Purposely went to work at 6am today because i hoped i could leave office before 5pm as we planned to celebrate mum's birthday tonight at a restaurant in Subang.

Had been working very hard lately on the mess i created, no complaint, because i was not precise enough, and i am trying my best to fix the shit and come out with a best solution.

Anyway, thanks to my boss understanding, i still able to leave work around 5pm and celebrate mum's big day.

The dinner at Sin Long Huat was not bad, at least we were fed well, and satisfied with the meal standard. 


Brother and his wife bought a lovely cake from the Hokkaido baked cheese tast store, so surprised they doing cake nowadays too. Economic is really bad, too many competitors.

And we as the customers are the most happy one, get to enjoy the food rather than worrying on the business owner situation....ironic right.



The naughty girl would love to blow the candle on behalf of her nanny, and she did. LOL




I actually think this cheese cake they made was really good, not too sweet, and they used very generous ingredients, with lots of nuts and good quality of cheese (soft and smooth).


The base is also very good, is actually a densed carrot cake base rather than traditional butter-biscuit crumb. 

Size was not too big, but good enough for a family, and cost RM35 is actually quite reasonable. 

Hopefully they would have good business with such a tranformation focusing on new baked goods.

Lastly, happy birthday mum <3



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It had been a while since our last gathering, and this time is for Bpeng birthday~ 



Macaroni was picked this time, but it was really a bad idea, the food was so expensive and really salty. 

Another thing that pissed me off was the limited parking space, although the place itself is well known to own a large compartment, but they even hired guard to control the traffic and direct the parkings, but it was really bad that they set the parking spaces in front of the shop at a very narrow space.

The guard directed me to the space and seriously I could not able to reverse my car to fit into the parking space, it had no extra space for me to even slightly turn my car. 

My car front wheel actually torn the wooden chair (a little one) placed in front of the shop twice! I was so pissed off and luckily Bean just arrived and told me to park at the road side which was a much better idea.

So with a bad emotion being set off, i entered this place which recently gaining popularity in Klang.




I can tell this place is famous because of the environment, and i also frankly told the others that the review was bad.

Indeed, i was right, the price is steep, even a simple salad cost RM20! Not even mention about the drinks, all of us had just RO water, refillable but cost RM1!

The price was ridiculous, even the seafood spagetti i ordered come with so called luxurious seafood - mussels, scallop , squids and shrimps, the taste was way too salty.


This plate cost me RM35! which had not include GST and service charges. 


I had to admit the service was considered good because the chicken leg Chyi ordered was undercooked and the restaurant decided to wipe off the charges for that plate and also gifted a complimentary dessert. 

Only thing is the dessert they gifted was real bad. 

Well, the main character tonight was not the food, but is our dear friend, Bpeng.




Happy to gather tonight, and we still had lots of fun conversation. 

Anyway, happy birthday~


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Sometimes, I really enjoy being by my own, spending time wandering around the mall, having meal by myself can be quite a stress relief for me.

It's just somehow I wished to just being with myself, think about what to eat without caring others thought, buy the thing i want without have to think much of other opinions.

It had been a while since i did this last time, and today i decided to do so because of the stressful job caused by my mistakes recently.

I was thinking maybe i should just back home and rest, but somehow, i would like to just be by my own tonight, so i went to Pyramid without hesistation.

Of course i picked here for a reason, because i saw the sales on voir online yesterday, and without deep research, thought that they have a outlet at Pyramid.

So wrong~ Voir actually moved out from Pyramid for a while already, so i just went to watson and other shops.

I picked Poke Bear for dinner, saw this kiosk last month and thinking to give it a try.

Price was actually steep for such a salad bowl, but i like the environment because it is located near to the entrance of Sunway Lagoon, and there were not many people passed by at this area. 

I always love this kind of hidden area, I dont have to care how others view on me having dinner by myself. 

In fact, i didnt care much tonight while chosing to have my salad rice bowl here. 



