yes finally able to experience stamp crafting, this is one of the new hobby i want to try.
I actually wish to learn it during my Korea trip last year, and thought i can craft my name at the same time, oh well.
but now, i have the chance to learn it locally, so happy when i come across Corallinestamp instagram account and found out she was hosting a stamp crafting workshop at Sunway velocity.
Actually i was hesitate at first, not because of the cost, RM80 is actually ok for me, but I more worried about the distance.
Well nearly an hour drive is not a problem, is just recently my car is not really stable and that's really a concern for me.
However, i think is not easy to meet this chance, and really want to spare sometimes to do something meaningful and interesting.
So, I just joined the activity and ya no regret =D
I met karen for lunch, thought of asking her to join the workshop too but she was hesitate because or her neck ache.
We had simple Japanese lunch at top floor at Velocity, actually this is my first time visiting here, and happy to find out there is a space that encourages the development of creativity and cultures where artisans come together as a community by supporting each other. - Commune.
My workshop was in the afternoon, lasted for 2 hours plus.
Not many attended this workshop, including myself, there are only 3 of us. My teacher, Coraline, is a quiet and friendly girl, i am guessing she is not local and also surprised such a quiet girl could lead the workshop.
I crafted a leave and arrow at first, learning all the basic skill, then i moved on to a slightly complicated design - Eiffel tower!
It was harder than i thought, Coraline also commented is difficult, because of the tower base 'X" design, need more detailed crafting skill.
However, i think most importantly is the heart and passion, tada, i made it!
There are also tea and cookies to be served, such a pleasant afternoon.
These are the goodies I got today, a stamp pad (purple), an art board (green), a stamp pad (pink to red), 2 crafting knife. Coraline even custom made my name card =)
Beside, i also got this lavender soap from Claire Organic, the workshop is actually co-hosted by Clair Organic, so they also gave out little gift.
Good to know there a still a bunch of ppl who enthuastic about artwork out there =)