Last week, one of my colleague’s 3 weeks newly bought car (all the way from Auckland) got stolen and set fire near the airport. He was called by the police that it was his responsibility to clear his car-trash as his car was not covered by insurance. It was a bad news, but most of our colleagues laughed at it. Most people think is his problem that he did not get insurance. However, not everyone saw his story the same way. My supervisor, Sergey is a good friend of this guy and he felt so sorry for him. He raised a baking sales event to raise money for him, and some people (including me) were requested to bake our hometown delicious cakes. Initially, I am willing to bake and agree that we should raise some money for him. This guy actually was pretty bad luck lately, he missed part of his PhD data for his project, and also encountered many issues for his PhD. However, sooner I discovered that it was actually not necessary to raise money for him. First, it was his fault that he didn’t cover his car with insurance. Second, if this incident happened to someone else, are we going to have a similar baking sale as well? Or it was just for this particular guy because Sergey is a good friend of him, therefore he is having such good treat? The third is, I didn’t feel that he is appreciating what we had done for him, so what’s the point? Anyways, the baking sale is hold today at Morning tea time, and the cakes pretty much all gone. Eventually, we raised nearly a thousand for him, and well, he just emailed site-wide a big thank you. He dint even appeared for his baking sale, and he just hidden himself at his desk. I guess he thought is shameful, well, he better do. Then, why are we selling so hard?
Obviously, u can tell that I am not positive with this fund-raising event. Well, I should say this guy is very lucky that he has such a good friend like my supervisor, who has a strong influence over the site, and able to help him without his request. After all, it was a good and helpful action which shouldn’t be judged for the meaning or argued it’s necessarily. Hopefully our effort was helpful for him and not bringing any troubles to the site. =S p/s: had celebration dinner for Qing’s successful PhD oral confirmation at De Coree with Qing and Shirley. The dinner was alright, but happy for Qing’s effort got paid =D