never thought that the last harry potter movie is showing now, i mean so soon...
the 7th Harry Potter, which is also the last one, Harry Potter and the deathly hallows was filmed into 2 part
part 1 was showed last year, and part 2 is showing now.
I was kinda worried when heading to the cinema with yen, not too sure if it is a wise desicion
i've missed 2 Harry Potter movies in total: Harry Potter and the order of phoenix and Harry Potter and the half blood prince,
and to be honest, when i was watching the 7th movie (part 1) without watching the previous 2 mentioned above
I am totally lost......
who is this guy? why they are together? why this why that...gosh...and the typical UK accent....HELP!!
haha XD luckily yong wah explained the whole story for me....she is good on this....well, not for me, as i am a bad reader...
and thanks for yong wah's story, I am capable to understand the whole story line and able to cope with part 2
I also understand why the director decided to divide it into 2 parts, as part 2 is actually consice and exciting
I understand every single sentence in the movie, wow, unexpected, and impressed with professor snape....
Dumbledore is very wise, he planned and sacrified to kill Voldemort step by step, used every single, precise source which he could
the story line is damn good, thanks to JK Rowling, is hard to believe her creativeness and imagination....
i wont use complicated to describe harry potter, in turns, i think it is a good story for reader or movie fans from children, teens to adult..even senior i guest...
have been watching harry potter movies since high school (ignored that I actually missed 2 of them), is abit hard to believe, finally harry potter finished
wonder where will those actor/ress gone. will they able to move into new roles? will they able to be accepted with their new roles?
hmmm, emma is getting prettier, pretty sure she will be kinda weird if he is no longer harry potter..
but harry potter movies had accompanied us for such long times, and is actually good to see such a good show in the finale
give a big clap to all the movie cast and all staffs behind the scene! 
hmmm, kinda thinking is time for me to read harry potter ey.....will do....will do?