







好的,回马后完整看完的日剧有这一部 - 〈夜行观缆车〉


其实这部日剧还蛮好看的,讲述刚搬到高级住宅区的一家人为了迎合所谓的‘上流社会’ 而变的偏激,物质主义,为了欲望和表面的风光甚至失去自我。。。













然后,也看了〈都市传说之女2〉, 就根本是冲着我的长泽美眉而去的,因为第1部是意外的好看






















而最近看完的日剧是回归的澤尻英龍華的《First Class》, 一开始是被内容纲要吸引,没想到一看就疯狂追看,然后每周都等更新了

故事讲述澤尻英龍華一开始是在布料店上班,后来因为帮助了同事而得到梦寐以求的工作- 杂志社First class编辑的助理








Mounting是这部剧最大的重点,每集都会进行排行看哪一位女主角晋级或滑落, 当然还有出局变成joker的








当然也不能忽略我们的女主角澤尻英龍華, 希望他就好好演戏,别再崩坏了!





本来以为我会看到类似<devils wear prada>的情节,(那部电影也是我超爱的!)但是澤尻英龍華当上编辑后的装扮并没有让我很惊艳



反而后来觉得我在看《gossips girls》,因为菜菜绪一直在那里旁白。。。==






目前还有很多部在努力追看的日剧: <bitter blood>, <border>, 《死神君》,《半泽植树》(怎么可能会放过!?),《迟开的向日葵》(这部真的超久,同期没看完的<priceless>和<last hope>,〈monster> 我都放弃了,但是还是想看完这一部),《S- 最后的警官》

和还没开始但要开始看的: 《爱丽丝的荆》, 《相棒》(我的成宫宽贵啊!但是这个有好几季啊!),《最后的灰姑娘》, 《家族游戏》, 《legal high 1 & 2》,


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  • 這篇文章限定好友觀看。
  • Jun 22 Sun 2014 19:28
  • Tests

 I love to take psycology tests because I wish to know myself more and some of these tests are fun for making my day.

Just wanna share some recent test results which I got from the tests on PlayBuzz.


Which Iconic Supermodel I am?


KATE MOSS!!! Wooah!! How I wish I could be her, she's HOT!

I used to watch Supernatural during Uni, but I stopped watching since season 3 mainly because my 'resources' (Downloaded video clips from frens) have gone.

Well, you may shock that I watch this show not just bcz I love horror scene, but also because of Jensen Ackles who played the role "Dean" in the drama.

He just caught my heart in the first sight!


And I just got him in which Supernatural character I am!


No way I would let go when come to LOTR questions...I am a big fan of the ring!


I got Gandalf The Grey!!! AWESOME!!


Playbuzz guess my age is 29!! I wanna cry now....


When comes to Disney test, I got the little mermaid in which Disney Royalty I most likely to be.


To be honest with you, I would pick to be Ariel too because somehow she is just abdorable and charming to me ^^


My spirit dog is my favourite dog! Labrador!


Aren't they just cute? =)


So I got the Joy Emoji for my personality, hmmmm....


I always laughing and ready to have a good time. I can make light of any situation, good or bad.

Ok, finger cross someday I would be. But I will take it as a target and believe I would be that person!




EXACTLY!!! This is my favourite flower, it gives me the motivation to move life forward!


Food personality? Ok, I thought the anwser maybe food, but ended up I am a master chef ^^ Hooray!


Thanks! I take that as a compliment! Sincerely, I am really confident with my pallet. =D


Who would miss 'FROZEN', and I am Anna. Though I wish I could be Elsa, but Anna is cheerful and lovely, so why not?


Free spirit, YES....Eccentric and Impulsive...MAY BE.....HOPELESS ROMANTIC!? Hmmmmm.....





Ok Just thought of the minions when comes to BaBABA BABANANA....

I wish it would be cherry or strawberry, may be is not bad to be a healthy and functional BABABA BABANANA...ok stop it! =P


I always wonder how others perceive me, which is actually not a good way of thinking.

As I should just live and do my best and stop being too sensitive for caring how ppl perceive me....


Anyways, test showed that people perceived me as the beauty!!!....Alright then...




This is a good news! I am getting there!!!

I thought I would get "NO...You over-worrying!" . Well, as most of my frens thought I am.

Seems like I am becoming a better ME =D


Good results kept coming.....The question was who are you among a group of people (likely who work together with)


 So I am a leader. I was a leader in my final year NPD project in Uni, but since then I never lead any projects mainly bcz I did not get to take this role as for my position level. But who knows in future, I would be? =P


Next, what country best fits my personality?

