Thanks to Chyi's effort, we had a Xmas gift exchange session as well as 2016 resolution session this year.
It was a fun and motivative night, and I am thankful for this event although it was just among few of us, but it's really meaningful and great to have one.
When Chyi mentioned this first time on the group chat, i was kinda defensive and rolling eyes with it because we never have one and kinda awkward to start one.
But luckily everyone was tempted and I kinda guilty that I was thinking to ignore such great event.
We spent this special night at Lenour, a new cafe close to my neighbourhood.
Food in general are not bad, though i dont really think their pasta was good.
I forgot what I have ordered, the lost of memory indicating their food was just so so.
But i do remember the Dilmah timer which come along with Bean's tea. It was fun to play with, but couldnt believe they sold Dilmah tea in such expensive way, you can easily get a cheap one in NZ supermarket.
Oh well, that's imported in Malaysia.
Chyi's coffee was also quite special, the caramel was placed within the niddle tube and you can choose to "inject" how sweet you like your coffee to be.
Cakes were just ok, not that great that I could recall.
However I did have a memory flashed back for the waffle. It was not too bad, just way too simple for the price.
Then, the gift exchange sessions started.
With the budget of at least RM20, I bought a gift specially for this event tonight together with Bean at the face shop, and guess who was the lucky one to pick mine?
Teng actually chosen mine and it is the bamboo shoot moisturizer from the face shop, and the gift she prepared was chosen by Chyi which is a M&M christmas edition giftbox.
For myself, I picked HuiB's gift and this is what I got~
It was the photo frame at the left~
It's not a practical one (not fulfill the theme Chyi set ==), but it is a meaningful one, cz is a photos frame that can hang on the wall with all the memorable photos we shared together.
I am happy with what i got =)
I also had wrote a sharable 2016 resolution note and placed in Chyi's little Lindt box.
As what Chyi said, we would open the box in Xmas 2016 and will fine those who failed to achieve their own resolution.
Oh no, means I really must go Japan this year?!