
 so packed up my luggage, and i am on my way to Dunedin today after leaving there for nearly 3 yrs

was so panic this morning, concerned about my luggage weight so much

well, my concern did fall in place, i got 24.5kg for my first big check-in luggage, but less than 7kg for my second but very packed and small check-in bag

i must said Air NZ policy is very weird, or perhaps they have their own reason

if apply common sense, though my first luggage had exceed their allowance which is 23kg (by just a kilo!), and myself bought a prepaid second luggage before (similar allowance, 23kg) and was far from the allowance weight, it should be ok to have my first luggage exceeding the allowance right?

i mean if u total up, it is still less than 46kg (23kg x 2) hello!?

but the counter lady strictly replied: this is our policy, u need to take out one kilo from yr luggage.

I was actually very helpless when i heard that, and just thought it was nonsense!

with grudge, i opened my luggage and see what i could do, omg, i really dunno what should i do, i took off my thermal flask, my water bottle, but hold on, they dont even weigh a kilo! then the counter lady was so kind, she was like: u can take this out...bla bla bla and removed my stuffs from my luggage which really very 'helpful' as she suggested i can put them under hand carry

excuse me, cant u see i am ald holding a laptob bag and a hand carry which is so compact with me?

and she also good enough to suggest me using my handbag in my luggage to carry some items out, come on, i ald had 2 hand carry, if i carry an extra handbag, dont i against yr policy too?

probably she only realized the problem later, she let me go, by hinting she was nice. Oh i also forgot, she even complained why everyone going dunedin today, all the planes were full

oh well, how should i know....anyways, i managed to carry all my stuffs except the thermal flask and water bottle...=(

u must wonder why should i carried both of them, because i am on my South island trip from today onwards for 20 days...and is WINTER!

alright, back to today trip, i actually transited via Christchurch to my destination - Dunedin, where I used to spend 3 yrs for my degree

the aeroplane to dunedin was very small but comfy, the seat is actually very big, and the air stewardness were very frenly

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I guess for a long time, i will miss air NZ service...


The flight was smooth, and was so relieved when i saw my luggage sitting on the conveying belt 'safely'

actually my big crocodile branded luggage had been following me nearly 5 yrs, and it was very steady because it still stand a good quality though u can find some ruined marks on it. Then i also arrived Mrs Ng hse smoothly...i really thankful for Mrs Ng for able to let me lifting my main stuffs at her hse during my trip, because it would be very problematic if i need to carry my luggage all around.

i quickly packed up my trip backpack and gone to meet Jen. We had a pancake brunch at Capers...

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 I ordered the pancake of the month: lemon meringue pancake. I used to like Capers' pancake before I gone to Sydney last yr, but after eaten the soft and smooth pancake at the rocks, i must said no any pancake could beat it.

The Capers' pancake was too thick for me, and the lemon meringue are so sweet ....><, oh well, i guess i shouldnt complain as i chose the wrong food.


Then i walked around the town with Jen, and also realized it was course approval today for Otago Uni, that's explained why all the planes to Dunedin were full

I could easily recognized the changes to several shops, like they changed their names, or changed the painting color...and some renovations...and some new shops..

My mood was not that excited as I thought, perhaps it was just unbelievable that i am back!

i still familiar with the street and the directions. We ended up walked in to the newly opened Otago settlers museum before Sze back to Dunedin tonight


The museum is very modern and well organized. Though it is small, but it has a lot of exhibition, i reckon is a good place to kill time

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even got chance to try how the old days Victorian lady outfit, haha, i was just lazy to put on the remain top layer, cz it was too dirty and heavy



At first i thought it was a pasta maker, but it is an old time washing machine!


yup, they even exhibited the old days tram and buses inside the museum!  


the advance of technology~ 




I also kindly filled up the wish for Dunedin's future, i do think it will be brighter =)


We went for flying squid to buy some takeaways for dinner after the museum visit, but before that, clumsy me actually fall down while crossing the road! =S

i really stupid for not tied up my shoe laces firmly and because of this, it ruined my plan for the glacier walk later.

but things happened, i couldnt go backwards, i have to just move forward and go for my takeaways

well, the fish n chips shop kept their standard, but raised the price. However, it was still reasonable price and good food =)

Sze finally back around 8.30pm, and i was so surprised she DIY a teddy bear for me!!


I was wondering she said she had a 500g gift for me before i come, i am completely out of mind she will hand made a bear for me!

and it is not just a normal bear, it is a specially hand-made bear, with movable head and limbs, which a special fren used her precious time to make for me!

I am really touched and grateful with Sze, i am very happy that she treasured our friendship so much =) <3 <3 <3

I guess it is a big success in life if u found a good fren who also think you are a good fren to him/her. I am very happy i found one =) Not only making this statement because she made me a bear, it from all the time we had knew each other, and all the things that we gone trough together.

Glad that I return Dunedin and Sze is here! =)


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