 YOu never believe this! I got NEW ZEALAND!!!!!


MY GOD, this result made my day!! I am so lucky, and indeed I am not doubting it because NZ fits me the best!

Oh my, I am missing the land of cloud again!!! Arg, wish to travel there soon....


Lastly, I will conclude this post with the life motto I got from the test below: 


 Thanks, I will keep in mind. Dream big, and Achieve it with the biggest effort!



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I do notice that I really love to take note of the "first time" experiences, events, stories etc which I had been through

well, you live only once, so it mean a lots to me when come to "First Time" lol.


Yes, my car's tyre punctured and worn off AT THE HIGHWAY this afternoon. It was an unexpectable and helpless incident to me.

It was happened during my travel to Sunway Pyramid to meet Huey Yee for lunch and catch up.

I drove around 100km/h, and suddenly I felt my car getting imbalance, and vibrated, then weird sound (sounds like metal scratching the ground) just come out nearby...

Without any second thought, I just slow down my speed and pakled at the emergency lane, and prayed that nothing had happened.

I even struggled to find the hazard light button....kept on searching around the speed meter area, later only knew it was right beside my aircond button (near the radio).

But, things usually ran towards the opposite way, the front left tyre had totally worn off, and nearly fall out from the rim!

I was very calm this time as compared with last time while knocking down another car on my second day of work for my previous job.

Quickly called my dad, and prayed that he would come asap to rescue. Then I found out I only got RM7 balance on my phone!! SHit, it was because the weekly data plan renewal which kept on taking off my balance....FYI, it was RM130+ when I back from NZ, and I kept on topping up bcz Digi is evil as it required topping up money to activate the usage of the phone line! You could imagine how much I had been putting in just to use the freaking phone!


Oh well, I was getting panic at that stage when I realized I need to save my phone battery as well as the balance....

Fed up, dad called at the very right time, told me to shut down the engine and get out from the car.

He also warned me to be alerted of the surrounding as Malaysia is really not safe especially if you got trouble while you are alone.

edited myvi

I waited for half an hour while sparing time taking this photo, you can barely see how's the tyre was worn off from the pointer.

Truly sorry for the bad photoshot skill, I blame the sun =P. It was a relatively hot day, and it's getting hotter and hotter these days...


Heat wave in Malaysia to last till September, ABN News, June 2014

The media quoted the Malaysian Meteorological Department Forecasting Director Saw Bun Liong as saying that the current ‘sizzling weather’ is due to a combination of factors.

“The annual southwest monsoon typically brings hot and dry weather. But the heat intensified with the coming of tropical storm Aere in the Philippines and the low pressure in the Indian Ocean,” he said.



September!? You must be kidding me!! I really miss my winter time in NZ regardless how cold it was! I rather to stay in the cold than in the heat! ><!

Yes, you can imagine how I stood at the side of the busy traffic along the highway, luckily my car was parked very close to the shedding area (under a fly over)

I felt a bit relieve that I dont need to stand under the burning sun, but the 30mins wait was really annoying and scary.

Too bad that's nothing I could do besides waiting, and stay calm...Big trucks and speeding cars were bypassing me, many of them even horned at me.

I had no idea why they did that and couldnt be border bcz I do not want to get into troubles, and guess what a police car even slowed down and looked at me...but then, it bypassed me as well. Hmmm...nvr mind, I didnt expect any help coming anyway.

Dad's car approached closed to 12pm, I was so relieved and really wanted to shout at him: "DAD, I love you!!"

He is getting old but still need to pick up my shit which I am sincerely very sorry for him, he always is my greatest superhero even Batman has to stand aside. =D


Luckily dad was here, and we only found out myvi's tyre changing kit is apparently not very useful to screw out the tyre rim, and dad had to use his car's kit.

Under the big sun, dad used nearly 30mins to change my tyre, and got annoyed from his backache again...=( sorry dad...

The spare tyre actually running out of air too, and I need to drive very slowly, closely following my dad back home.

Dad was actually questioning why I did not notice my tyre was punctured and kept driving the car until the whole tyre turned flat and worn off...

Seriously, I have no idea why I did not realize and also dont know how to find out that the tyre was punctured...

Mum was also asking the same question when she found out later, this time dad was commenting that I am an inexperience driver, no doubt I didnt notice the car could be imbalance while tyre punctured.

Hmmm, perhaps that's the reason, we all learn from experience, and experience built up from the time we passed through.


I had been driving since February this year, the very first time by myself in life, after I got my lisence in 2007 before I departed to NZ.

