flakes. Maybe sounds healthy because there seems like no extra sugar or syrup, but who knows. 

I think i can prepare this at home ==

But it was a good night to catch up with Huey Yee, good to know everything is fine on her side. 


Then today, i had another excuses for cafe hopping, because Cheryl need to pass me the bridemaid dress. 

I thought i only need to have one cafe hopping this week, but plan always change, and i took it as another chance =) 

This also marked an official red bomb attack! She not just passed me the dress, but also a wedding card, sigh ==

Ok, stop sighing, it is a good news and excitement, my besties is married soon!

We went to Stanger at 47, thanks to cheryl that still didnt mind to pay another visit as she been here just one week ago.




However, this was my first attempt here after bookmarked this place for sometime ago, and finally i drove here to taste it.

I got myself the shore to please, no longer longing for big breakfast because i think big breakfast is a bit boring and too fatty lol.

Or mybe because the big breakfast did not look appealing to me, and i was amazed by the photo of the seafood crepe combination.


Indeed a good choice, i am proud of my pick lol. 

I am surprised that the sauce is salted egg yolk because it didnt taste very eggy or buttery to me. The sauce was just right, and matched well with the tasteless crepe and seafood.

Cajun shrimps sound really challenging, not many people can handle cajun flavor well, it could be get either very tasty or yuck. 

However, stranger at 47 nailed it, and i was really sastisfied with this plate of savory. 

SO grateful that there is still a heartful cafe where focusing on creative crepe menu, thank you. Your dish really made my day.

I also had a cinnamon hot chocolate today, but so sorry to say, you guys have to put more effort on your hot chocolate. 


With my happy pallet this weekend, i am blessed with creative and good food, and delighted that there are still good cook out there in Malaysia. 


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