
























sand glass老闆也說:”有謎團就意味著還有希望“,所以人生是天天都精彩的,大家好好的珍惜每一天吧~


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Ok is the time of Lou sang again, well Chinese new year is coming in a week time, hence we shall do something!

Karen and I went to Pyramid for lunch and also bought the sakae CNY Lousang set for the department.

We celebrated CNY every year with a simple yet happy lou sang moment, not just for the festive, but also for the team bonding~

Of cause we chose after 5pm for the small ceremony, when everyone back home mood switched on.


All of us are busy in the kitchen, preparing for the lou sang.



Look at the colorful Yu sheng set, so beautiful =D 

But to be honest, I think Sakae sushi's yu sheng set is over priced. The set is mainly just fresh vege that you can prepare at home, not the ordinary yee sheng set that order at restaurant, but the price is far expensive than what we can eat in the restaurant.

I guess the only thing that consider the best is the raw salmon.


Everyone already start posing while Karen and I were busy preparing the set ==


Ok done! Let's get starting the fest!





and after~~~OMG! Is all over the place!!


Poor hand, and I forgot whose hand was this, but definitely blame Pek Shan for this! =P

This is because Pek Shan is well known of creating the mess during lou sang~


and even chopsticks also got mixed into the yu sheng lol =D


Then, we also got to open some gifts from our supplier and also souvenier Jacklyn bought from Thailand.



Derrick kept taking photo without our permission =S


Oh well, but there are some nice photos....





Photo of the day definitely is this! Lots of candies =) 

Happy CNY in advance~


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Sometimes korean drama can be addicted, but the reason behind for me kept watching one korean drama mainly would be because of "someone" in the drama. LOL.

You know what I mean, if without them, I would not able to be attached with such a long series.

Yes, I do think korean drama is long, and sometimes, dragging even the storyline is missing.

Well, for someone who only watch Japanese drama, it is really suffering watching series with more than 10 episodes.


So the reason I watched <three days> and <the sensory couple> obviously is because of someone.

This "someone" who had recently stole my heart...==. Recent as in I knew his presence for a while, and used to like his so called BMF, but only fall for him very recently.

Micky Park Yoo Chun is the someone, he is really charming after all. I wonder why I dint really fall for him last time when I used to be DBSK fan?

However, it is not too late to discover his coolness and abdorable character, and I am really amazed with his acting skill.

I watched <the roof top prince> like 2 yrs ago, but then havent really watched his other dramas since then.

<three days> storyline actually caught me, i decided to spare my weekend for it, I watched 3 days in a row, just like how the series was named!

I preferred this type of storyline, not touching much on the love line, well it did, but just skimming on the surface without explaining too much. 

It is really fast paced in every episode, describing how the brave body guard searching for the missing president and escorting him back to blue house in three days. 

Micky looks so bright and hot in that drama, that's why I really loving watching action drama, because the guy looks serious, brave and reliable~


Whereas in <the sensory couple>, Micky is acting a bit dumb but passionate, he is also hiding a very sad story behind. 

Micky looks funny in this series, especially his interaction with the female lead, Shin Se Kyung is so abdorable.

The storyline of the drama is also very interesting, Shin Se Kyung owns an eyes that able to see smell.

Yes, I mean seeing smell, scent.....then she is using her ability to help Micky, who is a police officer in this drama to solve cases. 

Of cause, there is a love story between them, and a big part of the drama is describing their love. 

But I am interested to find out who is the murderer and how the murderer arrested, so I am still able to continue even it is 16 episode long!


Now I am wondering if I shall watch <miss you> before I gt to see Micky again after he released from the military? 



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It had been a wee while that I last met Cheryl, it is indeed a good catch up today.

She picked me up at One Utama this morning and brought me to a cafe which is quite popular recently - Frisky Goat.

The cafe is actually quite small and compact, many people I must said, but luckily we came earlier and only waited less than 5 mins to get a table.

I had browsed the net and discovered they are popular with their waffle stack, but I decided to go for healthy brunch today, hence I ordered myself an egg florentine casserole which was a not wise choice.


The casserole itself is quite dry and to me, this plate did not meet my brunch's sastification~

I guess I should have go for the waffles....oh well.


Luckily the follow up cafe hopping was a success, The Artisan Roast Coffee is already on my approved list of cafe that deserved second visit =D

There are too many new cafes opened in Klang valley nowadays, the cafe blooming trend is somehow good thing for foodie like me.

But to find a cafe which serves really good food especially food that made you revisit is really hard.

As I have said, there are too many cafes out there, and you need to be very special and outstanding to attract the second attempt, otherwise people would rather go to explore others.

Artican roast coffee served very good hot chocolate, it is beyond my imagination.


I was expecting maybe just a simply sweet chocolate, but it turned up really good, it is not that sweet, but the chocolate flavor is rounded and contains nice fragrance with a mild bitterness after taste.


Then I must said this is the best tiramisu I had in Malaysia so far. 

For someone who had experience foreign western life for almost 6 years, I really have a high demand when comes to western dessert.

So far for most high rated tiramisu in Klang valley that I tasted, most of them was just fancy in appearance, and sweet in taste.

I am looking for something creamy or so called runny, with coco, coffee and rum taste, which is typical tiramisu contains.

The only thing that is missed out from this small pot perhaps is the rum, I guess it is because of the halal issue. 


But I am already happy with what I had today~


Looking at this girl, see how slim she is!! It was a great catch up, I am happy that she found a good job, most likely better than mine.

She also looking fabulous now, I hope she could find someone better.

Last but not the least, I got myself a sandal again today ==. this is my 3rd pair for this CNY.

I actually saw this pair of sandal at Pyramid last week but my size was out of stock, then I made a reservation at the Aeon Bkt Tinggi branch, but ended up I got it from the One U branch lol


And also showing you one of my bracelet collection which I got from Padini. I am looking forward for chinese new year =)




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Finally I am writting up this blog post, to welcome the new "Tan" member in the house - Loey.

I had been talking about her since last year, and mentioned bout her sometimes too in my blog.


She is such a lovely girl that stole your heart easily, she is such an abdorable little angel but sometime would make us "suffered". 

Why I said so, because she is too cute to play with, at the same time, too innocent to decline.

Hence, we have to keep an eye watching her all time, all of us changed over to superhero just to be her body guard.


My brother married my sister in law in summer 2014, and Loey came around August.

She had been staying with us until May last year before my brother and his new family moved into their new house.

I still can recall how she entertained us or annoyed us (but we enjoyed being annoyed lol), hence everytime she visit us now since she moved out, we always happily looking forward for it. 



When she was about 3 months old. My dad pampered her sooooooooo much, i can feel how he pampered me when I was as young as Loey. 


Such a chubby lovely girl~ 






At least looks like a girl when putting on skirt, Loey was turning 9 mths old during this time.


1 mth before her birthday! Look at her, she almost changed in her look!

And after her birthday, she turned into a boss~~~





Girl, please stay happpy always!



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