Lack of sleep last night, there are so many catch-up and event going on this weekend.
Yesterday was Derrick’s and Kong’s birthday dinner, then I planned for a movie + One U outing day for my family for tomorrow. As for today, I reserved for Nicky, who finally back in Malaysia for visit!
It was 4 years ago since we last met, then we sort of lost contact (or more like not actively keep in touch) until Nicky approached me during CNY this year. Apparently, she was and still facing some financial problem while having her whole family migrate to Perth. There were some ugly government rules going on and she really struggling to settle everything by her own. Somehow, I really impressed and amazed with her ability and strength to undergo all these hassles. It must be very difficult for her to keep the faith and continue putting effort to attain what she dreams for. I felt sorry for her, because I really couldn’t help much. Therefore, I didn’t really rush her to return me the money, as a friend, I trust her and I only can offer what I can do.
We had bak kut teh this morning, meaning I skipped my run and joined her for the fatty breakfast. However, I am good with the invitation because I know the missing of the local food while staying abroad. Moreover, she came all the way from Pahang (her hometown) to Klang to meet me, I am very happy to serve my guest. Thank you =D
We chat a lot, spending the whole morning at this famous bah kut teh restaurant in Klang. I always bring my friends here if anyone coming Klang for bah kut teh. I hope everything will be turning well at her side. Stay strong my friend. All the best and take care.
Wish you sort out everything smoothly, and we can arrange trip together somewhere =D.
After meeting Nicky, Chyi asked me for coffee in the afternoon, of course I happily said yes though I was thinking to have some rest at home, either reading books or continued my crochet/scarf knitting. But then, it is hard to turn down invitation especially it was from Chyi, because recently she just resigned before getting a job and struggled to get a job too. I guess both of us need a listener.
We met each other at MOKA, this newly opened café at Botanic area. I had this colorful waffle for my lunch because still full from my breakfast this morning. Actually, I ordered a croissant first but they had run out. So, it is fated to have sweet today ^^.
The waffle looks pretty but actually very hard and ordinary for the taste. Good that they come with wholesome combination of fruits, and the ice cream given is a large scoop to match with the hard waffle.
I chat a lot with Chyi today too, couldn’t believe we can chat that much and have such a deep conversation. Recently, I realized somehow having a deep and meaningful conversation with some sort of non-close friends are better. Your close friend is not entirely knowing you that well and also willing to listen. I realized that in different stages of life, we met different people to heal our pain, they can be someone had been closed to you, or someone getting closer in the future, or even someone who you might not able to meet again. Somehow, I think, to blame or judge the meaning of friendship is a bit irrelevant, because friends in need might not be always the bestie you thought. Moreover, everyone has their own life, she/he might be stand by your side in the past, but that doesn’t mean that they will always able to stand by your side every time you need.
So, I am learning to let go, to let go the bonding, to let go that I don’t need them all the time. Maybe it sounds extreme, but I felt like I would like to cherish the time we spend together in the future rather than blaming them not accompanying or understanding me when I need. Not sure what’s the meaning of friendship, but I do know the reality is you can’t demand people to be what you wish for.
Anyways, thanks Chyi and Nicky for being a listener today. At least I am grateful that I still have some friends who willing to hear while I need even though we were not that close =)
Thank you =)
Lastly i forgot to share that Pek Shan gifted me a little bottle of Victoria Secret perfume, she said only a few friends of her getting this. I felt special =) thank you~