
I have introduced a number of japanese dramas in my blog, well actually besides J drama, I also enjoy watching American dramas a lot, and sometimes, randomly, HK tvb series and taiwanese bubble series which recommended by many people.

Here are some of the American series that I love,  I still continue watching some of them, and some dramas just lost of track.

  1. Charmed


Well, this is actually a very old series, and I don’t think they still continue airing the show. This drama had been accompanied my high school life, I still remember I always turned on TV on Friday night for charmed. Love the 3P sisters, and how they used their power. I am not going to introduce the story line here, but u can easily find out via wikipedia.

  1. Heroes


After charmed, the series I continued watching up to the 3rd season was heroes. It was during Inti time, and was highly recommended by my best DSCAU mates. I got the resources, and Heroes was the first series I watched with my pc. I love how the genetics, science logic thinking works out in that drama, and really admired the director and script conductor. Just like most American dramas, the series actually went more complicated and mysterious after season 3, and I lost the track as well. The sad thing was the producer had decided to stop the series…..without a proper ending…TT

  1. Ghost whisperer


I love these types of topic, mystery, ghost, unknown, super power…. Haha, therefore I enjoyed watching ghost whisperer. But please do not take this drama as ghost or horror shows, as it was a meaningful drama. It inspired me a lot, it made me think about life…Jennifer was really beautiful in the series! <3

  1. Supernatural


Another drama which I lose tracking after 3 seasons.  The main reason watching this drama was because of the mystery and supernatural theme, and the second reason was because of the handsome main actor, Jenson Ackles~

  1. Drop dead diva


This is the latest drama which I continued watching, and I highly recommending. However, u can skip this if u are not interested on law and love story. Well, I wont say it is a love story based drama, just the relationship between the main characters played a major role in the show. I love how Jane solved those special cases, and how she inspired me to think about some facts and things in life. This show is currently up to 3 seasons, new season will be showed in this year June.

  1. Hot in cleaveland


This is a comedy series, which only contains 20 mins episode. This comedy is damn funny, really enjoy the jokes Elka made (although they were really 18+). The friendship of the 4 mains is also really meaningful to me, I enjoyed watching them teasing each other and at the same time, this is how they expressed their care and love.

  1. Glee


Ok, I must be specify, I actually didn’t watch the show, I just watched the parts when they sang/performing….lol. I indeed felt the show itself was nerdy and a bit geek for me, and I was lazy to know the story line, so basically I just scroll the show. Haha. But, I like how they sang the latest hit songs on US billboard, and even love the way they sang than the original.

So that’s my top listed series (just me), well I also did watch other series such as bones, NCIS, las vegas, CSI, gossip girls (hate it), and others. However, somehow I just never have interests on them. Well, again, just me. =P

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