Hmm, is this like a trend? I am dining out with Nicole more frequently, like once a week, and we always chose fancy restaurants. LOL

Initially, the infamous Bella cafe was chosen, but it was fully booked! How could i forget that it might be fully booked because of its famous meal??

Nevermind, we went through another few restaurants, being told that they were fully booked as well, eventually we went to this restaurant, Steak-out

I would say it is not a fancy one, but not a regular one either, be specific, this will be the first and last time i come. Not because of the food, the food was alright. It just way too expensive to me with that simple-cooked eye fillet, i would expect more~

And the self-serving salad just not right to me to pay that much....I am sorry, but u are out of my list.

Well, we had sweet tooth, so we went to Yeda for deep fried ice-cream. We ordered a glass of Japanese plum wine again after I tried one glass by myself last night at HanaMizuKi.


Our fried ice-cream, the outer layer (bread) was coated with caramel sauce....too sweet for me~


And the plum wine we shared....

I would say the plum wine in Hanamizuki was better, but is good to have some sweet wine with your friend. I was getting excited and both of us kept on complaining about there are no guys in Palmy. LOL

The two desperate ladies were drinking and blaming all good guys were married or either not in this little city. And I told Nicole that I wanna get into a new relationship. Sincerely, i really wanna fall in love again, and ready for love.

But my rational nerve was telling me I must be choosey this time, after the past, lame stories. After all, I just want a guy who will be there for me, who i can lean on, who i can leave everything to him without any worries...

Are u there?? I am waiting, please come to me.....(@@ really desperate aye?)



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