
  I purposely skip blogging on April fool, as I was not fooled by anyone, and it was a boring Sunday regardless of the starting of daylight saving.

I was pretty bored recently, or being lazy. I was wondering why was I so energized last year, and went to those tiring crossing, I getting old? Or just because I am having homesick?

Well, I claimed that because this happened after I back from Malaysia.

I really missed the time in Malaysia, but come on, I need to be tough as I had made a decision, no matter how the outcome turns out to be.

I should feel more grateful, i kept on reminding this to myself these days. My parents love me so much, they support my every decisions, they accept all my weakness, and they stand for me when I need them. I know that my friends in Malaysia or NZ will be a listener when I need to talk, although I do feel apart from them. My supervisors and colleagues treasured me a lot, and they were trying so hard for get me a position even though I hate my job.

Being so loved, I shouldn’t complain and be dissatisfied. I should appreciate for what I am having, and be happy for that. I blame the weather, blame the season, and blame myself the most.


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