Woke up early in the morning again as we are taking shuttle to visit akaroa!!!
I am really panic in the morning, thought that the akaroa shuttle might forget my booking
While in the mean time, dennis and ken is having fun with the pool
Hmmm~ I should relax~
After the shuttle came, we began our one day journey~
We stopped by a small town, named little river…
I bought 2 colorful, shining stones~

Meanwhile, I just figured out that actually our one day trip is like road trip
We passed a lot of mountains and get to see the brilliant view of bank peninsula
Our shuttle driver, Ian, is our tour guide too!! He is so friendly~

I forgot how long we took to arrive akaroa~
I just remember how hungry I am…..starving~
Akaroa is a nice place, peaceful, quiet, BEAUTIFUL!!!
Actually we should have lunch at the French farm winery, but unfortunately it was closed that day….
Nevertheless, we have our awesome lunch platter at Bully hales
We have fresh salmon, mussels and other seafood….various breads with different tasty spread~
Ian was nice, he told us a lot of information about Christchurch and akaroa

We went for a walk after our delicious meal.
We went to the light house, the museum, the little garden~
Akaroa is a small town, but is a hot tourist attraction during summer time!

We went barrybay cheese factory to get some cheese on the way back Christchurch
I have started like cheese, but definitely cant take with bleu cheese!!
It is actually like our Chinese smelly tofu, some people like it, but I really cannot take it~
We have gone straight away to Ancestral at richarton after we returned Christchurch
It was really fun and happy can sing ktv for three hours
And I have bubble tea!!! ^^
What’s a great night!!!

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i am tired but still need to wake up in the early morning....
our backpacker actually is nice, but the fan heater really useless~
after having breakfast, we went to i-site to buy triple pass ticket for a combo of tram, punting and gondola
and so surprise! i met ginny!!! she come christchurch with her family and some frens
the world is small!!!!
but indeed, there are heaps of people from dunedin come christchurch for a trip~
however, ginny is the only one i met!!! and she dint tell me she was there...maybe this is fate =)
and then I finally got my 1st bus card in my life....
thanks to dennis, this big bus-fans figure out how the convenient and confused metro bus networks in christchurch works

we have our lunch at a sushi shop before we went for the tram
the tram is fun, although the loop is really short....
it seems like they would like to extend the tram loop, hope it done next time i back christchurch~

we get a stop at the art centre, we are so lucky it is a sunday as there is a market!!!
We tried the nuts and crepes (i wonder i spelled correctly)
the seller fried various nuts with caramel~ and the one so impressed me is the brazil nuts
brazil nuts is the sources of selenium, i always heard from human nutrition class
haha, i finally get a taste, is awesome!!!
after the food, we went for punting...
we should have booked for punting in the avon in stead of in the park
although the punting guy is cool~==haha
but punting is fun!!! i actually scared the boat will drown~

next stop, we went canterbury museum....
again, i felt we were lucky in this trip
we got chance to see the paua shell house, the maori performance and the special human body event...
the paua shell actually was located at bluff, a small town at the end of nz
but after the owner passed away, the museum moved the bouse and exhibit for mayb a short time....
i am not so sure, dint pay attention to the musuem guide....
but the house is impressing tho~

for the human body event, actually is testing our various body part response and reaction...
the museum set a lots of funny stuff (forgive me, i dunno how to describe)....
we went home for a rest and decided to walk pass the hagley park until we reach ricarton
okay, i shall explain....
our backpacker is beside hagley park, and richarton is at another side of hagley park
we were brave enough to walk pass the large hagley park in the evening night in winter~
and finally, we failed....
we dint lost, we just return back to the original place...
we just walk past the hagley park half way, and in between, we walked back to the direction where we came from~
nevermind, we continue walking as we gave up using hagley park as a "shortcut"
again, we end ups get into another park for a shortcut, and i believe actually that is part of hagley park as well....==
we got into a dead end....nevermind, keep walking....

finally, after maybe nearly 2 hours or 1 hours (i dunno)
we reached richarton~
we found the ktv restaurant, we found the yum cha place
but we dint go either~ maybe we are too tired
we got our dinner in a korean restaurant
the dishes is really felt like original korean style dishes and until i felt so lost
i dunno if i really in new zealand....cz my 1st thought, this asian thing...asian people is too much in here....
mayb just the night i am too moody and tired~

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haha, our trip begin~
I slept quite late the previous night although i need to wake up at 6am this morning
luckily i have already packed up all my stuff
we went to mcdonald have a heavy breakfast before we went to "fetch" ken
our intercity bus depart at 7.30am and our bus driver is so frenly~^^

it was nearly 6 hours drive, luckily the bus is comfortable~
we get our 1st stop at oamaru, is a small town...
juz so sad i missed the hot chocolate in timaru, the second and official stop.
we got 30 mins but we just walking around and took photo....
and the coffee shop was just in front where the bus stop~ too bad
a woman in our bus missed the bus and caught a cab to catch up us
and she actually did reach our third stop, Ashburton
however, she failed....i wonder how much she paid for the cab~
around half past one in the afternoon, we finally arrived christchurch, the garden city!
dennis is always be pro one in direction....i think he can replace the gps system or map....haha^^
we walked to our backpacker, dorset house

after we settled down, we went to town to have lunch....of cz we are starving~
we were impressed (mayb just me and dennis as ken come before)by this "asian city"
i think auckland could be more asian~
we have our lunch at a hong kong restaurant
but according to dennis, the dishes is not hk cz is too sucks, LOL
dennis had top-up his timezone card. he was so excited to find the 湾案Dx game in here
buy the 'kids' here is too childish, maybe i shall say is not gentle man enough....
apparently, they are just 'kids'....long stories
but dennis was enjoying his game, obviously~

we walked around the street in the centre city, is huge compared with dunedin!!!
cathedral square is beautiful, the church itself is so classic and amusing~
and i like the tram so much!!!
we went to the i-site (visitor centre), although dint figure out what we going to do then
finally, we decided to get dinner....==
we cant find the okonayaki (japanese pizza)that ken wanted,
and we just gone to the chinese restaurant

christchurch transport actually is convenient, we took the free shuttle to pak n save
at first, we still intend to buy food for our meals in next few days
but ends up, we only bought 2 tuna cans for breakfast
and dennis, he bought 6-pack steinlager beer....
we had our first night in christchurch with beer and poker cards
i forgot what time i slept, but for sure, is very late~

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要去christchurch 和 kaikoura
我的sem break trip.....

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