can u believe? Is snowing in Palmy!!! WEEEEEEEE!
I was complaining there weren't any snow, when Dunedin and Christchurch were covered with white-layered blanket for days!
Finally, yesterday around half pass 4, the first snow fell on Palmy's ground since 1940s....
Ping and I were also wondering if it was snowing during tea time, as the snow was mixed with rain and hail that time, and we were so dissapointed when we discovered it just not snow as it did not set...and Sergey said so, this is NOT SNOW! =(
then, 5 mins later.....WOOOOAH! HOLA, snow is felling apart, first time watching snow fall for more than an hour! I am so happy! and the snow set!!! Everyone was so excited, and I heard people at Massey were enjoying their snow ball fight and making up their beloved snowman!
Well, I have work to do, and remind myself that I am no longer student, so come on, snow, so?? (although I really do wanna enjoy some snow fight!)
So I left at 5pm, and the snow still falling heavily, the friendly security guard still asked me am I sure I wanna go out? Of cz I do!
snow is good! no matter how cold it is, no matter how soft it is....I dont care, how it fall on my clothes and hair, and melted on my palm! yeah!
and due to the snow, 3 buses refused to pick us up, (well, 3 of us waiting at the bus-stop), so we just watching the snow....luckily the bus-stop is sheltered (indeed, it was too cold...)
Finally, when I hopped up into the 12A bus, the snow flakes were gone, what left were just rain-like snow....and it's all gone after I went out from Pak n Save....and Jessie was wondered why I back so late, cz we missed the chance to take photos in snow....TT well, luckily our backyard ground was covered with a thiny white layer of snow...and see what we've done!
and of cz the Asian style: try to make something different! and proof the history! haha (I wrote it, found my shoes??)
I am hoping the snow continued (at least for a night) so that I am able to view a white world the next day, but well despite of the cold nite, the snow did not seems to be continued, and wat left over just still a thin layer, well better than nothing, so more photoshots!
see the grass, it's suppose all whites (not the football team in nz...=P)
and u can see the flat I am currently staying behind me, guest which one?
the snow had become ice! frost the grass~
the remained snow on batt st sign, but this is not the street I staying tho...
so this is how the field outside massey looked like this morning after heavy snow yesterday, I am pretty sure those students had so much fun! And do you know, in order to get these photos, I fell off on the stairs at Massey, and still so pain now!
the remained snowman....the shape still quite apparent..
this is what left around noon outside of the window of my office, that's our blue company sign~
Although this August snow is short at Palmy, but to be honest, I felt delighted as it was a miracle for snow at Palmy. Those french interns were so happy too as yesterday, 15th August, was a special public holiday in French, and of cz August, the summer in most countries is so not matched with snow, this was indeed a summer snow!!