Hmm, is this like a trend? I am dining out with Nicole more frequently, like once a week, and we always chose fancy restaurants. LOL

Initially, the infamous Bella cafe was chosen, but it was fully booked! How could i forget that it might be fully booked because of its famous meal??

Nevermind, we went through another few restaurants, being told that they were fully booked as well, eventually we went to this restaurant, Steak-out

I would say it is not a fancy one, but not a regular one either, be specific, this will be the first and last time i come. Not because of the food, the food was alright. It just way too expensive to me with that simple-cooked eye fillet, i would expect more~

And the self-serving salad just not right to me to pay that much....I am sorry, but u are out of my list.

Well, we had sweet tooth, so we went to Yeda for deep fried ice-cream. We ordered a glass of Japanese plum wine again after I tried one glass by myself last night at HanaMizuKi.


Our fried ice-cream, the outer layer (bread) was coated with caramel sauce....too sweet for me~


And the plum wine we shared....

I would say the plum wine in Hanamizuki was better, but is good to have some sweet wine with your friend. I was getting excited and both of us kept on complaining about there are no guys in Palmy. LOL

The two desperate ladies were drinking and blaming all good guys were married or either not in this little city. And I told Nicole that I wanna get into a new relationship. Sincerely, i really wanna fall in love again, and ready for love.

But my rational nerve was telling me I must be choosey this time, after the past, lame stories. After all, I just want a guy who will be there for me, who i can lean on, who i can leave everything to him without any worries...

Are u there?? I am waiting, please come to me.....(@@ really desperate aye?)


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I love this name: flower.water.tree, Is just like just poem, =D

I finally able to dine in here, well is a Japanese restaurant~ We have a sort of gathering event tonight to welcome the previous French intern: Orianne, back to Palmy for her interview with our company, shortly, means she returns!

Well, i guest is a good thing for her, especially her lover is here. So, wish her good luck for getting the job.

I dint able to take photo tonight, well, with all the colleagues around, is not good to show my nature. =P

But I did have a very good meal! I decided to skip the entree (and end-up regret!), and just ordered a suki-yaki: Japanese traditional beef hot pot.

I have not tried sukiyaki before, but always willing to try sukiyaki after watching Osen, Japanese drama starring Aoi Yu and Suga Sakura. Jitsu at Dunedin did serve sukiyaki, but it was not hot-pot, it was rather like a ramen soup bowl which just chucking everything inside.

But this one, awesome! I should have taken photos regardless how my colleagues view.

This was traditional enough, it come with raw egg! Well, and the soup base just unique~ Ok, let me explain, the way to eat it is put the raw beef slices in the soup to let it cooked, the principle just similar as hot pot, well you can fully cooked or make your beef slices medium rear, is all depends on you. But then, before you decide to eat it, u has to deep it into the raw egg, yes I mean raw.

Basically, the cooked beef slices will be coated with a thin layer of runny raw egg, and the taste just unique. After u finished all the beef slices, just pour remain raw egg into the hot pot provided. Then u will get a sweet soup base. The hot-pot comes with authentic Japanese sukiyaki flavours, with many vege, and tofu in it. Is definitely a healthy meal!

But to be honest with u, sukiyaki is still not my favourite as compared with sushi, or don.

Anyways, great to try new food.

Besides, I finally get to know Helen, well we are staying on the same st, and I only found out she was my "senior", she was in the same class with me for a few papers. No wonder, somehow, I think she has a familiar face, fool me! @@

Note: I immediately got a stomach-ache after back home, and got diarrhoea......Raw egg??

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Long time since my last dim sum, it was in Malaysia with my family, but in NZ, it was last year.

Finally got to try the ‘famous’ dim sum at Tasti restaurant, but sorry to say that, it was not tasty.

Ping picked this for Tali last farewell lunch, but I felt relief as Tali really enjoyed it, oh except for the ‘offensive’ chicken feet. Haha, I also just actually started eating this after I come NZ. Was naïve in past, never realize this good stuffs! However, it was acceptable that kiwis felt it weird and ‘scary’ perhaps. The feet itself was so obvious, and imagine u like eating a hand….

Anyways,  I was really surprised there are a few kiwis really like Asian culture, she is going to wellington uni to learn Chinese!

Good luck dear.

Today dim sum was generally cheap, but I don’t think Halie liked it. Well, Japan fans often do not like Chinese things aye? Except for me….^^

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Went to the vege market, finally!

It's takes time, for like half an hour to get to the market (walking), and probably 45mins to get back? As I will buy heaps!

What i love about the vege market is because of the VARIETIES!

According to ministry of health NZ, healthy adults are recommended to 5+ vege and fruits per day, which means to eat 5 or more than 5 serving of different of vege and fruits, at the same time they also encourage eat different vege with different colors, shortly vege with 5 colors! red, orange, green, purple and white? (if i am not mistakened)

So, I have huge varieties at the fresh vege market as compared in the supermarket! And I got cheap stuffs.

The only thing that was missing probably is the hot ready food! THere are some, but not that appealing, and I started miss Dunedin's railway station farmers market, oh my, I missed Dunedin too!

ok back to the story, I was gonna meet some friends today. SO after planning, I walked to Shirley's house in the afternooon, and passed her some new movies and dramas, see how sweet I am! =P

Then, i spent hours chatting with her to kill the time while the data were transferred.

In the evening, i went to yen's flat, glad that she moved closer to my house now! It just shorten the distance btween us! =D

and she made this lovely dinner for me and nicole~


although they were vegetarian, but they still tasted good!

Then we spent sometimes at the chokolato shop in town, have some lovely gelato over there.

Nice to catch up with u guys~

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I think sometimes I really need something special, or something that I missed for long time.

One of it, is the delightful indian meal!

I tried the indian takeaway from the plaza once, it was good in terms of takeaways, cant deny spices are always on my top on the meal list~

There are something that I cant and wont border to make, I rather spend some pocket money for that.


So it is Tali's farewell tonight, and we went to her favorite restaurant: Indian 2nite

I dint purposely typed a short form, indeed, the restaurant is pronounced that way, sound creative?

hmmm, but the food was creative!


I ordered this special indian 2nite curry, it come with the special venison curry, and covered with a fried egg on top!

That was special! Haha, special ppl always got special treat, lol

ok sorry i dint bring my camera over, and yea, it was not a good choice to capture, as Tali's mum was there, and she's my colleague too.

Hmmm, that's something different, and u cant just truly be urself in front of your workmates aye?

AM i fake?? Hell NO, i am just being considerate, looked how sweet I am =P...too much information lol...


Ok, i must go there for another time, next time, is good to discover such a great delightful place for dinner. Thanks Tali, and I wish u all the best for yr study in Welly~

til we meet again, take care!


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