I could never imagine myself driving on my own in the past few years, I could remember how I was fear off the road, and shouted when I practice learning to drive in Dunedin, accompanied by my Ex. He was so mad of my poor driving skill and claimed that no one could teach me, and I would never drive in my life.

Well, he was wrong, and now I am even able to cut cross other vehicles in a heavy traffic condition!

I dont care his despises anymore, because it actually made me become a stronger and better person.

Now the only barrier on the road to me is how to react and do if something similar as today happen again. I think I do not know too much about the car knowledge and I have to learn some of the basics problems solving skill.

Other than that is my sense of direction. Actually I do not see myself as someone who could easily getting lost, I do think I have sense of direction.

Ok, I admitted that I am fear of going to a place where I never been to, and afraid to use WAZE while driving because i am scared of multi-tasking while driving.

Is it just me? I need to hold my starring wheels with both hand (I could take off one, bt not a long time), and I find it difficult to use smart phone while driving..

The reason why I hit the car which i mentioned above was because I was not concentrating well...so I learnt to be more focused and paying attention to surrounding during driving.

However, I do think is time for me to go further, to places which is out of my comfort zone area, and be more brave to explore.

I recalled how I exploring places in NZ using my foot and public transport in NZ, and I actually enjoy exploring new places.

So, I am slowing embedding my exploring nature back in this warm land, and proud to yell to those who ever looked down on me: " I could drive and go anywhere! =)".




NOTE: Once again thanks to my dad for being my superhero all the time!! You are the best dad ever, and I love u so much!! <3


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Alright folks, time to update my status. It've been a long time, I know. LOL

I was really lazy and couldnt border to update my blog, dont even talk about renewing everyday.

Well, I will try my best to update on daily basis, or weekly basis...as you know my laziness habit did pull me from maintaining a daily routine a lot of time!


Ok, back to the updates, I had got a new job, and had started since yesterday.

It is FINALLY a food manufacturing company, and I am sincerely thankful from the bottom of my heart for this job opportunity - because it is R&D!!!

I had been waiting for so long, not as hard as trying the last effort I could to get a similar job, but I had been hoping to work as R&D since I graduated from Uni.

Once again, I am blessed and lucky as I am lacking of practical experience but still able to strike for the position after competing with other 3 candidates.

There's another R&D executive hired along with me, who had longer and relavant R&D experience compared to mine.

I was quite stressed after work last night, just couldnt stop comparing myself with her, and all the negative minds just popping up.

Dad wasnt very happy about that, and for the first time, he exhorted that I should not bring all the negative emotion back home.

I felt really sorry dad, I never think that my pessimistic and always-complaining character actually did bring all the tension to my beloved family.

There's no secret among my family and I,  I used to share all my joyful and sad moments to them since I left home.

When comes to job, of cause there's no holding back as well. But, I think is time for me to grow up again.

Not saying I shall conceal any unhappy feelings, I shall be more tough and positive when facing challenges and stress.

Indeed, I am nt good in handling stress, perhaps I did not have a chance to as my job was easy peasy in NZ.

However, we cannot read the next chapter if we keep reading the last page of book (Life).


So, the path to be a "better me" started!

At the moment, due to the leaving of my boss (yes, she resigned after I gt the job....reason given was she got a better offer), my job description, assignned tasks, reporting etc are still pending on my technical director's decision.

Therefore, I am quite free atm, mainly just obseving how other executive dealing with their projects, and how the kitchen assistant preparing the samples. Otherwise, I was just reading the work spec, or wondering around =P.

I've been told it will be very busy once our assignments are confirmed, and I am getting prepared for that.

So far, the working process in the lab including the new products and their preparation are very interesting to me, and I enjoy exploring the new thing I gt to learn and know.

Gutted that my boss is leaving very soon, because she is known as the "walking library" because she had joined the company for 12 yrs, and also is the mother of the R&D department!

Though she seems very strict and I admitted I was a bit scared of her during interview, but I think I missed a good teacher somehow.


Life is unpredictable, thought we will be meeting daily, but less than a week, we might not see each other anymore.

We had this luxurious farewell lunch for her at West Lake Garden Chinese Restaurant in Sunway hotel, hold by the management level today.

Food was very good and service was detailed, can tell that how the company loving and cherishing my boss.


I did not capture other photos except for this dessert named 杨枝甘露


It is actually a mango dessert, come with tapioca balls, atapchi, pomelo flesh and a mango ice-cream.

The pomelo flesh actually is bitter, which is not very satisfying for sweet eaters.

In general, I had no opposition for trying this dessert again, it is quite amusing. =)


Alright, that's all for today, will try my best updating daily and also keep moving forward!






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