Thought i would miss out this event but thanks to Siew, I am able to come to this mega book fest hosted by Popular book store.
Took LRT this morning with my colleague, Siew all the way to KLCC, it had been a while since i last took LRT.
We arrived quite early so the queue is not that long, but surely we missed the goodie bags.
Honestly i dont think the books are very cheap, but indeed you can get all the collection here, can find lots of random books which usually rarely find at the bookstore.
I was so excited when i spotted this, but still not cheap also. I was so hesistate to buy one or two.....end up i did buy some lol.
We went for lunch in the middle before continue look into other areas.
Siew picked nando's, although i dont really like to dine in there but good that the vege sides are wholesome enough.
We didnt stay long at the book fest, left around 2.30pm as I still have wedding dinner tonight.
Is my cousin's wedding, I didnt attend her ceremony in Sydney (well too pricy) but thankful that able to attend hers in Malaysia.
Furthermore, it is so random to spot below scene.
My niece, Loey is making friends again~ lol
Also realized the fried rice is nice. =)
Last this is what i got today~ hahaha more and more coming but still yet to finish reading ><