

Oh Yeah, the Jurassic world is finally "opened", Stephen Spielberg had picked the right director for the classic movie which actually reminds me a lot of dinosaurs memories in the past when I watched the trilogy of Jurassic Park.

To be honest, I am not a dinosaur fan, but truly love the Jurassic series because I love fantasy movie.

SOmehow, the exist of dinosaur in the reality is a fantasy to me, and I was impressed how Stephen Spilberg could create the stories with the creature which we never imagined it would exist and appear the world. 

The creative and imagination of dinosours in the Jurassic Park movie had built an image of how dinosaurs looks like.

We are curious with these huge giants, at the same time, we are fear of them. 

Therefore the movie really entertaining, no matter in the Park or in the world now.


What really amazing is, I never thought the Jurassic movie would be back again after 22 years, because the 3rd movie released in 2001 was claimed as the ending of the series.

Oh well, the "park" indeed was "closed", but now with the Jurassic world opening, a theme park with running dinosaurs like in the safari park,


or like dolphin show in the Seaworld? 


rowing boats with dinosaurs?


OMG, how creative are the writers! I was so touched and impressed while the trailer released and waited for so long for the showing. 

Then, the review is? Good, amazing, impressive, exciting, entertaining! 

This is the one of the best movies I had watched so far this year, and the scenes still kept popping in my head.


Chris Pratt is so damn hot, love his muscular body, along with his charming eyes, and confident smile! Ohhh, I'm in love <3

So as the main actress, Bryce Dallas Howard, very beautiful~





It is a brilliant idea that Velociraptor could be trained like lion or tiger, and the ideas of cooperating with them against Indominus, the huge scary genetic modified made by human are really insane and perhaps only worked in movies.

But hey, it is a movie, it is supposed to use imagination, and that idea was so cooool! 


I was touched the raptors did not betray Owen (Chris Pratt), who hold the concept of mutual respect. 

I do believe animals are spiritual, they understand how their master feel just like why not for dinasours..


However, the theme park management think tourist are losing interest to the park if there are no new attraction.

Therefore, with the collaboration of the Lab, they create a dinosaur, just like how the others do in the park, but with new genomic mixture of species

The making of Indominus are very terrifying, again, human being, indeed are the scariest animals in the world.


'Bigger, larger, scary, more teeth...." who allow those genius geneticists to make such a monster? we, human....

I found it ironic how Dr. Henry (the only Asian in the movie, and also the only actor who reprise a role of any previous films) replied to the owner of the theme park:



"Monster is a relative term. To a canary, a cat is a monster. We're just used to being the cat."

Indeed, we are used to being the cat, therefore, we asked for more...

A highly intellegent dinosour, which is larger than the ultimate T-rex, they can camouflage, can detect thermal signatures which helps her to remove the thermal scent (Owen said she is so smart that she remember where it was implanted and removed it), and also lead her to the tourist crowd...

It is already huge and scary enough, on top of that the crazy genetictist created the "wow" factor to make her highly intelligent, indeed a bad idea!


Agree with what Owen said: They're dinosaurs. Wow enough!

Yes, I couldnt imagine if the dinosaur are back into world again, I mean the movie is good, but please just stay back in the large screen. 

Hopefully, there are no ambitious people out there to try to develop military force by hiring geneticist to make dinasours....


Scientists were actually judging the appearance of the dinosaurs in this film, making statement that the knowledge of how dinasours looks like had been changed. They shall be furry, instead of like a naked huge reptiles look, like that colorful freak covered with feathers....

That's not scary, that's a nightmare.

Oh well, if you listen and watch the movie, Dr Henry did tell the CEO that all dinosaurs are genetically modified to fulfill the image how the CEO think about dinosaur.

WHich mean: the dinosaur indeed is not like what they shall be look like as claimed by the scientist. 

Moreover, we watched the Jurassic Park, and the dinosaur image had been implanted in our brain, just like how chinese think of dragon~

Who cares?! It is just a movie.


I did enjoy the film, and looking forward for the sequels~    

    movie review dinosaurs
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