
Long time no see, my beloved blog, felt like a stranger when I saw my own blog page, I've forgotten the new blog design page I saved before I gone home.

So yes, it've been a while....sorry for the late update my followers, I've been too much fun =P LOL

was away in Perth for trip and back home (Malaysia) for holidays in the entire Feb, and now I am back NZ for almost a week.

It had been a chaos to me, to make story simple, I've moved out from my favourite flat at South Street to Baxter which I lived in when I first arrived Palmy.

Apparently, 3 guys had moved in to my ex-flat and I felt extremely uneasy and uncomfortable to stay with them.

I guess is just a simple logic that 3 guys + 1 girl in the hse ---> danger!


Haha, perhaps I was too over, oh well, i couldnt stand the dirty bathroom and toilet, I couldnt stand the loud music and annoying computer games voices, I just want to have some peace and quiet time for the rest of my 4 months in NZ.

Am I demand for too much? I paid for my rent, and I was a good tenant, I cleaned the hse, and I couldnt even get a good sleep at night??

no way, is troublesome to move out in such a short time, and i dont think i can tolerate these for the coming 4 months so i chose to move out.

Once again, I glad with my decision though i am paying a higher rent and limited internet data, i am very grateful i get to stay back in Baxter again.



I was so panic when Russell told me i was not allowed to move in for a short term stay, thanks for his effort to try to get a room for me, and also thanks to the manager, Tania, thanks to her changing her mind for letting me get a prompt moving. =)

I also felt so grateful that so many frens and strangers were so helpful on getting me a new flat info, and Nicole, Ping who helped me with the moving.

So I am fully settled i guess, although unpacked plastic bags are still all over the place, lol....anyways, here a snapshot of my new place


So just a simple introduction: I got a queen sized bed now (weeeee....!), and have my own bathroom (the best thing ever), I got a mini fridge too which with a mini freezer in it!, and a small but useful wardrobe, a small bed table which i can place my Paris Eiffel tower and clock on top, and my desk is big enough to place all my messy items...hehehe


I was staying here at Baxter (while in a different unit) while i first come Palmy for internship, is kinda interesting that I start my Palmy life from Baxter and I also going to end my Palmy life with Baxter.

Is this mean 从哪里开始就从哪里结束?I am pretty sure I am going to miss my old flat, but i am going to enjoy my stay at Baxter for this coming 4 months. Have great fun vivian!

Say Hi to the cutest dog in Palmy! Is Russell favourite pet ever, and Baxter's favourite of all....oops the name to be verified =P

palmerston north 001

she is cute isnt it?


P/S: I will manually reblog my trip  back in February asap, stay following my readers....=)

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