
Yes finally have the chance to dine in at awarded best cafe in town 2012!

I was having my italian dinner at Tomato cafe with Nicole today (too bad they dont have an official website)



I've been tempting about it so long over, my close colleague did criticize about their bad boss, but come on, i am eating there not working there~

and so glad i come tonight!


the cafe have a good environment, well it was very hard to take good photos due to the dim light environment



We were sitting at the upstairs, unbelievable the interiority looked very organized althought it is not spacious.

However i can imagine how compact it could be if people are having party here.

IMAG0738IMAG0740  IMAG0741  


The only thing i would like to complain is the time for my meal arrival.

It was pretty slow as they were not having many customers tonight, but the waitress indeed had a very good customer service.


My meal finally arrived!! I ordered a meat ball spagetti for the first time.


I am not a meat ball fan, dont like their taste/texture, but i just craving for red tomato sauce rather than a carbonara white-ish sauce.

so i ordered this, and actually it was lovely.


The cafe made their home-made spagetti, it is so chewy and come with good-bite!

Sauce was very enriched but not too saucy or cheesy, very suited my appetite!

For the first time i brought a 'doggy bag' (take away) home from a fine-dining western/italian cuisine...

I am happy for the second lunch tomorrow =D


so what's next? Their home-made pizza =P


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