Alright back to the 100 happy days post, here comes the summary from day 12 to 32 after my last post.
Within these past 20 days, some of the details were written is separated post, these 20 days seems more contented mainly because it was my birthday period =P
Day 12 : see details here, it was the off-site training with my colleague, and followed up by a short cafe hopping at Kota Kemuning.
Day 13 was definitely a surprise for me, i thought it was from Sze when i saw the envelop written my name on it, and with such familiar blue sticker , which usually seen on mail delivered from NZ.
Moreover, the writting is quite similar as Sze, but when I revealed the card, and read til the end only realized it was from Nicole!
What an unexpected gift, she also attached a small Eiffel tower earing with the card. I am kinda shocked because i wouldnt expect she still remember my birthday and willing to send me a gift.
Although i dont wear earing (i dont even pierce my ears ==), but still grateful to receive such a gift, especially she knew i love macaron and eiffel tower which not many people know.
Reading her card somehow remind me those beautiful days in NZ, then look at us now, far apart from each other, not sure if we still the same, however, hope she still doing great and enjoy her life now.
Day 14 was actually a throw back, i used to watch lots of Arashi show when i was in NZ, but since back Malaysia, i missed most of their variety shows and dramas.
Not just because I was not updated, there are too many stuffs to be watched, and the resources that I used to watch these shows somehow had gone.
It was really struggling to find the available online video, especially with subtitles, Hopefully i could register myself with the Japanese learning course soon.
Day 15 was the meet up with Cheryl, refer here for more details.
While on Day 16, dad want to have dinner at this restaurant on its last day of business.
Actually the food here was just ok, only a few signature dishes are nice, but is quite sad to find out they finally could not sustain the business and decided to move back to where they originally from.
Look at Loey, so innocent looking on the dish. lol
I will miss the claypot pork rice very much.
Day 17 - starbucks after a long while! Thanks to Elsa, my new intern, she loved Starbucks so much and know all the most advanced promotion details.
I had this frappe at 30% off =) but taste was just ok for this new and limited edition of yuzu match frappe,
p/s: why everyone spelled my name wrongly =(
Day 18 - cute jelly at QA kitchen, but taste was just ok.
Day 19 - the little devil "attacked" us again! lol
Day 20 - watched Kingsman! see the review here
Love the movie ticket, if in future every movie ticket had this at the back, i will collect them all =D
Day 21 is about the dessert in Mykori, but that friday was also the same day i went to KLCC exhibition, while day 22 was my actual birthday.
I also threw back the fancy dessert I had on my actual birthday on day 23, day 24 was the gathering with my friends.
Day 25, threw back my beautiful durian cake~
Day 26 was the moon cake festival, and day 27 was the gathering with Derrick and Wai Ee, followed by another gathering with my colleagues on day 28,
Both details for day 27 and 28 can find here.
On day 29, which was a Saturday, i discovered something new at my home! Is the buttlefly pea flower~ I didnt know mum had planted it for such a long time, and they were blooming for some days.
Mum used them to make the blue tea, nice ^^
It is actually very easy to find happy things around me, but to post it on Insta somehow was hard. So day 30 and 31 were throwbacks. But i am still happy though =)
On day 32, i posted a positive note on Insta, anyways, i had went through 32 days and i am happy so far and will stay positive !