Oh yeah, this is not just Karen's last visit at the pasar malam (night market), it was also my first time visit after working at Macfood after nearly 2 yrs.
This night market is just 3 mins walk from my company, and it was set up every Tuesday afternoon.
I purposely not eating tonight, as Karen and I made an agreement to visit the market together.
Derrick was supposed to join us, but he was caught by the new boss and couldnt join us.
But in the end, we bought lot of food and had a small party after work
Derrick also got "released" and joined us for the snacking
This maybe is our last crazy time, look at these photos:
We were having the 1,2,3 kiyomi pose~
Then, followed by the expression pose: happy, sad, angry, shocked.
But we decided to make it into a story~
First we heard that we won a lotto.....
But somehow we lose the ticket! so sad....
Then, we found out someone actually taken the ticket, hence we are mad....
But in the end, we got our ticket back, and guess what? IS GRAND PRIZE!!! HOORAY~~
Lol, i think i will miss these memories a looooot.
Karen was also very lovely, she brought us farewell presents, the moody pillow.
Guess which one is mine?