the highlight conversation of the day:
Alastair: Hey vivian, you are back! Good to see you!
Me: Yes, I am back!
Alastair: how are u doing today?
Me: ......Erm....ok~
Alastair: ok??
Sergey: Yeah, she is doing ok....No desk, No computer, No password, No....(Alastair shut the door, left quietly)....Oh did I just scared him?!
Me: .................
Well thanks for answering that sergey, my hillarious supervisor! but yeah, this is my day. I am still feeling unsecured, with or without my desk, cz eventually i got my desk, but still unsecured.
Have said hi to some ppl, who knew me, or, who thought i am new.....mayb u could consider me as newbbies....too