
From now on I will write my blog in a summary of month form, reason simply because I am getting lazier, and I will save time to do something else =D

Unless there is a valid reason to write a separate blog post, for example: travelling or big event. Otherwise, I will just summarize my monthly activities in one post.

This month was fruitful and load with lots of madness =S.

After travelling back from Melbourne, it was Bakel’s Annual Dinner. I would have attended with joy and fun, but I had another car crash in that morning.

Terrible, I ran into motorcyclist without notice until there was an iron plate scratching sound appeared after I U-turn.

I supposed it was a usual morning, but slightly unusual as I went to work earlier to get McD’s happy meal at Putra Height before heading to office.

Blame this innocent Pikachu (on the left), blame my friend, KC, oh well, he gifted me something i like from Japan (on the right), the Snolax gachapon.


The motorcyclist was hurt, for the first time, I sent someone to clinic, but very grateful I did not need to send him to hospital. His wound was mostly on surface, but I had to pay a large number of bills for his badly damaged motorcycle. I still highly doubting he own the motorcycle as he strongly refused going to police station or claim through insurance. I paid almost 2k, this was the 5th accident I encountered this year.

Well, apart from the awful accident memory, the annual dinner went well.


I dressed up with baju kurung first time in my life, and just put on a simple make up. Nancy had arranged makeup artist and hairdresser to set her hair, a bit overwhelming for me.



But you can tell the difference, they looked amazing.

Poi Yee also won the best dress of the night, congratulations!


I travelled a lot in December, went to Singapore on leisure purpose for the first time, and also Malacca for Pek Shan’s wedding.


My QA manager gave all of us a Christmas socks with movie voucher, what a pleasant gift for celebrating 2018.


Mum cook my favourite tang yuan on the winter festival, this is one of the traditional food I insist eating every year during this time.


I have a run with my high school classmates at the botanic park, I think this is the first time I jogged with them because I usually prefer to run on my own pace. This park is really huge, but I still prefer to run at Taman Rakyat as I do not need to drive to the park. However, once in a blue moon, is good to gather with them for different activity.


Moreover, I also met Sia Yen and Ee Shan after so long, Ee Shan back in Malaysia for a vacation. We had a short yet fruitful gathering at Bangsar.


Cakes from Cafe - Meet Joe actually quite indulgent.





I also went to Pavillion with Shoei Yeou to see the fantastic Disney Christmas décor.





I received many souvenirs this month too, mainly because December is a peak travelling season, many of my friends had gone to travel.

I also received a post card from a so-called “friend” who I met via dating app when he travelled to Sri Lanka.


My closest colleague in Bakels, Shoei Yeou also brought me lots of souvenirs from Korea (I paid for most of it). I was so excited for her first trip in life, and also waited long enough for her to come back with my presents =P.


I am obsessed with Little Prince, so Jennifer (Shoei Yeou's cousin) who went to Korea with Shoei Yeou also bought me the Little Prince file and note book.

The 2019 Little Prince diary was bought on my own purchase when Shoei Yeou lure me via whatapps photo during her trip.


Then these are the postcards they get for me when they visited Petite France in Seoul. I went there before but I didnt get the postcards.


This umbrella also paid by myself, is from Daiso with Mickey pattern on it. 


Gachapons from Korea~


Never forget to ask my friend to buy Korean facial products for me.



This is souvenir from Shoei Yeou, from Jeju island.

I also requested her to buy a lot washi tapes this time from Daiso Korea. 

To note, my washi tapes collection is reaching max, I think I really need to strongly consider stop buying them.


Scheen had back in Malaysia too, she brought me some chocolate this time.


Jia Chyi had travelled to Hong Kong, and she brought this famous Chef Nic’s cookies for me, I think it was just ok.



Yi Mei also went to Taiwan for her wedding photo-shooting, I really love this postcard she posted to me.


Last is the souvenirs from Japan, thanks KC!


That’s how I spent my last month in 2018 =D

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