• Aug 08 Sat 2015 18:21
  • Gen Y

gen y 1  

I actually only learnt this new term after back in Malaysia, frankly speaking I hate how other people judging my work performance with this term.

Especially comment that when we did nothing wrong, conclude the new comers with this term if one of us dissapointed the management.


Based on the characteristic on picture above, I do admit I fit well in all 6 defined characters

Indeed, we think differently from the Gen X (1960-1980s) but, we are much more better than Gen Z (1990s)!

I do think due to the changes of the society as time flies, more people in workforce now is highly educated, the view of job roles definitely would be different like old days.

Work smart is our principal (we tends to find the effective way to get job done), while for Gen X, they think we, as younger, should work hard, pay more effort in work, try every solution even know it might not work bcz they think can learn from the hard way.

Indeed I also disagree with the Gen X view because the way they suggested, is working like a slave, or in better description - worker holic.

But, if compared with Gen Z, I think I paid more effort and heart on my job.


Recently, there's a new comer in my team, a "boy" born in 1993 joining our department.

Sincerely, I think he did not have the heart and effort on the job, maybe because he still new, maybe he is struggling, maybe he is stressed....

But from the first day, he asked: is the job load very heavy?, then after assigned for only 2 tasks, he told me : "very busy ah"

Seriously, I am worried he could not stand for the job.

As our workload are getting heavier due to the incapable newly joined boss (even after 3 mths, and likely she had been confirmed), we had to do extra work. 

Now with a new comer, seems like we perhaps would be saved, but too bad our new boss is too much, and the gen z is still young.

Indeed with his young and energertic character, our department had lots of fun, but still he gave me an impression he could not take a hard job like what we are currently doing.


gen y 2  

As a gen Y, I do want flexible hours in terms of work life balance, I want career progression and personal development, I do like training just because it add value to my resume.

For immediate feedback, we live in an efficient generation, of cause I would appreciate immediate feedback. 

Let's see the conclusion from above photo: Gen Y workers have a higher desire than previous generations to contribute creatively to their company

So instead of criticizing on Gen Y, why not taking initiative to appreciate for our goodness?



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FInally got to meet up with Cheryl today, after almost a year plus!

She back for good almost the same time as me, and our last conversation was about she still hunting a job while I am in the middle changing to a new job

time flies, we were saying about meeting each other all time, but action never been taken =P

So great that both of us made an effort today, for the first time, I drive all by myself to Damansara (One U), perhaps for Malaysian who used to drive, that's mean nothing.

But to me, it mean a lot, because so far I only have a year + driving experience, and afraid to drive out of my comfort zone

Therefore, to drive to that far was one of my target (as I easily give up on driving that fast and rely on my parents), so it felt like an achievement.

Then, not to mention I also had come across another milestones yesterday as I continuous run for 2/3 jogging track of the park near my house (note: the park is quite large). 

I thought I could not make it for the routine jogging on every weekend yesterday because I unconsciously hurt my leg past few days ago.

But, surprisingly I run even further and longer =)


Back to the catch up with Cheryl today, it was a good time.

I arrived around 11am which was 1 hr earlier than our meeting time, but got chances to walk around one U

the last time I arrived was exactly the last time I met up her, lol, she also shocked I never come here.

Oh well, I found one U have no much difference than other shopping mall, but good to know they have some special shop like Typo, Nana Green Tea, Franco etc.

Cheryl suggested we can try the spagetti in L.Table (part of Lavender cafe, but only in One U) as frens around her commenting was not too bad, I was a little hesitate at first because Lavender bakeries in Klang are awful and pricy. 

However, we finally decided to get a try, as open rice also recommend it. 


To start, I ordered the coconut mild red bean jelly shake, but it was not really nice, red bean is not good fren with coconut. 


The cafe have a rather "high class" ambience, as in the decoration and people dining here seems come from high society

A few tables were served with red wine, and the diner were dressed in good outfit.

Or I should say One U indeed part of KL, and ppl here are well dressed up? 

Actually their brunch menu is kinda fascinating, with range of different breakfast like breakfast cupcakes, avocado; egg and sausage tortilla wrap etc.

However both us turned down and picked the safest menu - pasta.


