
Well, it've been 9 days after 2013, forgive me writting this post a bit late, i've been busy with my family trip and some recovering days after that awesome trip.

Is time to review what i have done in 2012, it's been a super-fast year for me.

First of all, I must said: Thank god I am still survive!!! Haha, well, at least in 2012, I learnt to be more grateful to life!


I saw many ppl were writting their biggest achievement in 2012, surprised that i actually dint see such post in 2011....or if i had missed them.

Anyways, here's my achievement in 2012, with success, fun, craziness and randomness involved.


Got my contract extended and working like a 'slave' for the entire year: well, i have to say finally I worked for the whole year! I started my internship in 2011 for 3 months, have a job-hunting + rest in another 3 months following that and only started my full time job since July 2011....finally last year 2012, I also got my contracted extended and worked for the whole year. Actually my job wasnt that busy, oh well, but working for the entire year made 2012 passed superb fast!!

Gone back home after 2 years!!: yes I left Malaysia since 2008, and since 2010 I never back home for holidays, and I do miss home A LOTTTTTTTTTT! Finally I gone back home for 2012 CNY and had a very awesome catch-up with family, relatives as well as my dearest friends. Not forgot that I had so many delicious foods and made me gained 3kg in 1 holidays!

The biggest achievement of the year - Lose 10kg +!!: yes, dont doubt, i did lose weight, and it was 10kg + evil fat!!! Yesss! My effort did pay off and I am happy to put on all nice girly dresses now!! It was a very hard journey, from Atkin diet to my-plate diet and finally a boost lost due to food poisoning (unexpected!!) and now I am around 50kg ish....well, more work need to be done, the diet yet to be end....=)

Back to short hair: eventually I never expect this would be happened, but i have kept this hair length no longer exceed my shoulder since I cut it in February. I love to having a short hair now, i think it suits me more  =)

Reunion!!: met so many good old time friends this year, not just because I back Malaysia and had awesome reunion with my dearest S3SL classmates, especially ing bean, we had missed each other for ages!! I also lucky to meet Sze Ying twice this year since we farewelled in begining of 2011, and I also got to meet up Chyi Mei! Apart from that, I also met Jessie, my ex-flatmate a few times in 2012 since we met in 2011, also met Michaeilla in Auckland when she come back NZ from HK for a holiday. Besides, I also met Zhuoshi and Huey yee, also my cousin, paeh leng in AUssie!

Becoming a shoppahilic =S: yep, is becoming, I guess I still have sometimes getting there, hehe. I bought so many dresses, shoes, and other stuffs this year, gosh is unbelievable!!

Being a foodie: was treated with so many good food in 2012, not just dining out, but also being treated with delicious desserts and meals from colleagues, friends around. I guess this year I really ate a mountain of different foods lol.

Having sport in life: the last time I involved myself into sport perhaps was while during high school, can u believe that? I never sport since I graduated from high school bcz i no longer need to take part in those PE classes, no longer need to attend sporty exams....ohhh watever...I was really lazy to sport. However, i did in 2012, I joined gym for the 1st time in my life, played squash, attended les mills classes, steping out for a more healthy and 'slimmy' life!

Technology upgraded: well not for my skill, bt for my toys...haha, i got a new labtop (ASUS) from home and also a HTC smart phone.

Attended so many wonderful events: well these includes many friends' and colleagues' birthday parties, drink nights, culture festival, japanese spring sakura festival, medieval festival at levin....etc...

Turned into more girly~: lol this is real random, but i think i did have a very huge changes in 2012, i am becoming more and more girly....bought high heels, and so many dresses.....and also repainting my nail again since 2008....gosh...but i will take this changes as a good one =)

Grateful, received many awesome touching gifts: got postcards from oversea and south island, had many precious small pressents too....i 'received a lot' in 2012

watched many good movies and dramas: well check out those movies/dramas reviews in my previous blog post (is easier to be viewed under categories)

Gone to the first ever concert: Mayday Just Rock it live in Sydney: This was the most craziest thing I have done in 2012 and also in life so far!! I travel to other country just because of Mayday!! I finally had a dream come true since following Mayday for 10 years!!!

Travel, travel, and travel: I had travelled so much in 2012, the first ever destination need to be highlighted - Sydney, Aussie!!! Finally I landed on the OZ world, after being living in its neighbourhood for 4 years was an awesome trip!! I also travelled up to northland, gone to Auckland for so many times, as well as Wellington. I had been in the plane more than 20times in 2012, can u believe that, well dont ask me the exact figure, i lost my count since May 2012....==

Health concerns: the biggest problem i faced in 2012 would be related with my health, not that I was having a disease or big illness, it just I could feel my body aged, and alerted me to be more health focus along with sport and healthy diet. The lose weight diet I had actually made me sick, and i am still having it on and off sometimes now. I also got my first ever food poisoned in my life, i couldnt believe that the street food in Malaysia never made me sick, but a well-done meal from a fancy western cuisine in New Zealand had made me vomit for a whole day and never have food eaten few days later. Apart from that, i learnt a huge lesson and got huge paid off for not taking my teeth carefully in 2012. I went to dental care the first ever time in NZ and u could imagine how much I paid. I was lucky that my condition wasnt that bad, but actually it could be if I didnt face the problem I had immediately. I am learning to be more health conscious now, and also appreciate what a healthy body I am having.

The first fishing attempt: well not a professional one, but I have done my best, will definitely try to catch a fish next time.

Coldplay concert, first concert in NZ: well I am their fan now, really happy i attended their concert especially after they announced they are going to rest for few yrs! Wonderful paradise experience~

Gone to the 1st conference: actually got quite a few achievements in my career in 2012, well not a very big one. The biggest I got that I saw perhaps was this chance to attend Nutrition Society Conference at Auckland.

Treated my precious family for a nice trip in NZ: yes this is also the another big success i viewed in 2012, finally I used my own money to treat my parents a wonderful relaxing trip with good food and stays! Glad that they really enjoyed the trip and also hope i can bring them to somewhere else next time.

'Red-bombs' attacked: yes, received so many wedding news and invitations in 2012, and of cause I can foresee it will be more in coming years, well I guess it time to conclude that we are no longer 'young'.

Being more grateful to life: to sum-up 2012, i guess most importantly i had become more grateful with what i gained and have in life, i become more appreciative and willing to give. I learnt to treasure the time i have with my family, learnt to be more 'alive' with daily life, and trying to be a better person. The greatest lesson I learnt in 2012 would be - never wait your life to be changed, but try to step out for a new life!


That's the summary of my 2012, how about yours??



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