Yeah, visa is annoying, the rushing from massey was even disgusting
Why are they that worried I might just leave my visa expired without thinking to renew it?
Ok, they remind me before I back Malaysia, and remind me again as soon as I arrived?
And the ridiculous thing was, I just passed the employee supplementary form to massey, and they were like: when can u give us yr new visa??
Excuse me, if u dint completed that form and pass to me, how would I got renew my visa?
Probably they really scared of hiring illegal workers aye?
So, I don’t like people rushing me, so I just immediately went to the immigration office today and summited all documents.
Yea, the immigration office was very efficient, they rang me like 3 hrs later, asking me if my employer going to extend my contract, or else they could provide a longer duration of visa for me.
I like: I am not sure, then they like: if that case, sorry, we only able to give u the duration up to August.
Ok, I already expected, go ahead. I just need a renewed visa anyways.
So, I will collect it tomorrow then, at least after this nice meal
chicken kebab, yum! (got it special at pak n save ^^)