I ordered this Pappardelle with Duck Stroganoff as I find the name unique, and I just wanna try different variety of pasta.

Now I learnt a new dish =) Stroganoff is more like meat (ie duck, beef, goose) cooked with sour cream, while pappardelle is one of the kind of pasta.

To be honest, I think the dish is not too bad, just slightly salty. 

I always preferred wide broad flat noodles/pasta over the thin and skinny noodles/pasta, then this pappardelle is even wider than fettuccine which is perfect for me =)

The pappardelle is well cooked, and with chewy but smooth texture (as it is large, it might be overcooked or undercooked), it matched well with the stroganoff, just a little too salty.

The duck is very tender and not too dry, and portion is good enough.


Cheryl get herself crabmeat linguine with garlic and basil, but her comment was the food was normal as she had better pasta.

Indeed I do feel the same, I had much better pasta in NZ, oh well, but actually is kinda not too bad in Malaysia.


Later, we gone to Nana Green Tea for dessert, it was the first time for Cheryl, but second attempt for me.

Nana Green Tea in One U is larger, and have more seats, which save us from lining up.

I guess food is always nice for the first attempt, because this time the parfait I had did not really blew me away like last time.

Perhaps I ordered the wrong parfait, The matcha and rice flour dumpling parfait have larger proportion of vanilla instead of green tea, i found it too sweet in the end.


But I remembered the matcha fresh chocolate parfait I had last time was not that sweet (maybe also was first attempt). 

However, I do think their matcha is very good, and dont mind to visit again in future. 


I do have a good chat with Cheryl, good to know she is doing good with her new job (hope she get confirmed soon), and has a good boyfren (a little bit jealous >< =P), and owns a car, move to a new flat (though with bad owner living under same roof)

As for myside, still busy and struggling if shall stay with job, single, still driving mum's car, and live with parents. 

Bright side is, my job is way interesting than hers, I am not bound with anyone and have more freedom (but I still looking for someone), should have a car very soon (hopefully) and seeing family everyday and not need to pay for rent =)

Everyone's life is different, there's no need of comparison or jealousy because we all chose our own path, and I believe destiny will lead us to the way we wish for.


P/s: let's meet up more often cheryl!


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My colleagues and I were having this topic of what type of food they dont really eat during lunch yesterday, and I discovered my new colleague (the new fresh grad boy) disliked banana and papaya because of their mushy texture.

Then, another colleague dislike cucumber, capsicum, green pea, papaya etc (apparently she still have more food which she never eat)

The most weird hate relationship with food is my new boss, she doesnt eat durian, papaya, banana, cherries, grapes and strawberry!! (and I think there are more ==).


I found this amusing, because I to me all the food they dislike are so good, and I never expect ppl hate them 

This inspired me to write this post, to discover what type of food I really love and hate, and I also found out I actually eat almost everything!

I actually wanna categorized into 2 groups: 1. Food I don't eat (even you point a gun on my head) 2. Food I dislike (well, I still eat them if no choice)


Group 1:

i) Coffee: yes, I am not a coffee drinker which is very unusual for a foodie, but who conclude foodie have to be coffee lover? Reason not drinking coffee, simply because I am allergic to coffee. 

ii) Potato (chunky): ok I still eat fries, chips and mashed potato, I just dont eat the chunky potato which is usually cooked with curry, or the whole baked potato. Reason: too much carbs~

iii) Rabbit, kangaroo meat or other exotic meat: I am not eating rabbit because I am a rabbit (chinese zodiac), and kangaroo are so cute (so cruel to eat them, see my post playing with Kangaroo here), then for other exotic meat such as snake meat, insects....they are just too much for me to consider as food. 


Group 2:

i) Soft drink: high sugar, and I want to diet =)

ii) Fast food: I've enough for work!

iii) Soy milk: dont ask me why, I just simply dont like it

iv) Vegetarian meal: Ok, I have to explain here, what I mean for vegetarian meal are those food made by soy or bean curd to pretend as "meat" which is very nasty to me. This category have very high potential to level up into group 1.


