This is just a random update after working for a few weeks...and the title was just randomly given since the month of April started today.
Happy April Fool everyone, whether you had fooled someone or being a fool picked by someone...
I am all fine as I went to some sort of serious training today, so no jokes were made or mentioned.
Well, it was the first training since I started for my marketing job, yea I meant MARKETING..
Not sure how long i will be entitled with this role, but you will receive updates if I switched to somewhere better. =)
Life is meant to keep on trying and find the best that suit us right?
Back to the updates, i would like to share my new baby! =P
here you go~

So i finally changed my phone!! lol, it's been a while since I kept on complaining how disfunctioned was my HTC smart phone and I want to change a new phone...
It just happened in 1 day....when my mum bought herself a Samsung Grand, then I decided I will get one too.
However, I got myself the latest version, which is Grand 2...Is bigger, and enhanced in terms of speed, ram, and functions...
Guess what? I even get the phone cover for FREE.....though it is not an original Samsung case, as u knew, you can find anything in Malaysia ==

I also download the dodol launcher app for creative theme for my phone, and got Eiffel tower planted in my phone =P
Well, I could not deny that having a smart phone is really convenient, especially when I was lost!! I actually used WAZE to track where I was yesterday while at the same time, I blamed WAZE to bring me to a wrong location.
As mentioned above, i went for a training today...the training today was about updates of the latest variation guidelines of Health supplements in Malaysia....While training actually started since yesterday, which was about variation guidelines of traditional medicines...
It was held at the National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau, PJ, and according to WAZE or GOOGLE MAP based on the given address on NPCB official website, it is located right opposite UM Hospital.
As you may notice I am still a rookies when come to driving, especially driving from Klang to PJ...moreover given that there are limited parking space....My dad decided to become my driver =(
Anyways, I got dropped at UM Hospital but I could not identified any building around which marked as NPCB....I went all over the places in UM hospital and was directed to different areas, and ended up wasted half an hour without getting any clues =O
It is quite frustrating as I never get into this situation even when I was in NZ....perhaps Malaysia is too complicated =S
Finally, I got told that NPCB is actually located 2km away from UM general hospital =O....then i had no choice but to catch a cab and spent RM6 to reach my destination.
Seems like GPS is not really reliable....but, come to think of that, it was the NPCB fault for misleading address, and not detailed their location of the training accurately.
A map or even a short description of nearby landmarks would be least I did not have to catch a taxi ==
Nevermind, I am grateful that both trainings were short and nt too boring...and i could leave EARLIER =D
So for me, this week i only work for 3 days ^^ I just couldnt wait for weekend!
Not that i am having plans for weekend, I am just too tired and losing motivation to strive all the deadline of those given marketing tasks...
oh well, i had done many shoppings in the past weekends....while most of them are dresses for work....
But i got some good stuffs last weekend!

Popular had this crazy sales since 2 weeks ago, but I could not spare my time to look into books since i knew the sales was going on.
Luckily i was able to grab some books from the sales 2 days ago, and now, I just need to find a good time to read them =)
And i also like to share some new food which i tried since I started working...
Apparently there were plenty of food spots around my working place, and my colleague bought me this special meal last week

NASI KERABU! Haha, is really shameful that being a Malaysian for 26 years, this was the first time I had this authentic food!
It was special in terms of appearance, because the blue color of the rice come from the petal of butterfly-pea flower. But when come to taste, it is rather common, but i think it is still very appealing dish to not miss out =)
Then, i also tried out Texas chicken with my family 2 weeks ago. Apparently this fast food chain is very popular in US.

However i still prefer KFC regardless how oily or greasy it is, as I go for the greasiness! lol.

Lastly, this cute little cake was gifted to my little brother to celebrate his birthday. =)
So this is my updates so far, will surely share the various good food or wonderful stuffs around me <3