We always say time flies and this year gone so fast every year, while i guess time really dont wait.
Hence I wish to write blog for single day but never get to do it because i am too greedy and wish to do too many stuff in a day.
However, I am on the way trying to blog on time and hopefully could make it happen one day!
November has nearly come to an end, before entering the last month of the year, here some throwback of the past week.
McDonald's launched the new breakfast item, which is the local chinese favourite - you char kuih
However, i think it is too expensive, you can simply get a cheaper and better one at the stalls.
Yes, i still eating McD's nowaday, and the frequency of eating it was higher than I used to have in Macfood, just because my Malay colleagues really lovin it!
Had sashimi rice bowl at Rakuzen while meeting up Pek Shan and Wai Ee.
We continued our conversation at the bar aroud Oasis square, gossip so much about Macfood and talked about so much thing about guys lol.
I also had completed my baking course after sacrifising my weekend for nearly 3 months.
The institute hold a potluck session on the last day, everyone bought/brought something good for the feast.
There were so many food, but most of them were fast food. It was too hard for the busy people to prepare nice food.
My awesome team, i definitely will miss the time we spare together, Justin's lame joke, Chery's confident smile, and Song's calmness when facing silly us. LOL
And the Nepal Chef, for sure we will miss you ~
We also got our certificate, now everyone is a part time baker, lol.
Not forgot to mention I also got my new car~ Finally bought a car for myself, but the choice was under my parents.
I never thought of buying any specific brand of car, I do understand the need for me to get a car especially I was driving my mum's and my brother lend his for my mum.
So there is a need of an extra transport in the house.
Dad had been saying to get a car since last year, and i thought i would buy a Pichanto but ended up in 1 random Sunday afternoon, they went into Perdua showroom while I was paying my phone prepaid top up at the convenience store next to the show room.
After I entered the showroom, they told me to get the latest Perdua Bezza! WTH?
Hence, this what i mean, I bought the car just following my parent's wish because I do not know what car is the best for driving and easily to be maintained for a longer life.
I chose the brown color which actually looks like dark purple.
Now, need to pay loan for each month for the coming 5 years....hmmm...
Also met Karen last Friday after her return from Osaka. Yeah, she went there 2months after me.
We met at AM: PM cafe, and I got the nice big breakfast.
Nice in terms there were many greens and the combination was really generous. Chili beans, mushroom, cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, sausage, bacon, potatoes.....AWESOME!
Karen also brought me many nice souvenier~
She also kind enough to help me get this special edition Starbucks anniversary tumbler.
I whatapps her while she was in Japan, and requested for Kobe version, and it was so coincidentally she was in Kobe that day!
Basically, these anniversary covered all the region in Japan with different design and color for each region.
The series include metal tumbler, plastic customized tumbler, mug, and the special edition of starbuck cards.
It was launched 1 week after my return from Japan! So i was really gutted to miss it, thank god Karen gone to Japan and finally got one for me.
The Kobe version or the Hokaiddo version were the apple of my eyes.
Look at this:
I never bought any Starbuck product before, and this was my first item! The price aint cheap but i always want a quality tumbler and i believe i never regret buying it.
The snack Karen brought also very unique, the mochi was wrapped nicely in a rough paper, but this mochi taste was just alright.
But this dry scallop which she bought at the Osaka local market was really yummy!
It was quite huge and taste good chewing it! Too bad i never see this while i was there!
Last but not the least, How (the new joined sales baker) baked this colorful cookies. I am pretty sure it will get heat for Raya!
Life is colorful isn't it?