Alright folks, time to update my status. It've been a long time, I know. LOL
I was really lazy and couldnt border to update my blog, dont even talk about renewing everyday.
Well, I will try my best to update on daily basis, or weekly you know my laziness habit did pull me from maintaining a daily routine a lot of time!
Ok, back to the updates, I had got a new job, and had started since yesterday.
It is FINALLY a food manufacturing company, and I am sincerely thankful from the bottom of my heart for this job opportunity - because it is R&D!!!
I had been waiting for so long, not as hard as trying the last effort I could to get a similar job, but I had been hoping to work as R&D since I graduated from Uni.
Once again, I am blessed and lucky as I am lacking of practical experience but still able to strike for the position after competing with other 3 candidates.
There's another R&D executive hired along with me, who had longer and relavant R&D experience compared to mine.
I was quite stressed after work last night, just couldnt stop comparing myself with her, and all the negative minds just popping up.
Dad wasnt very happy about that, and for the first time, he exhorted that I should not bring all the negative emotion back home.
I felt really sorry dad, I never think that my pessimistic and always-complaining character actually did bring all the tension to my beloved family.
There's no secret among my family and I, I used to share all my joyful and sad moments to them since I left home.
When comes to job, of cause there's no holding back as well. But, I think is time for me to grow up again.
Not saying I shall conceal any unhappy feelings, I shall be more tough and positive when facing challenges and stress.
Indeed, I am nt good in handling stress, perhaps I did not have a chance to as my job was easy peasy in NZ.
However, we cannot read the next chapter if we keep reading the last page of book (Life).
So, the path to be a "better me" started!
At the moment, due to the leaving of my boss (yes, she resigned after I gt the job....reason given was she got a better offer), my job description, assignned tasks, reporting etc are still pending on my technical director's decision.
Therefore, I am quite free atm, mainly just obseving how other executive dealing with their projects, and how the kitchen assistant preparing the samples. Otherwise, I was just reading the work spec, or wondering around =P.
I've been told it will be very busy once our assignments are confirmed, and I am getting prepared for that.
So far, the working process in the lab including the new products and their preparation are very interesting to me, and I enjoy exploring the new thing I gt to learn and know.
Gutted that my boss is leaving very soon, because she is known as the "walking library" because she had joined the company for 12 yrs, and also is the mother of the R&D department!
Though she seems very strict and I admitted I was a bit scared of her during interview, but I think I missed a good teacher somehow.
Life is unpredictable, thought we will be meeting daily, but less than a week, we might not see each other anymore.
We had this luxurious farewell lunch for her at West Lake Garden Chinese Restaurant in Sunway hotel, hold by the management level today.
Food was very good and service was detailed, can tell that how the company loving and cherishing my boss.
I did not capture other photos except for this dessert named 杨枝甘露
It is actually a mango dessert, come with tapioca balls, atapchi, pomelo flesh and a mango ice-cream.
The pomelo flesh actually is bitter, which is not very satisfying for sweet eaters.
In general, I had no opposition for trying this dessert again, it is quite amusing. =)
Alright, that's all for today, will try my best updating daily and also keep moving forward!