Can’t believe myself is that weak, so is because of I spent long time soaking my leg in the sea yesterday? Or was because of the evil frozen yogurt?

Hmmm....anyway, finding out the reason is not capable to heal myself from cold.

I need a strengthened immune, thought i was being healthy after started my diet + exercise plan.

Or it was mentally bcz i am still staying at Palmy, and eventually my immune system just dint cope with palmy’s environment??

This is how many times?? The fifth??

Why? Why me? Sad, i really hate getting sick, especially i have ald started my membership with Massey recreation centre, and i had to give up my body step class again tomorrow!

I slept like 10 hrs last night, but still unable to compensate the flu.....damn u!

My Sunday screwed, well at least I had special meal tonight

Luckily the treatme voucher is worthy for me, the lamb rump was awesome!


Yeah, went to brewers apprentice with Nicole just now, I can see that how desperate she wanted to had hotpot with her flatmates, i guest she must thought that i should have cancelled the dinner, and she able to have chance to eat the hotpot.


Ok this is just what i thought, but i am good on guessing ppl tho somehow.

Anyway, thanks for being a company and heaps of reminders as a pharmacist.

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Today is a wonderful sunny day after the long cloudy and cold week, and is weekend!

Initially i thought i only will go to the vege market this morning and stay home for the rest of the day, what a waste?!

So thank god Nicole was texting me, and I decided to go to himatangi beach with her.

Never been to that beach yet, and it was so long since the last time i was at the beach. It was actually not that long, was during xmas at Picton and Nelson.

But hold on, do they even consider beach? As they have no white sands, they are rocky and full of decoration statues around. LOL

So this time, i finally get myself into the sea, well, not swimming, I cant swim anyways. The last time i did this was at Otago peninsula in 2010? Most likely....hmmm....


Anyways, I am so happy today, especially with my hat!

First we began our fun with Asian style – draw something, i cant imagine how popular was this apps recently regardless I have a hTC.

The names, as usual, luckily we dint write something like friends forever, that will be so ASSIANN~





Then, I moved on to the sea, and Nicole just followed me instantly.




Really enjoy the time while soaking my leg in the sea, enjoy the moment the waves beat on my skin, my toes could feel the softness of the sand.....nice....breeze~

I was impressed with Nicole’s photography skill, i was proud of my photography skill once, but sometimes I felt  so stressed to stay with these ppl, i mean with them who have good capturing skill + high photo demands......I would rather enjoy the moment rather adjusting the perfect angle and quality to take good photos.

I am not photographer anyways, and not interested....^^

But, who dislike themselves in good photos? U can upload them to fb or any of yr social network profile....., hmmm, so that’s the point? Possibly it is, so still thumbs up for Nicole for wonderful pictures!


and last, I saw this cute creature, it actually hide itself in the sand, but is easily to put it out, then it will bury itself inside the sand again! XD

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I have introduced a number of japanese dramas in my blog, well actually besides J drama, I also enjoy watching American dramas a lot, and sometimes, randomly, HK tvb series and taiwanese bubble series which recommended by many people.

Here are some of the American series that I love,  I still continue watching some of them, and some dramas just lost of track.

  1. Charmed


Well, this is actually a very old series, and I don’t think they still continue airing the show. This drama had been accompanied my high school life, I still remember I always turned on TV on Friday night for charmed. Love the 3P sisters, and how they used their power. I am not going to introduce the story line here, but u can easily find out via wikipedia.

  1. Heroes


After charmed, the series I continued watching up to the 3rd season was heroes. It was during Inti time, and was highly recommended by my best DSCAU mates. I got the resources, and Heroes was the first series I watched with my pc. I love how the genetics, science logic thinking works out in that drama, and really admired the director and script conductor. Just like most American dramas, the series actually went more complicated and mysterious after season 3, and I lost the track as well. The sad thing was the producer had decided to stop the series…..without a proper ending…TT

  1. Ghost whisperer


I love these types of topic, mystery, ghost, unknown, super power…. Haha, therefore I enjoyed watching ghost whisperer. But please do not take this drama as ghost or horror shows, as it was a meaningful drama. It inspired me a lot, it made me think about life…Jennifer was really beautiful in the series! <3

  1. Supernatural


Another drama which I lose tracking after 3 seasons.  The main reason watching this drama was because of the mystery and supernatural theme, and the second reason was because of the handsome main actor, Jenson Ackles~

  1. Drop dead diva


This is the latest drama which I continued watching, and I highly recommending. However, u can skip this if u are not interested on law and love story. Well, I wont say it is a love story based drama, just the relationship between the main characters played a major role in the show. I love how Jane solved those special cases, and how she inspired me to think about some facts and things in life. This show is currently up to 3 seasons, new season will be showed in this year June.

  1. Hot in cleaveland


This is a comedy series, which only contains 20 mins episode. This comedy is damn funny, really enjoy the jokes Elka made (although they were really 18+). The friendship of the 4 mains is also really meaningful to me, I enjoyed watching them teasing each other and at the same time, this is how they expressed their care and love.

  1. Glee


Ok, I must be specify, I actually didn’t watch the show, I just watched the parts when they sang/performing….lol. I indeed felt the show itself was nerdy and a bit geek for me, and I was lazy to know the story line, so basically I just scroll the show. Haha. But, I like how they sang the latest hit songs on US billboard, and even love the way they sang than the original.

So that’s my top listed series (just me), well I also did watch other series such as bones, NCIS, las vegas, CSI, gossip girls (hate it), and others. However, somehow I just never have interests on them. Well, again, just me. =P

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但是才发觉,我的妈啊,超好看的!很值得珍藏,值得推荐的作品!前提是,他不是偶像片,是一部直击人性的恐怖片,千万别误会, 没有类似贞子的东西会出现




在外和别人一起租房子的人,先问一个问题:你和你的同房的朋友,我所谓的flat mate熟吗?你真的认识他吗?除了在家看到他之外,你有没有想过他在外面是怎样的吗?


老实说,我没想过这问题,或许代表我没在伪装什么吧,我也有flat mate,目前有3个,老实说,我并不是很认识他们,但之前搬走,离开的房友,我也经历过非常熟络,到发现他们丑陋的一面,然后渐行渐远,最后可能彼此就不联络。Flatting其实真的不简单,尤其当你要和你已经认识的朋友一起同房时三思!


到底我们有多在意我们的flat mate啊?即使他是杀人犯,也可以当作看不见?因为我们只是同房,我们并不干涉对方的生活。。。到底这是体谅,还是自私?你有你的问题,我也有我的,我不会去干涉你的,就算你知道我的也没问题,你不用来帮忙,只要我们之间嘻嘻哈哈就可以了。。。这算是有友谊,还是只是因为我们共同享有一个空间,所以我们要和睦相处?









Note:如果细腻的剥析每位主角的生活也会渐渐发现人类脆弱,阴暗的一面。。。人原来如此的脆弱,所以才需要自私的保护自己是吗? 更加重要的是这些所谓的阴暗面都是出生,家庭背景造成,所以成为人父,人母前三思自己是否能够承担责任。。。

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Sergey back today! and he brought russian fudge and sweets to our office today!



and nguyen also back from conference at Japan, so jealous! I wanna go japan too!!

I got the japanese rice cracker (wasabi flavor) from her, the packing is so cute and very good in quality!!

Love it!!



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