yesterday was so sunny, so sophie decided to go for a trip, at first we planned to go kapiti island, however, the unique island is closed as still winter, so we changed our destination to wellington.
Well, goin welly is not a big deal to me, as I went there quite often since i got my job at palmy. Ya, palmy is too boring, so I always go to wellington, and moreover janis and paya are there. And recently I also just realized that tania and teresita had moved up to this capital city too.
ok, back to the title, this welly trip is awesome, we (me, sophie, sara, anne-cc, gaetan, anne-michelle) have alot of fun!! I just realized that it was a good experience to travel with european. The way they think is very different from asian, and they actually quite stubborn with trip details...
haha, we drove in quite early morning, and chit chat, music in the car. Sophie's driving skill is smooth and yet kinda brave, love it =)
and the sun always shine throughout our whole trip~=) thanks for the good weather! After check-in at the backpackers, we spent our lovely morning at the harbour, around water-front. OOps, and we spent some time to find sophie her french travel book too.

gaetan is so crazy, he always climb here and there, although somehow it can be quite annoying....but well, guest u get different experience to travel with different people.....

sara and me~

we have our awesome lunch at the water front, I forgot to take a photo of it. We were waiting for our burgers at front of the cafe, sophie was snapshoting everywhere, so we got captured. =)

and anne-michelle joined us later, with a wonderful weather at water front~ (from left to right: anne-cc, me, sara and anne michelle)
In the afternoon, as expected from the frenchies, they wanna do some tramping, even at a city...
so we walked up to mt victoria, for nearly 2 hours walk while other ppl drive up to the summit. But, it was a good walk, and a good way to exercise, at the same time, u can get to see the awesome view the whole way.

after 2 hours, we finally climbed up the summit, and is so worthy to walk up here~ because after u see the awesome scenary, u will feel so released and forgot how u sweated and gasped just now....and the walk is quite easy as the track is so clear and smooth to walk.

all of us!!

and we got a chance to relax at the green field on the way walked back to city. See the city behind us!! =)
Then, we head back to water front, and luckily the famous gelato shop had not closed yet, so we get our delicious gelato (hmm, forgot to take photos...)
of cz, later, is dinner time. Sara's travel book is out to date, so we missed the maori restaurant, and in turns went to a mexican (probably) cafe. And I order this delicious gumbo~

sara and sophie with their awesome tacos!
and then we went to an irish pub to have beer and relax abit, listen to some funky irish is good!

haha, dint realize sophie is taking photos....see the pub atmosphere is good rite?
and night in welly~
Guest what, we saw some little cute penquins at the harbours on the way back to our backpackers, we tried to figure the way to help those cuties, but seems not working....No many people care, and even some drunk ppl are playing around. I sincerely hope they are alright now....
and no photos for them, cz too blurry, and I still not figure out hw my camera night mode working....
I guest because of the walk in the afternoon, we dint manage to continue drinking when we back to our bed. And after a good shower and sleep, is the time for us to leave...TT
But we went to the botanical garden via cable car and get to walk a bit.

After the botanical garden, we made our road trip to the south of wellington to see the beach~ we bought some lunch at new world, and cool, begin another road trip~

our rented car~

then we found this cool area, so we decided to have a picnic lunch here ^^

life is awesome!

then we have some walks around the beach....

LOL, they are so funny to do this shot~

haha, I tried to jump so hard....but just not that nice jump as sara....

I am really impressed by the wonderful natural-made rocks at the beach....

a death fish on the beach....
so that's the end of our trip, well looking forward for this type of trip again ^^