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So, is Sunday, but still have plans today, looking forward to meet up Jessie later

IMG_4236Wann zhen made yum and healthy breakfast for me, steam corn and kumara~

Really feel bad to wann zhen, knew that she will go to city, but still felt like using her somehow, although I didn’t....

And then Jessie changed venue in last min, to somewhere closer to nan’s house, luckily wann zhen didn’t mind, but i still felt very sorry for her when I off from her car, she just like my driver =(, sorry darling...really owe u heaps!

Was a long time since last time I met Jess, she had a longer hair now, but still the one I familiar with. We spent sometimes at the Palmers cafe with her friends, and then moved to a Korean BBQ at Dominion St. Before I started my meal, my sharp vision immediately spotted the French bakeries shop beside the Korean bbq!

I quickly sneaked into the shop with Jess, and bought a box of macaroons!!! Yum~IMG_4239

and jessie treated qing so well, she bought a bag of bakeries for him, and I can now call myself: transporter! ^^

The BBQ was awesome by the way, sorry I was busy eating, so no photos. We used 2 BBQ pots, and thanks to Halim, finally learnt the way for proper korean BBQ, no wonder I still missing the BBQ experience at Dai Cheong Kam in Malaysia with Nicky. I found the missing pickles that always should accompanied with the meat~

I am no longer sick with Korean bbq now, regardless of the bad experience at Takapuna with Huey yee last year (nearly choked in that smoky environment, and I was having bad diarrhea)

We BBQ so many types of meat, from bacon, to marinated pork, prawns, marinated chicken, onion rings, beef, kimchi! (that's very smart, so nice!), squids, mussels and fish! (both the first time!) The kimchi BBQ was just smart, Halim, our life will be bored without u! and the fish, omg, it was not fishy ever, tasted so fresh and chewy!

I shud have taken photos!!! ><!!

And not to mention, the cooked dishes were amazing. Ok, some explanation here, Korean BBQ (at least in Auckland) always come in buffet style, u can take as many raw ingredients as u want, and there are also cooked dishes such as those Korean entrees, fried rice, fish cakes, wontons, or sometimes they served yummy pork rib stew (I tried once at Pakuranga!)

We have full tummy after the lunch, and only paid NZD17! I was so satisfied! Totally can skip dinner tonight (and yes I did, just have my French bakery)

Then we moved on to a cafe named 'Circus Circus'. They did have a circus style outdoor~IMAG0085IMAG0082I ordered berry frappe~

We chatted for like an hour, and then, time to say goodbye. So glad that I get to know Halim and another guy (shit, forgot his name), and what's a coincidence, Halim's landlord is a friend of my cousin, Sze Sze. I figured out through his dog, called tofu~ haha

Guest NZ still tiny enough to meet people right?

I got a free ride to airport (thanks jess and dephany), but means I wasted NZD16 for the shuttle! I could have saved 49 dollars if I dint book the accommodation and transport, well, who knows. I guest sometimes I shouldn’t be that well organized aye?

Note: The flight was delayed for half an hour, thanks nicole for waiting me. Felt so loved with my life nw, I have good friends by my side! <3, appreciate and grateful!

vivian 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Good morning Auckland, good to see u again, the big little city.

Last night was like a bi-impression for me, it was good as I did get some sleep, it was bad bcz it was so cold whenever the bus left the door opened widely when the driver was taking rest in a couple of stops....Poor me was sitting right beside the door, coldddddddd......

Is still summer tho, just is winter in the night. I am sorry....TT

Anyways, I am happy that I am in Auckland today!

Arrived at 7 ish in the morning, and finally back to the city centre. I dint have chance to back city centre during my last visit, so this time is like a long hello~

Never thought x base only allowed ppl to check in after 1pm, but glad that they allowed me to leave my luggage there.

I was wondering around before meeting up Michaella at half pass 10, with my empty stomach. I thought Auckland might have a busy morning, forgot the fact that Auckland is still in NZ. Sigh....


Finally, I went into Wendy’s for the first time, and tried their breakfast. IMG_4198Thumbs up for the varieties, but sorry for the tasteless hot chocolate. I would like to thumb down for the poor service as well, but I think Aucklanders act that way do they? That’s the difference, the missing of friendliness in "big" city.

Another great approach for me was I able to connect to wireless via my phone, just what’s app bean and kokchin. Surprise!

Too bad it was only 30mins, that’s another difference from NZ compared to other developed or even developing countries, their wireless coverage indeed lack of effectiveness......

I was counting down the time, and started seeing people walking around, shops opened on time, and traffic became busy. It’s 10.30pm, and I met Michaella near IMAX.


We went to Mission bay for a gourmet brunch!IMG_4201And have a good seat!IMG_4199IMG_4202michaella's egg benedictIMG_4203I ordered the waffle and cranberry juice.

We were so full after the breakfast, but we would nt like to miss the famous mussel here, after 20mins,IMG_4204Tada, we have a 1kg pot of steam mussels (come wit fries). Really loving the steamed mussels now, thanks Michaella!

Then we walked around mission bay, and saw this 2 naked kids playing around, cute!


We tried to walk around the bay, but we got bored quite instantly, lol, then we took the bus back to viaduct harbour and just wondering around the 2012 volvo ocean race events.IMG_4219IMG_4223IMG_4224  


Again, it was not a fun event, we were bored~ kakaka.

