
Finally~ I got a break!!!
Had been buried with assignments, presentation for a few weeks…..NON STOP!!!
I intend to do all my best for every single assignment the lecturer gave us
However, it turns up with all the different marks of assignments surrounding my brain~
I always stare at the new Microsoft word document
1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 10 min………time passed~
And for the first time, I sit for the whole night without any work progress!!!
I haven’t touch my lecture notes yet, not even 1 of them~
I left all my time for my assignments!!
35% editorial?! Are u serious?!
What the hell?!
10% zinc assignment, 20% food science essay, a boundary presentation for stupid food science lecture?!
I hope this is not the hardest word load I have….at least I still can breathe
I wonder what going to happen to me after the break?
Hope I remain my normal meal; at least please don’t get hungry during midnight
Or please don’t ever try to attract me to any food, Mr. Wong!!!

Ok, going to talk about my lovely Easter break~
First I spelled wrongly that I enjoyed my “eater” break on facebook, luckily Dinnesh reminded me, or else, everyone really thought I eat a lot….
But, indeed, I ate a lot~
How to diet? Damn!
Ok, Thursday 9/4, the day before Good Friday….
I finally finished summit all my assignments!!! Feel so free~
I am sorry to both of my lecturer for HUNT 311 and FOSC211
Cz I was unable to concentrate in the lecture, so sorry~
My spirit already in holiday!!
Moreover, no journal discourse for that day, feel so gooooood!!!
I remembered that I shall go gym that day, but my lazy cell did not co-operate
And I finally went to Dennis’s economic lecture….
So sorry, I find out I really have no interest on commerce paper….
Luckily I chose the correct one!
We went do our groceries that night, unexpectedly, quite a lot of food items were on special
The mince in count down was run out~
Hmmm, no pasta again~

10/4 Good Friday~
Hmmm….I did nothing that day =P
Forgot what time I woke up, just remember I went to Dave’s house for dinner
Started to know about Easter and understand the kiwi’s dinner culture and habit tho~
Cool! Was a nice dinner, we have ham and vegetable soups served with muffin and corn cakes, and we have a lot of potatoes chips, cheese and Easter chocolate eggs!!!
Dave and his wife were so kind!!
And I met some awesome people, like Harvindar, Lavelle (sorry if I spelled wrongly) and others~

11/4 Saturday
I can’t wait for that day, cz we have Malaysian society Easter trip
We went Balwin Street, mount Cargill, port Chalmers and tuner beach
It was a worth trip, I paid for just NZ 15, and I have free lunch, yeah!!
But I was so tired at the last stop,
It took 20 minutes to get down to tuner beach by feet
However, overall was a nice trip!!!

12/4 Easter Sunday
I was kinda regret that I dint go to the special movie event for Easter in the cinema
And I am stupid enough to think that I will enjoy my shopping that day
But I forgot all shops were closed on Easter Sunday including new world and count down
The street is so silent and empty….
Only a few cars and people passed by~
However, I went to Hutton’s centre at Otago museum in the morning
As there was a warehouse sale for branded product such as cosmetics, perfume and watch
I bought myself 2 bottles of perfume, Elizabeth Arden green tea and a French product named ‘Kiss”.
Hmmm, this was my 1st perfume in my life…..
Later in the evening, Dennis and I spent some good time at Starbucks (luckily it was opened)
I finally used the Starbucks coupon Cynthia gave me during my 21st birthday last year
I ordered the caramel vanilla cream blended, felt myself so happy and lucky having such a good time, really in love with Starbucks blended~
Besides, I found out myself have the same symptoms that other people have with coffee
My heart jumped a bit faster, and not very comfortable~
I think I am sensitive to caffeine, as I don’t drink coffee at all except for Starbucks blended, haha, Dennis said I am so “high-classed”!
I might look like a weirdo or some freak, cz I even hate milk
But I eat cereals with milk and eat yoghurt as well….
There were no news reported that day, only movies were showed….
I watched Charlie and the chocolate factory, in love with Johnny Depp so much

13/4 Easter Monday
I went St Clair that day!!! Finally, Again~
Haha, last time I been there was last year, around September I think~
The weather was good, many people was surfing and spending their time at the beach~
I have a nice lunch at the classic café; I ate panini and a chocolate cake and looking the nice view of St Clair.
Life was so great….
But the bad thing was I had forgotten to bring my flip flop,
And I was stupid enough to think it will be cold, I dressed up completely wrong!!!
Dennis was baring his feet on the white, smooth sand and the chilled sea water~
Me, standing far away from the edge of sea, afraid that the waves will beat me off~
TT, so jealous~
I only can be a photographer~
After spending almost half day at St. Clair, we walked to Pak n Save
I know, is very far~

14/4 Tuesday
Easter holidays end, but my lovely break continued, hehe
I went for shopping as Easter sale is still on
I bought a hat, and curl cream for my hair~
And went Tokyo garden for lunch, the price is alright for the portion but not the taste~
Later on, I went to visit Wann Zhen, finally could spend some times to look out her place~
We went to central new world in night, and finally got mince!!!
Yeah, pasta dinner return~

15/4 wed
We spent the whole day preparing for the “big” dinner tonight
At first, we plan for having flat-warming,
However we have no enough materials, equipment and skills to make so many food~
Therefore, we only having some frens to join us~
Should thank Ken so much for coming to help up for chicken curry and buy some extra ingredients with Dennis the previous day.
I made the sushi, and Dennis made the salad and help with my sushi~
Haha, and ken bring his self-made tuna to share for our lunch meanwhile we are preparing the food
Cool, we had great dinner!
And I was truly exhausted after finish washing all dishes~

16/4 Thursday & 17/4 Friday.
I actually had completed forgotten what I did on these two days
I think I watched the HK drama Sze Ying gave me
It was not a nice drama for me, I skipped a lot and some episodes were lost~

18/4 sat
I went farmers market in the early morning, 8.30am!!!
It might not very early for students who have class at 8am, but in a holiday? 8.30am?
Cz Cecilia wanted to make it earlier and some of her frens were coming as well
I dint buy much things as I forgot to bring cash, shit
I think I will go again next weekend or next time~
We had a drinking game in our flat at night,
I bought myself some peach flavored schnapps, Dennis drink flame beer, while Jah and Rah had tequila with lemon and salt~
By the way, we had chocolate and chips with reduced cream as well~
And we were playing president and asshole with poker cards…
My schnapps tasted good, I will have some in the future, haha^^
It was a great night~

19/4 sun
The time passed so fast, tomorrow uni resume!!!
And I haven’t catch up any lecture, all of my lecture notes from week 2 left on my desk, still~

Holidays end…….now study time!!!

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