i gone to fishing again! But this time is at the harbour instead of going to deep sea area

trip today also resulted better compared to the last one as none of us having seasick! Yeah!

Besides, we no longer need the annoying fishing gear this time as we were not after big sea fishes.



this is our boat, and u can spot me on the top deck, the one at the right~


haha, actually i did take 2 seasick pills before i went on the same fishing boat, but i guess the sea was real calm tonight...

yep, we gone for night fishing trip!! Sound fun and a bit...scary? haha

well summer in NZ did save us some light, the dark night didnt come until 9 ish pm, leave with us clear vision and brilliant sight for catching fishes~



Here our group...u may notice i was in a winter-like wear, well never predict the weather in the sea

this outfit save me from the coldness aproached us in sudden around 8pm..


I also spotted lots of jelly fishes this time!!


Got more fishing attempts for this trip, felt like i am capable to attain the fishing skill, lol


well, thought i caught fishes for many times, end up was so many tangles as we were really closely standing with each other...

around 20ppl in the boat, plus not a big one.



He was the winner of today, elder son of  my colleague, Karen. He caught a manificant elepant fish!


and his younger brother got the most luck for this trip, caught 6 fishes!!!


Well, thought luck was not with me this time, but patience paid off!!

Sergey and Pramond was telling me: 'Vivian, i think u caught a fish..', I was like reeling back the fishing rod and doubting as I had been through tangles after tangles


and then, out of my expectation...i caught a sea perch (or called scarpee)



although i just caught one for the whole trip but still happy that i caught the first fish in my life!!

Proud of myself hehe =P



note: we eventually caught like around 20 fishes, but everyone was just having perhaps 200-300g of fillet due to the tiny size of the fishes...and i dint get mine as i gave them specially for chyimei..=) hope them tasted good!!


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