Then I back to main st to buy some Asian bakeries, is a MUST mission this time after disappointment last yr, got Nicole and Ping heaps of bakeries....and eventually realized myself were not into those bakeries, WTH? But I eventually bought some for myself too, is just like why not? as I am here....

(note: ppl were looking me weirdly when I bought so many bakeries....==)

Then, I checked in (arg, i shouldn’t do that, wait, I will explain why) and go into my assigned room. The bunk bed was so high, I tried my best to climb up, but I struggled to come down...== Why they had to design/include such a high bunk beds? Ohhh, do they think they only will serve Caucasians? Hmmm....

Anyways, I left problems/worries behind, shop with Michaella first. Yeah she went back to her temporary house at city for a while to pick up some gifts for me. That’s very sweet of her. =D

We met up and went to High st, which is a very popular, claimed to be fashionable st in Auckland. Hmmm, probably I don’t understand fashion, I would describe it as a normal, fancy and costly st. Not sure about the food, as we were full and ran out of time.

Lastly, we went to this Korean groceries shop opposite Michaella’s house, was not my intention to buy Korean stuffs, and I am more like a Japanese fans now. Anyways, things happened. After a big farewell with Michaella, not sure when is the next time to meet again, I moved on to Parnell.

The street, the atmosphere still very clear and memorable to me, how I missed Parnell so much! <3


IMG_4226IMG_4227IMG_4228  Wann Zhen was abit late, but not too late as I am the one who always earlier. (don’t like being late, that’s me...)

Finally went into moto sushi again, but I bet there must be other great and authentic Japanese restaurants in Parnell.IMG_4229The shrimp bento I ordered, yum!IMG_4230and wann zhen's unagi bento

Should we try them out next time? =)

Then we went into the chocolate boutique which was just few shops away and tried their well known chocolate.

I still preferred cold drinks, another own nature of me...IMG_4234white chocolate frappe

IMG_4231IMG_4232IMG_4233IMG_4235The shops were full of Easter chocolates, kind of reminding me it is time to plan for trip! Hmm, too bad wann zhen was lazy to plan trips for fox glacier, it could be a nice trip. I am thinking ending up my holidays in Auckland again. Is not a bad choice, just still wondering if there are other options.

I was supposed back to my extremely tall bunk bed after the long day, but wann zhen’s suggestion really made me hesitated to stay at the base tonight.

So at the end, I checked out, as expected without getting back my refund, here I wasted my 32 buckss....TT

Back to nan’s house again, and really felt very sorry for such an interruption, hate myself in this situation..such a trouble maker!

I know they are kind, but just somehow I really don’t like bringing troublesome to others especially to my friends, i just wonder why i felt that bad?

Anyways, thanks to wann zhen’s family, I had a good sleep tonight, good nite, Auckland



vivian 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Travelling sometimes is tiring, I wish to stay at home sometimes, but then I will feel boring if i stay at home during weekend, and think over and over again: why I waste my weekend at home?

Human is complicated, and complex animal, and they don’t know how to be satisfied, don’t they?

Therefore, Vivian, u must learn, appreciate what u had and be grateful~

Yeah, so I kept my mouth shut, and took on the overnight bus to Auckland tonight. Another long nite, why Auckland, cz Michaella is here!

She’s friend from HK who I met at Otago in past few years, we were not that close, and not even now, but somehow we kept in touch via fb/msn since I last met her at Auckland when she left HK for good.

Well, the reason I travel, mainly to meet her, and part of it, bcz is at Auckland and I love Auckland, I do really thinking to move there.

But i really hate overnight bus. Hate bussing, hate the fact that this is the only choice if I do wanna save some money, TT accept it and don’t complain! TT

Good nite Palmy......

vivian 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


起初,对这部剧不太感兴趣,就名字还有海报都好像很‘地味’(日文:普通 的意思)










久违了的菜菜子还是那么漂亮,但这套剧里真的太严肃和冷淡了,我看这套戏的时候同时在看lucky seven,我的妈,2个菜菜子差个天和地。。。我一开始还以为菜菜子会不会其实是机器人,但是后来稍微看了百科发现不是,不过我还是没看剧情,很认真的看完了整部戏。万万没想到真的会让我欲罢不能的看完




至于家里的4个小瓜,也很现实的反映现在不同阶段的小孩遇到的挫折,和内心的恐惧还有想法。大女儿,结,是个高中生,正值对恋爱憧憬的时候,他和社团的学长在一起。作为长女,家里没了妈妈,整个家乱七八糟,他非常无助,这一切对他来说可能太突然了。平时就没帮忙家务,所以最后爸爸不得请家政妇,但是当他得知爸爸外遇,自己都觉得被背叛了,任性或说非常自然的生气要求爸爸离开。其实他也想过挽回这个家,但是女儿多少都会觉得自己爸爸是最厉害的(感同身受 =P 所以在爸爸继续追求外遇对象,并说出不知道怎么去爱他和他的弟弟妹妹,自然而然的也觉得这个家不需要这种父亲。但是他始终觉得自己无法去承担这个已经快破碎的家,所以他选择逃避,彻夜未归,和男友一起,从而也发现自己的男友对自己并不认真。。。这时候他觉得自己失去所有,但三田毅然的想杀了他时,他才领悟自己其实不想离开,努力的去承担应该作的事。













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