the trip continued today with a facial treatment appointment with wann zhen this morning at city centre
as I expected, is perhaps from those China or Taiwan facial treatment centre
well, the treatment was ok, at least for the first time I experienced body massage, facial mask and eyebrow shaping...
this was the second time of outdoor serviced facial treatment for me, the first one i had was early this yr in Malaysia
never thought i would be reaching the stage for a 'facial counselling'
However, Malaysian treatment was cheap as compared to here...i wouldnt say the treatment here was better
actually i dint feel much difference....i guess Ping, my colleague was right
she said once i started to do those facial treatment, my skin will start to demand for more
indeed, i think i am stopping it for a while, or perhaps should focus the skin care on basic lifestyle and diet rather than those ongoing expensive treatment
i dont think i looked different with my firstly shaped eyebrow....hmmm, but i didnt really do a before-and-after comparison =P
and i also confirm a fact: i really ticklish and cant do any body massage, thank you very much
even the lady who given me body massage asked how if my boyfren can do with me if we have 'intimate interaction'?Hmmm, i prety sure ticklish wouldnt be affected by that....=D
after the treatment, we gone to IL Mee at Upper Queen St for lunch
My long-awaited korean pork ribs soup and side dishes!!
Really like Auckland about this, u can just get everything....
Wann zhen also brought me to this korean grocerries shop and i bought this, is a plum wine, but actually i think it dint contain was alright, i prefer the plum wine better =) haha i am alcoholic LOL
and this, a korean pumpkin bread...quice nice
haha.....well actually that's really ended my short weekend trip at Akl....
still missed it! and my other colleague, Lyn, complaint i travelled too much! =P
Sorry Lyn, but i really love travel <3