
rainbow = promise, which means if u see a rainbow, that's a promise~

Last year during ski trip at queenstown, we made a promise that we will go for ski trip together again this year, our promise was reminded by the 3 rainbows we saw on the same day!

however, I guest promise sometimes in meant to be broken, hehe, negative right? But indeed we couldnt make it, as hueyyee back malaysia, jen and jo at south island, wann zhen at auckland and me alone in palmy. I was hoping that it is possible for us to make it, but....well

wann zhen texted me on the last minute to go for ski trip 2 weeks ago, and ya, what u expect??

so, eventually I went to ski trip with my colleagues, but is not a ski trip for me, as I hurt my back last week, so I decided to skip it. Well actually I am quite regret to go with them.

I felt so lonely sitting in the cold and wet bench, surrounded by the snow and chilly air and freezing rain....while everyone were having fun with the snow~

I rang up sze abit, but it only last for an hour, and for the remain hours, I did nothing.....

my feet was so cold, and I felt uncomfortable with the cold and loneliness, what the heck I am doin here!?

and ya, is a wrong group of people to go with, I am thinking, eventho my back is fine, I will be left out as I am not skillful as them, as most of them are europeans....As asian, we are definitely lose in physical~

oh well, is a good lesson to learn, must be more consider next ski trip, if I still have the chance...

I missed ski trip last yr at the remarkables, despite of how I hate the ski boot, it so tight and hurt my feet!! Well, I am glad that at least I have a very good ski experience last yr, and this yr ski trip made me more appreciate the last ski trip i have =)


from left to right: guena, sara, uma, ping, susannze, me and sophie =)


all of us with our big 12- seats van! and really thumbs up for guena drive us back all the way =)



ok, no ski for me, but one photo to prove that I am at the ski field~


and last, whakapapa ski field is the largest ski field in nz, but it is not beautiful as the wonderful remarkables field at Queenstown, and sooo crowded!!

I am still feeling better to skip the ski this time. =)

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