I chose my own combination of bowl, like they have such a good varieties to choose, and the staffs are very friendly especially he come to serve me rather that i go to collect by my own.

I was actually being cheered a bit after having meal here, food was actually ordinary, but the salmon was fresh and quite a lot too. Thank you.

Love this kind of motivation, it could be by myself, or by the food, or even by the friendly staff with a good smile. Life is tough, but there is good thing to keep us moving forward~

I didnt get to shop much tonight, but surprisingly i had other acquisition~

Look at this! Malaysian landmark in lego! All done by local creative "part-time" designer, i think they got a proper job but also love lego a lot.

Thank you for create all these and also show to the public, because i really enjoy watching all these~


Malacca red house, was done so cutely~


Guess where is below landmark, i havent visited this place too, is at BOH tea plantation at Cameron Highland~


Inside also was precisely made~



Then is the A famosa at Malacca, i also could recognise this although it the color was not the exact one. 


Next is an islamic heritage park at Terengganu, it was done beautifully~


I visited this place before - Berjaya beach resort at Tioman island. nice =) 


Definitely is the landmark for Malaysians, the parliment. 


National Museum also very nice, is a huge creation here.


even the back also being taken care.


I guess this is the old central railway station~


Then i also could recognise this though i also never been there - Lake Taiping~



This is Angkasapuri~


The modern rapid station was also precisely made, love this so much~


Even the train inside also detailed defined, reminded me of what i had seen in kyoto.




Every corner also can encounter surprise, this is why i really like to see this kind of construction and architecture. 

Next is the famous Penang Kek Lok Si temple~ nice!!


This was labelled as HSBC building at Sungai Petani, Kedah. very cutely displayed. 


a typical scene of kampung life was named for this exhibition, indeed is typical, is at beach~



Then, the last exhibition i encountered is this jalan jalan cari makan, i guess it is to resemble a large food court with Malaysian local food store, indicate how all Malaysians are foodie.


Nasi campur~






ooh, i saw satay, so cute!


there's also other smaller, mini landmark creation at another display side. Actually the collection was yet to complete, i still saw some staff is assembling the other landmarks, so i think the collection of the exhibition should be done by 31st August. Thinking to come again for another visit....


Well, the independent day is coming soon, and i think it is a good idea to set such an artistic and creative exhibition~ 

Although i encountered a short while power outstage once reaching home tonight, and need to shower in the dark, but thank god that the outstage was just a very short time. 

It was still a happy day, and i really think i was blessed. So keep moving forward vivian!


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Alright, is family day today too, woke up considered early this morning to accompany my parents to Rawang to settle the tenants left over at my dad's other property. 

Then, we decided to go Puchong to try out my cousin's new open Bak Kut Teh restaurant. 

Honestly opening a Bak Kut Teh restaurant at Puchong area is really risky, especially with the rental fee of RM5k per month, it is really tough.

I could tell it is really very challenging to attract business here, especially there is not much customers when we arrived.

But not sure if there are more customers at other time, as we were quite late for lunch because we were lost on our way to here @@

However, i think there was a standard of food quality at my cousin's restaurant, not very yummy, but not bad either. 

Hopefully he can hang in there and wish there is more customers in the coming days. 

So lucky to find out that his restaurant is just beside the famous Moonlight Cake House, i had always wanted to visit here some time ago. 

Saw this famous durian cake, RM99 for 500g! OMG, i am still considering shall i buy it on my birthday. 


Then, there is also a Totoro fondue! So cute~


We bought some breads, i got myself a chicken floss and sausage bun, it was quite nice.



Dad also suggested to buy a full cake because i told him this cake house is famous with their cakes. So i picked the yuzu cake~



RM61 indeed not cheap, but i quite like it, it was very dense, and not too sweet. However, if mention about the tastiness, i still think Switch cafe did a better job =) 

That's all for my weekend~


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