
Ok I am not meant to steal the movie title, well I truely believe that I, me, myself had become a shopaholic!!

I spent so much within this month!!! Bought new dress and new dress....endless shopping....

I think someone pressed the 'shopping button' on my body, and I just 'shop forward'


Yes, I am totally agree with this...Well I do think the moody feeling of mine earlier this month switched on my shopping mode

since I was not able and not intended to meet a psychiatrist, i guess shopping is a brilliant idea!

LOL...haha I am just randomly making excuses...but well I am indeed happy with my shopping bags!!


I bought 2 Keds canvas at my last Auckland trip in DressMart, the shopkeeper was also surprised of that...well even myself

IMG_5886 IMG_5888

oh well....i think overall i am very rational, ok, I am not covering up myself,

I am sincere to say that as I never spend more than NZD100 for any single item!! not even more than NZD70...

this red-heeled canvaswas basically the most expensive item that I had bought!! (ok, dont count in travel or flight tickets pls)


So shopaholic me? Not even that stage yet~

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