Wow time flies, I am re-blogging the 2016 posts now, I am trying to catch up all the posts in order to make myself to write up posts on time and hopefully managed to write a post every single day.
Hmmm... I wonder if I had so many things to write, but confirm I had lots to throw back!
There are quite many peple that I knew are born in January, the begining of the year.
We celebrated 3 birthdays in 1 day - Faeezah and Kak siti from our department and also Gin Seng fron IT department.
I managed to prank Gin Seng that my computer was broken and dragged him to R&D office, LOL.
Surprisingly I am good on acting fool and lying hehehe...(something fishy....)
More birthdays coming up in R&D, by then, Happy birthday January babies~