So above are what I think of for food that I dislike, let's see the 10 most polarizing foods I found on website:

1. Cilantro: well I dont mind this food to be used as an ingredient, but yes I dont eat it either

2. Celery: I actually like celery!

3. Licorice: No, I also said no to it.

4. Green pepper: I love pepper no matter what color!

5. Marzipan: hmmm, I wouldnt think of eating it

6. Mayonnaise: I am fine with it.

7. Blue cheese: I dont like its smell, and would be reluctant to consume it, but I tried eating baked blue cheese as topping on pizza, it was goood!

8. Vegemite/marmite: never eat them! I dont understand why they are so popular in Aussie/NZ

9. Coconut: of cause love coconut! I dont think any south east asian would hate it

10. Liver: I would skip it =)


Since I have categorized food I dislike, I wanna highlight the food that I would eat no matter how many times I being served with:

1. Egg: yes I wouldnt say no to egg, the love relationship among me and egg is irreplacable! (I think except raw egg, and those exotic eggs such as the disgusting pelut, I eat almost every type of egg).

2. Durian: omg, I cannot stop when it comes to durian, that's why I couldnt believe there are ppl (I mean Malaysian) dislike this king of the fruit world (my weird new boss and my brother). However, I only love the "real" durian, as in I dont like durian puff, dodol, or other dessert using durian.

3. Cherries: same as durian, I never say no to cherries. I remember I was having stomach ache at a time and I was so pissed because my parents was tempting to finish all the cherries. This is how much I into cherries. Ohh, I really miss the day having endless cherries during summer in NZ.

4. Sushi: even I have them yesterday, I still eat them today. It is one of the food I really love too.

5. Green tea dessert: yes another dessert which I totally in love with, but I discovered that there are ppl dislike them (and coincidentally they are a group of fren of mine).

6. Macaron: regardless how ppl find them sweet, I still love macaron =)


To conclude, I do think I actually almost eat everything! 

 People Who Love To Eat Are The Best People #JuliaChild #Quote #etsy @chloefield13 @susannarose26 @kquiggs13 @lnchristine



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劇情敍述山下飾演的白鳥咲人是一名智商只有兒童水平的成年人,被母親抛棄,疼愛的爸爸也不幸離世,於是就被爸爸的故友收留,幫忙經營一家名為dream flower的花店幫忙











































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Finally is weekend again!! This week had been a tiring week for me (almost every week was tiring ==), ADHOC presentation was requested and we had to finalized all new ideation menu within 3 days!

Though I back home almost 9pm in the past 3 days, but I really enjoyed what I've been doing in these 3 days.

Once again, I confirmed my passion towards new product development as I thought somehow I am losing my passion after working for one year on my current position.

Well, I guess was the task differences made me felt that way.


I had been thinking a new build of burger/wrap/salads for a menu roadshow to be presented to customer.

Besides, we also need to play with sauce, and personally myself also discovered some interesting recipe online and imagine some new flavor of patties. =)

I kept recalling what i've been eating in NZ, and thanks to the multi-fusion and crossed cultural food I encountered, I had many creative new ideas!

Of cause, it is always easy to say rather than hands on working on it, but I do have the confidence to do them up =) 

Still, I dislike the "other JD" stated for my position, especially following up on sample delivery up to arrival at distributors side, checking if every department cooperating with our trial/sample loading/documentation.....

To me, I am doing other ppl job as well, and it consumed so much of time. 

What even worst was my "new" boss thought these was easy, and had unreasonable demands, and leading confusion among suppliers/customers and putting blame on us!(mentioning she want alignment LOL)


Frankly speaking, I am dissastified with her, and I did not see her as a boss because she just simply is not capable for this title.

I am annoyed with her high tone, endless speech, and I am not interested how her experience lead her so far. 

I am not assume, but I do believe she is just doing good in speaking, and this made her to be chosen for this position.

This proven that ppl who is good on bullshitting wins over interview and get job easily, but not necassarily performing well on the job!!

Screw whatever the rules she started with, ignore what she mentioned she is getting to be more strict, I dont care!

Dont mess with me! I am not your dog and wouldnt even respect you if you continue act like this way!


Summary: I will stand still and just do what I think is right, and would not tolerate with unreasonable demands or action!


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