I took my courage to step on the weighing scale last week and realized I was getting back to where I was again
the hard work, effort on diet just lose time after time, and it was super hard to maintain especially after back home
Perhaps i was finding excuses, but i do think Malaysian food is generally more fatty because they used up coconut milk, oil in general street food or meal where you can commonly find everywhere...ie nasi lemak, laksa, pisang goreng etc
Then i start driving and walk very rarely, not even mentioned that i had quitted gym for so long
That's how I rebounced. Regretfully, I really shall have managed better...
I do think I am not loving myself enough, that's how I become inconfident, and low esteemed while hanging out with frens who have a better look
But now is time to change, bcz life is too short to be lowering myself, life is too fragile to not loving myself harder
so yes, i need to initiate the diet plan again, along with other plans to take care myself more...from outer to inner self.

I went for a run this morning, and suprised to find out the breeze in the early morning was so refreshing and relaxing
There were many people in the park, various types of activities were going on, from taichi to street dance...
The park had been transformed to such stage that it could sastify all generation's need.
I was here probably 10 years ago, yes no lies, it was so close but yet so far to me.
Could not believe I had missed out these for 2 yrs since back home, i could run at least twice a day during my jobless period!
Then perhaps i would not be as struggled as now (why struggled? bcz it was so hard for a foodie to lose weight)
oh well, life is about moving on, so no regret or turning back.
I also remind myself once again: Life is about exploring and be appreciative!
We should not complain on little things or how people annoyed us, because life is too short to be negative and holding grudge.
The run aint easy for me, I walked half of the park, then started to run for the half, then repeat for another cycle.
Then I started to walk back home and realized I only used up nearly an hour, but had sweat like a pig! And, it was just 8am!
I used to wake up around 11am on weekends, and drag all the hsework, and finished around 5pm or 6pm.
But today since I have woke up early and energized from the run, I had a nutritious breakfast (finally go back with cereals after so long) and started to do hsework.

I finished everything around 2.30pm, and get to do my stuffs around 3pm after shower.
Wow, I gained almost half day! It was actually better not to waste all the time on the bed, because the extra hours could have done more stuffs!
Well, of cause sleep is also important, I am hesitate to decide if I shall start sleep at 10pm.
8 hours of sleep is important to maintain a good skin and body health, given that all the metabolism activities were activated after 11pm.
As i need to wake up around 6.15am, to fulfill 8 hrs sleep, I shall go on bed around 10pm then.
However, usually it was 9pm or later after I finished dinner and shower...which means my life become work, sleep, work, sleep.....until weekend
So I am struggled to do this, sigh, if there was no traffic jam, if there was no OT, if I could work somewhere nearer.....
Anyway, I have to make a decision to make sure I gt enough sleep, so I think I shall sleep at 11pm the latest.

I had been using masks, and also 'investing' facial set since last year because I do think there's a need
Could not admit I did reach the age to manage my skin, so no matter how pricy and troublesome it is, I had to force myself to keep it up.
Indeed, there are no ugly girls, just lazy girls.
Diet plan: (Target:to lose at least 3kg before Sep, to lose another 3kg before Dec)
1. Run every Saturday, increase the running duration by stages
2. Eat mild processed food, do not swallow any food from work (too bad I worked in a processed food manufacture)
3. Try to avoid nasi lemak, roti canai, pisang goreng etc...food with coconut milk, flour based, oily...
4. Lunch: eat soupy (but not curry or paste based) meal, or economy rice which able to choose more vege and less rice, or homemade salad/wrap using tuna, vege (from line or supermarket), avoid have drinks during lunch (bravely said no!)
5. Portion: order small instead of large size. Eat until 70% full instead of 100% (or over) full.
6. Stay standing or do a short walk after meal. (avoid sit for at least 15mins)
7. While can sit, try to stand, while can stand, try to walk....
8. Snacking: try to avoid if possible, otherwise get nuts, fruits or other healthier options.
9. Dinner: less rice, less carbs....1/4 carbs, 1/4 protein, 1/2 vege
10. Sweet tooth: avoid soft drinks, chocolate, cookies/biscuit....opt out or eat less main meal if really need to go for dessert.
11. more to come...need to think other ways as current life did not allow lots of freedom to diet like previously in NZ.

Keep it up vivian, you can do it!!