• Jul 07 Thu 2011 19:59
  • easy A

I haven't watched this movie yet, but paya had described the main content for me...

Is about how rumor, and gossips surrounding a girl being spread in the campus

to explain, or reveal these rumors, the main actress sacrified herself and eventually turned these gossips into reality and of cz, it spreaded even wider...

i've no idea how's the movie end, but i am pretty sure that the girl's image was totally ruined

the same thing happen in the reality too, we love gossips, we spread gossips, and who knows, we also create gossips too....

However, could we really judge someone by just a random action?or even a meaningless sentences? but we always do rite?

i dont want to be any character in easy A, and is no longer love gossiping too. So, if u want to share something, sorry i have no comments...

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我原以为可能是在你生命中有重要的人出现时,瞬间, 我们又行同陌路













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the highlight conversation of the day:

Alastair: Hey vivian, you are back! Good to see you!

Me: Yes, I am back!

Alastair: how are u doing today?

Me: ......Erm....ok~

Alastair: ok??

Sergey: Yeah, she is doing ok....No desk, No computer, No password, No....(Alastair shut the door, left quietly)....Oh did I just scared him?!

Me: .................


Well thanks for answering that sergey, my hillarious supervisor! but yeah, this is my day. I am still feeling unsecured, with or without my desk, cz eventually i got my desk, but still unsecured.

Have said hi to some ppl, who knew me, or, who thought i am new.....mayb u could consider me as newbbies....too



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woke up pretty smooth at the early morning, i found out i made a very good choice on getting myself this warm electronic blanket

Sergey was early, and luckily i prepared myself very well, is not a good choice to make ur supervisor to wait u on the second working day

first time enter the business class boarding room, well, i would said, i am really lucky~

i dint help myself with any hot drinks, well, i am pretty fine with my breakfast i had in the early morning, i will make sure, i wont be too struggle with rest room....

soon, i met the big boss for Alison, well, i would said, i was the only asian, only chinese, and yes, the most unwanted?? but Alison did not think the same way as i did, she named me too many times, and she described me as almost the VIP in this meeting....I really shocked and well, inconfident.....

thanks alison, u really a great boss..


Auckland is as busy as usual, but i have no time to visit the streets, because we were trapped in the meeting from 9 to 4.30pm.....

the marketing team were very friendly, and they also showed high interest on the project, which really pleased Sergey and Aaron. Sergey was very happy about that, and told me it was the most productive meeting ever...wow, this was out of my expectation, i thought these meetings were usual to fonterra, but it is actually the first time when marketing team meet with nutrition team =) i am impressed!

I dint do much at the meeting, well, knows more big people, no matter if they are friendly or not. A paediatric person was not very friendly, but mayb she just had a bad day, at the end, we come with a good outcome, and big smile! yeah =D

this is how business meant!


Really appreciated, and felt warm to be welcomed by Alison and Roger, the fun with the team inspired me again...thanks for this great opportunity, it made my day


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I remember how ping always describe her hard, busy life beautifully...

well guest I should learn those pretty words from her, life is just beautiful struggle, isn't it?

I've pray so much that everything will go smoothly today that i will meet aaron, and got my contract signed...all things shud be falling in place

well, life is not what u could predict, eventually aaron, still missing....he was not able to come to see me in the morning

luckily, terri at massey was kind enough to tell me something, which still, not clear enough to fullfill my curiousity...

well, i handed in my offer letter, and eventually found out, no contract to be signed?? weird...

and i was being told to go home, until Alison arranged a meeting with me...

but i did not follow Sergey's instruction, i went to massey library instead, and fated to sit near the food tech books site for almost 3 hours

and the electricity just happened to be gone off when i arrived, having my sandwitch facing the sky, at the quiet, and dark library, partly skimming a sensory book.... I recalled ping's beautiful description about her miserable busy life....

"life is a beautiful struggle"

I pray so hard that the meeting will be arranged on time, and thank god, u made my day

well, when Alison requested me to come over auckland tomorrow on the phone, my mind was pretty blank, i mean are u serious??

yes, they are, Priscilla was kind enough to ensure my name was correct, and informed me that she successfully got me a flight ticket. I went to plaza instantly to get myself a formal, or mayb just not too casual boots. Spent 19 bucks for a pair of pretty boots at the end, and also got myself a good looking dress at TemT. (i am falling in love with clothes at temt, will shop after i got my first payment)

so 50 bucks for a ticket to auckland....pretty good ey. Life is a beautiful struggle ey?

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