I cant believe that there are so many people around me are borned in May and June.
Perhaps it could be a good reason for gathering, we always celebrate Gemini's birthday together since sometimes ago.
I actually just firstly joined this event as I've been in overseas in the past years.
We celebrated birthday for 7 beautiful girls whose horoscopes are gemini this year at Primos.
and there are 5 of us which include myself whose birthday either had passed or still far away to come....
oh pls ignore the person who wanna joined in at the back...lol
Yi mei had bought the colorful jelly cupcakes to replace the traditional birthday cake this year.
Well, actually these are nt cupcakes, but truly jelly from the top to the bottom layer.
Taste was just like normal jelly, but all of us had fun taking photos with them.
Once again, wish all the Gemini babies a happy blessing birthday!